So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 18: 18- Undercover Agents

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The gate to the back alley tavern opened, announcing the guests arrival with a sound bell. That got ignored by the clamorous chatters in the old restaurants Hall, like a tiny pebble dropped in a lake at a rainy day; Not even able to cause a proper ripple. But the presence of the arrived guest couldn't be ignored. Most of the people at least took a glance at them, some are even outright glaring at them for the reason unknown. 

"Psst! Psst!... Waazir, did they catch our scent?" The towering red giant of 8ft tall, barely-whispered through his tusk. Draped in simple, thin brown robes, with no protection gears, barely able to fit his red bulky body, revealing his bursting chest muscles and the glaring crimson skin underneath; revealing his non-human origins. A rare half-orc. 

"See, Bucky told you. We should have hidden our scent properly, even Bucky can smell you from a mile" He grumbles. Rubbing his nose, he tried to adjust his sensitivity. Annoyed by the thick stench of beer, sweat, rotten wood mixed in the air, assaulting his mind altogether. 

Frowning. The partner of the red hulk, spits out his half burned cigar. Without the care of who will clean it up later, before locking his dark eyes at the grumbling red hulk-in human clothes  "Last time Bucky, I'm telling you this, one last time. Humans can't smell a shit!..."

"Bu... But, captain Hermann just said today, that you smell like a shit..." Confused, Bucky scratched his head, causing his hood to slid back. Revealing his crimson red visage and small pointy ears. 

"Urgh! Of course, that was a metamorph you-... Put it back!" Jumping, he forced back his hood in place. Causing his own hood to slid back in return, showing his long back hairs tied in a bun and a sunken face, reeks of tiredness "Urgh! Fuck!"

Back in shape. Waazir, watched the tavern with his sharp eyes, while his partner continued where he left off "Then, why are they all still staring at us? Did they already knows we're from Ganes-"

"Keep quiet" Hissing, Cutting him off. Waazir glared at him "And you really asking, why they all staring at us".

Of course, Bucky gets curious eyes all the time as his mother said, he's special. But currently, they're on a mission. And he was just being cautious of letting their prey run ahead, knowing their presence. 

The present mobs were consists of: the old street veterans, trying to recruit new muscles in their third-grade gangs, only to get them killed in the next brawls. The newbies, newly arrived wannabe-adventurers, who doesn't know the dangers of orario other than the great adjark dungeon, many calls them the green pots; easy to manipulate, comes with a clean background with no strings to rival gangs/urban bandits, having the never ending supply. The traumatized and broken adventurers, those who have seen their fair share of the horrors at the dungeon; losing their wife/husband, tasting the betrayal by their comrades for the Nth times, but still planning to connect with strangers and form a new party to dive in dungeon and finally make a name of them. And last but not the least, The not-so-suspocious individuals in the hooded robes; they're always present in these back alley taverns, like a second home, many avoid them as their appearance is not welcoming in itself, but those who approaches them, knows what they want from them. 

And Waazir had just found the man he was looking for, or more like the one their intelligence had provided. A normal brown haired middle-aged man sitting alone at the wall-sided table of four. Reading a book with a rapturous attention. He didn't even registered their presence as the duo sits opposite to him. 

"Hey mate, would you mind if we sit here? Our drink are on the way" Waazir asked with a smile, even though they have already sat. Giving a brief glance at him, the man didn't say anything for a moment, before putting his attention back into the book. 

Unfazed by the non-response. Waazir continued "I'm john, and-" Thump pointed to his right, at the red half-orc "-he's broo-" 

"Bucky" Grunted the red hulk. He doesn't understand, why anyone would use a fake name, disrespecting those who have given them their beautiful name.

"Brooky. He's Brooky" Forcing a smile. Waazir insisted, causing the red man to scowl internally. As the smoker continued to engage the book reader in his sob-story. 

"You know Mate. We came to Orario, in hopes to serve a God and, to some extent, also to secure a ticket to heaven while we're at it because, who wants to go to hell after death but... Damn our naive mind! Ain't the competition here is just too high? After years of rubbing my shoes in that damp dungeon and countless struggles for each penny, yesterday I finally got the chance to get an audience with a God, and you know what he said to me in that interview? I'm not strong enough,They deemed me unworthy... Me!"

With a wronged face, full of bitter anger at his helplessness against the fate, Waazir took the beer from the bar girl. Mistaken it to be his own order, resulting the girl to frown at him with clear displeasure.

"Fuck! Am asking too much? To serve the God, to give my service to them, and be in their good grace" With each swing, his voice becomes more and more bleak "Am I unworthy? Am I really worthless?" 

"It... It will be okay, Bucky is with you" Genuinely worried. The red half-orc patted his partners back, as he tried to hold back his tear. 

"No man is worthless" At some point, the man had closed the book, and listened to Waazirs fake-rant "And no man, has to go through what you have gone child, just to get in the good graces of the God they want to serve. It's the childrens birth-right; to serve their creator, without getting judged" He spoke amiably, like an uncle worried for his younger nephews health. 

As the middle-aged man saw the poor man's miserable state in front of him, and how he wanted to share his burden with a stranger. He guessed, the poor-man desperately wanted a company of a fellow human rather than a red-pig in human skin. Nodding to himself, he spoke further in a gentle tone of a father, scolding those who dared to bully his own son at school. 

"Those arrogant ones thought, they're our masters, forgetting the One Who stands above them all. They have the audacity to call themselves, Gods" Somehow, his tone was one of a genuine mockery at that particular word. Sneering, the hidden preacher continued "When they needs a Name to describe themselves... Just like us humans. They are bounded to their own unique face and characteristics, to differ themselves from their own millions of copies, just like a normal human needs..." Taking a pause, to let the poor man digest the truth. He asked "Tell me my child, are they really the God You once thought they were. Aren't they just some arrogant humans, that had let their power get to their heads?" 

"Maybe... You're right" Uncaringly wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Waazir frowns, looking contemplative. Seemingly questioning his own life choices until now, and why he even wanted to serve a god, that suddenly seems more like an arrogant aristocrats to him now. 

Slowly, the image of the Almighty Gods he once idolized, was starting to crack before completely shattering under the pressure of his boiling anger, bitter feelings of rejection by those same Gods, and more importantly, the countless doubts raised by the man in front of him. But the long devotion he had for the God, was hard to go away. No, his mind refused to believe he had devoted his life for nothing, and so he questioned their authenticity instead. 

"Maybe, they aren't really the Gods... Maybe they're fake... Faking it?" 

"Yes, my child. They're fakes" Pleased by the way, the poor-man had reached the same conclusion he once had reached, The amiable middle-aged man agreed "They're impersonators of our One True God. The one who doesn't needs a name to address themselves, nor do they need a form or a face, as they're present in everything and everywhere. You can doesn't need an appointment to meet our God, nor will you need to prove your worthiness to anyone, as we all are equal before Them" And striking the hammer while it's still hot. The fanatic, offered the young man who just discovered the true face of those so-called-gods, and the joy of being in the grace of The One True God. 

Taking the book with one arm, he stretches the other at the young man with a compassionate smile "Come my child, would you like to know the joy of being in the grace of our true God, rather than serving under those shameless arrogant pricks, who have been neglecting such a devote believer like yours" 

"M... Me? I... Re... Really?" 

Beyond emotional. The young man choked on his words, as he eyed the offered hand of encouragement with an overwhelming gratitude. And the joy of finally getting recognized by someone of his efforts and struggles. Or so the fanatic thought. 

'That was easy' Stifling his upcoming smirk. Waazir proceeds to shake hands, with his snot filled hands. 

"Bam!" Slamming the table, the red giant abruptly stands in between them. As he rumbles.

"Enough! Bucky won't let anyone manipulate his partner. Waazir, you don't know but, this man smells suspicious to Bucky" The red-man accused the fanatic. Which he didn't seems to take it lightly either. 

"Humph! And why in the world would I care about what a monster is feeling towards me. And by the Gods, why did they even let a monster enter this city without getting chained" Frowning, the fanatic said in displeasure. 

Groaning internally, Waazir cursed that brick-brained, before trying to hint his partner "Hey... Hey Brooky, You know what the captain have told you before coming here?"


"To not interfere with the business, if I didn't said so?"

"Did he said that?" By the looks of it, Bucky seems genuinely confused.

"Sigh... Child, heed my advice. You should be more strict to your slave, or else they gets unruly. In my town, his mother would be whipped twice for not teaching him properly. But again, she wouldn't even wanted a child like this abomination. I bet; she must have been a victim of his barbaric fathers cruelty. Getting raped by the monster, and then to raise her tormentors child. Poor Women" 

Shaking his head in sympathy. The fanatic, silently prays for the poor soul, following the ritual of his Nameless-Gods Temple; touching the holy scripture he carried to his head, then to his chest, three times in a row with an indescribable chant.

Blissfully unaware of the sudden, unnatural silence that has fallen over the tavern; the entirety of mob, regardless of the age or experience has suddenly fallen silent. Even the most drunken of the dwarves was forcefully alerted awake by their natural survival instinct, which was blaring at an alarming level. It wasn't known when someone had opened the gate and broken the window, without a sound. But quickly, in a rapid succession, they all disappeared in a rehearsed manner. Leaving an abandoned tavern, where a childs ramblings echoed. 

"No.... That's no... Not true. Mother, does... Wanted me. She, always... Smiles. Mother, never cry... She, smiles. Always-" 

The red giant, covered his face with both hands. Seemingly blinding himself to darkness. His mind tried to form some coherent thoughts, to defend itself, giving an explanation to no one in particular, as his mind blanked out... 

"Hey buddy relax" Although, groaning internally. Waazir tried to diffuse the tension, as he puts his hand over his partners shoulder "You remember what the captain said befo-" He didn't even gets to finish his words. 

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If observed from above, a small cloud of black mushroom could seen rising above, from the central District with many, continuous loud crashing of a heavy boulder. 


"So, who wins?" Bandaging the broken arm, the healer-lady asked jestly. 

"Ouch!" Gritting his teeth, Waazir glared at her "Be gentle, you wrinkle bag, I'm more delicate than you think- Ufff! I'm sorry! Sorry!"

Showing her clear white teeths, the middle-aged women asked with a sweetness; rivaling any teenage girl of a town "Is that gentle enough," Tightening the bandage with each word. 

"I'm not falling for this again, you old bag... Okay, stop! It's hurting me! Stop you old pervert!" 

"Ahem!" Standing to the opened gate, a man wearing a red robe, with an insigia of a plain elephant face etched to his right chest. Coughed, in an attempt on announce his presence. 

"Aunt velma, is Waazir alright?"

"Oya? Little Adil. Why you standing there? Come here" A bottle of an unknown liquid at hand, and a sharp knife at the other. The lady-healer asked the guest with her beautiful smile. 

"No, Aun-Sister Velma I'm good here. Captain Hermann is calling Mr.Waazir for an audience" Wiping the non-existent sweat. The guest reported, before closing the gate. Planing to wait outside, safely. 


Walking through the grand castles hallways. Waazir thanked Adil as he doubted, that middle aged-timer would have let him leave, before thoroughly breaking and reconstructing all his bones. All the while using non-tested medicines on him like a guinea pig. 

Their walk continued for a long while, before arriving at the sub-location made to house the fresh criminals, doesn't matter on which levels they may have committed the crime. All waiting for the judgment which, more likely than not, ended up being thrown into the weekly gladiator while also making more space for the new arrivals. 

As the duo walks from the one-end of the dark hallway, lit up by the wall-mouted torches, to the other end. Intermittent cries from the prisoners could be heard echoing around them. Without any supervisors to keep a watch on them, inter-prisoners violence is bound to happen. 

The guards have to spread too thinly just to cover the prisons ground in one rotation, even though they're numbered in hundreds. Showing the clear sign of them being glaringly understaffed, which was inevitable considering, Orario is the sole international city-of-sort and a dream destination of all. Attracting all kinds of individuals all around the world, doesn't matter the race or religion, nor anyones intentions. Making it too over-populated with each passing minutes, Simultaneously filling the prisons of the Ganesha Familia; the current governing party. Alongside their vaults. And the thing, many doesn't mention; the Grave Yards. 

On their walk, they saw a large carriage stopped at one of the gates, while a man wearing a red robe waving his hand at the line of people coming out of it in a procession; hands locked and feets tied to each other subsequently.

"Twenty three! You can count all you want Gramm. And with zero casualty! you can ask little Adil if you want. But I'm clearly the winner of this round" Smilingly. The man bragged, causing the other two bald man's to scowl. Clearly not believing he had caught them all by his own. "Haa! It's just the difference of five digits, just wait and see how we beat ya number at our next round" 

Onlookers might mistaken the scene as some friendly uncles, fighting over the fishing competitions results. And they may not be that far away from the truth. Except, the fish is the number of criminals, and the number of casualty is the normal civilians here.

"Oh! Adil! Come here my boy, can't believe these bald brothers are this stingy on their bets... Ah? Waazir, you already came? But why I didn't see your carriage here" As the duo came closer, the mustache man took a closer look on Waazir, and seems surprised by it "Oh! Bet you got a big fish eh! To be able to able to injure ya, that fella must be able to put a good show on this weekend" 

Waazir only stares at him with a dark look. Recalling the thrashing he got, early in the morning.

"What happened, you alright Waazir?" Unlike the inconsiderate mustache man, the bald brothers seems more worried for him. 

"Don't ask..." With a shake of his head, he turned around and walks away, leaving Adil to fill in stead. Not after ten steps did he bumped to someone, with red skin. 

"Waazir! Bucky is looking for you everywhere" Taking the equally surprised man in a bear hug. The red half-orc said with relief, clearly oblivious of the early incident. 

"When Bucky found you under those rubbles, Bucky was panicked. Bucky thought, he won't be able to see you ever again" Said the red-giant with a sad voice. Unaware of the stank eye, the man was giving him from behind. 

"Don't worry Waazir, Bucky will surely protect you next time" Patting his back, reassuringly. Bucky promised with his tusk-y smile. 

"Don't!... I mean, don't worry Bucky. I'm alright" With a forced smile. Waazir promised himself to force the captain on changing his team, this time for sure. 

"Good to know you're alright, Waazir" And speak of the devil. The man came from behind them unexpectedly, or maybe he was there all along. Waazir couldn't tell, while Bucky was busy, trying to mimic the salute Waazir was doing. 

The man was neither too bulky, nor looked too weak, sleak and athletic his physique was: wearing a regal red robe with a golden embroidery, he gives a scholarly vibe of an elder arch-mage and with a sword loosely strapped to his side, he looked more of a retired Royal knight with a pair of grey sideburns.

With a nod, he turned to walk on the right, beckoning them to follow him as he spoke "Because, I would like you to lead the party in the dungeon as your punishment on failing the mission, and burning the further leads ahead" And like the captain had expected him to protest, to say the fault wasn't his own, which certainly is true, he continued "But, since you have still saved that one lead with great difficulties, and luckily that lead had revealed some interesting clues, which I would like you to confirm it for me on this mission. In return, I will not confiscate your illegal drug-sticks, I just found in your hidden cabinet" 

"Wait! You mean, you're giving me my reward, which technically was my own to begin with and I have to continue with..." He let the word hang, giving a glance at Bucky, who seems more excited than him on the prospects of finally fighting with monsters, rather than disguising and trying to act coward against some weak humans. 

"Yes, do you have a problem?"

"A Big one" Which technically is also true.

Shrugging, the captain ignored the jab. As he throws a letter to him before walking away, while his body starts blending with the environment 

"Read it, there's a report by some adventurers on the unusual behaviors of the monsters, and a strange Magic formation that had recently founded in the dungeon at many locations. If I guessed right, this may be related to this mysterious Nameless God And its believers" His last words were just an echo, as the captain had already left the place. 

"Urgh!..." Groaning and cursing his captain for making him work tirelessly with threats. Waazir was about to open the letter, when he heard someone was calling his name. 

"Big Brother Waazir!" Panting, the young man, who had just recently joined the house. Said with a pleading voice, while catching his breath. "Heard you're... about to investigate an the dungeon, can you please do me a favor big brother?" 

"Who are you again?" Waazir never really bothered to remember the new recruits name. Already knowing, not even half of them will stay alive for the next year. 

"Nellar..." Said the young man. Embarrassed by the favor he was going to ask, and from a senior who doesn't even remember his name. 

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