So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 7: 7- Rat Hunting (2)

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Knowing how any sound may travel far and wide in this hollow tunnel, Oscar was all focused on finishing the rat in one hit or as quickly as possible in fear of attracting unwanted attention from other possible monsters

The tunnel wasn't large enough for him to give any place to hide as his body was only able to move forward by crawling, the tunnel only allowed a one way passage in a uni direction at a time 

Fortunately the rat monster was back facing him, seemingly busy collecting the magic crystals 

'Doesn't matter a human or monster all have but one one common weakness, their neck' Oscar flexed his claws as he approaches his target, silently

Just when the rat picked up the broken crystal with its tiny claws, its ears twitched making it turn back cautiously only to find a green creatures oncoming assault


Without batting an eye, the rat thrusted the mounted forehead bone-spear, rotating at an Insane speed right back at the goblins face 



Barely able to dodge and avoid getting impaled from his stomach, Oscar sticks flat faced against the tunnel wall on his right at the last moment. Letting the rat get past him drilling straight at the floor he crawled out from


'Fu*k!' Spitting the mud outta his mouth, he cursed for failing his sneak attack before picking himself and throwing his body back at unicorn rat before it could turn and made a skewer goblin successfully this time 



With a stab to its neck, the rat screeched followed by its body turning back in fury burning in its beady eyes only to feel like carrying extra weight on its back and more pain from its neck 

"Scuiiiii!" Not able to impale it's enemy, it squealed in frustration

Enraged yet feeling threatened for its life, the rat vehemently banged against the side walls with its back, hoping to crush that pesky goblin riding its back 

'Shit!' Oscar embraced himself against the impact, digging his claws deeper causing the rat to squeal in pain, but the layer of fat on its neck gives the rat some breathable time to cut that goblin apart


Wide eyed, Oscar almost gives away his grip at the first impact. As he felt the insane amount of pressure against his back but before the rat could pull and thrash back him again he grits his teeth to collect his mind

Gripping with one hand, he pulls back his other hand only to pierced it back again before starts hacking at that same spot again and again, making it falter in steps 


Eventually he digs past that protected layer of fat and stuck the critical blow against the rat causing it to squeal weakly one last time before its tensed muscle relaxed and the unicorn rat slumped down in defeat


Climbing down from its back, Oscar massages his sore hand muscles 

'Finally killed it' he smiled seeing the screen but felt a little disappointed for not leveling up 

'That frogy lizard was lv3 and this rat is lv2 as equivalent to mine... So I doubt I would get much exp from it' shrugging, he thought before he clenched and unclenched his fist feeling a little better from the muscle soreness

'Hmm...' He focused on his hearing to check if all this commotion have attracted any other creature that may running around this deep magic tunnel before turning back at the dead rat 

'Now let's taste this fatty... Slurp~' he thought  sucking back his overflowing drool

Learning from his mistake, Oscar firstly dragged the rat back to his cave-ly abode while making sure to clear the trails. He didn't touched the pile of magic crystals for having his hands full but that didn't stop Oscar from tugging two or three in his madeup pockets 

'So the goblins are the only ones that sucks at being tasty' he concluded after finishing his meal with a satisfied grin still reminiscing of how the fat and muscle meat created a great combination 'As much as I'm opening to eating raw meat, I would still prefer if it's cooked...' He thought, licking clean the bone of its meat by scraping it thoroughly 

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Oscar gives his affirmation as he visiibly saw his hand nails growing a little longer with more thickness and sharpness at the tip

He choose to delay in collecting enough Gene aliments to get the 'Poison fangs' after seeing his trusty claws failing to penetrate the neck deep enough, while he wanted to upgrade his claws to the top making them sharp like 'Excalibur' to avoid encountering this kind of situation ever again, he couldn't. Since he didn't have enough Gene aliments nor his level cap allowed it 


With a single slash, The rats leg bone snapped in two easily making him spread his big toothy smile wide in anticipation


"Dum! Dum!"

After moving inside the tunnel for some time and taking turns on further divisions twice, Oscar met with another rat unicorn working like an underpaid miner, digging out the magic crystals and collecting in a pile

He wasn't that lucky to met yet another stupid rat to face his back at him, it was working by keeping an eye on both side of the tunnel

Stopping just before the turn, Oscar waited for it to turn its back at him but the hard working rat kept on digging out crystals after crystals and only turning to pick and drop the crystal back in that pile at the side 

'Argh! Stupid rat, just take a break will you. Nobody's here to supervise you... Well other than me but I don't count and what are you even collecting these magic crystals for?' As he waited, his mind was wandered on another things 

'Do they know the uses of these magic crystals?' His eyes sparkled at that thought 'Yea, if they don't know what these are. I doubt any normal monster or even animals would start mining some random stones out in a tunnel, doesn't matter how shiny those stones seems'

Picking up the nearby magic crystal, he contemplated as he inevitably tried to feel something from it but just when he felt a subtle vibration from it. The rat finally turned its back to start packing the pile in its tiny claws probably to move across the tunnel 

Not wasting any time, he takes subtle breathes as he quickly traversed the short distance making double sure to make no mistake this time and before the rat could take a step forward. It felt a deadly grip at the back of its neck causing its eyes to wide open in alert feeling an ominous pressure behind 


A bunch of green knife like nails pierced straight through its neck, tearing any obstruction with less difficulty then before


The rat tried to turn its back in hope of thrusting its forehead spear at the assailant before making a quick rush out of danger but it didn't take long for Oscar to slither his agile hand inside of its body to grasp its spine with some minor errors before snapping it in half

"Scrrraaa!" With a painful cry, it swings back it's forehead spear one last time which successfully grazed the goblins shoulder who didn't expected its one last ditch effort 

"Ghaap!" Oscar holds his painful groan as he puts pressure on his injured shoulder, trying not make more noise than the dying rat has already created

With a slow whimper, he leans against the wall before taking some deep breaths while withstanding the pain 

'Fu*k! Still no level up?' He grimaced, hoping to get a free heal from the level up but he was disappointed 

Instead, he got the much desired sneak skill which uplifted his mood a little, he was able to distract himself from the pain by reviewing his past sneak mistakes and how to improve and the basic mistake of his smell... He didn't know how to hide his smell but now he had an idea to cover up even though as little as possible

After a moment he was able to move his shoulder a little bit with less pain as he found the bleeding was already stopped 

'Bastard! You better taste as great as your brother or this goblin won't leave your bones intact' 

Grumbling, Oscar pulls the rat at the direction he felt the wind flow was different like the same as his cave-ly abode since he didn't want to keep dragging it back to that far just to eat clean while also don't want to be an idiot by start eating right here

He didn't have to keep dragging for long when he found the same burrow with an opening above that leads to outside, the normal sized dungeon cavern network

'Strange...' He frowned when he saw this opening was also blocked, hidden well enough that nobody from the cavern would be able to notice just like the previous burrow he was using as his sort of turf 

'Whatever, gotta eat and get my level up. This hurts damn it!' With a shrug, he thought before coming down and starts tearing down the skin from its meat and bones out of its tendons 

'At last...' He was happy for any of his skill level up and more than satisfied for getting this skill as he was able to eat the best parts first while avoiding the bad ones and not to mention, previously he was only able to locate its spine within a second giving it a quick death while avoiding layers of fat protecting around the neck 

Decided to gain his level up to remove the scar on his shoulder which somehow didn't hurt and had already healed making him admire the goblins ability to stay alive even after taking a beating, Oscar sets his foot back in the tunnels

Knowing well that he probably won't find this easy prey in the dungeon caverns, going by the footsteps he was hearing, they seems more than he could handle with such ease

'And I'm curious, what these little buggers are hoarding these magic crystals for...'

Oscar was just curious, he's definitely not going after them cause they're weak and looks easy to bully and gives juicy meat to eat, with a nod he convinced himself

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