So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds

Chapter 3: Part 3

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She being annoyed by the statement made by this powerful being asked.

“So, what about me is exactly different from a normal teenage girl and why do you look perplexed?”

“I can tell you’re not lying.”


“Well, you are clearly not just a normal teenage girl, for starters because you have crossed the inter-worldly void that will destroy most souls instantly. In fact, if it weren’t for me spotting you, you would have just darted by and ceased to exist in a few days.”

He was busy trying to explain to her when she asked in shock.

“Wait so I am here by accident?”

“That is the most likely solution, yes.”

He replied in answer and then continued

“I don’t know what world you came from, but you only survived because of your unnaturally high soul strength which I believe is caused by umm…another reason which would be hard to explain.”

He answered while rubbing his left hand on the back of his head while shrugging. She then Asked while having a suspicious look appear on her face.

“How High and what is so hard to explain. We have time I am guessing?”

“Point. Fine I will tell you under the condition that you do not umm… what’s the phrase. Oh yes, freak out from an existential crisis.”

She continues to glance at him suspiciously while motioning with her hand for him to continue.

“Well you see firstly your soul’s strength is a few dozen times more powerful for a mortal human’s and by the lack of manipulation on it I guess you’re not a sorcerer?”

“Of course not, magic doesn’t exist…does it?”

He floated their mouth agape and then exclaimed.

“Please do not tell me you’re from one of those crazy worlds where your gods gone crazy and has just taken away any all paths to power out of paranoia. And yes, magic exists along with other forms of sorcery.”

“Maybe, but Deities were kind of just a concept in our world without any proof.”

“Out of curiosity what world are you from?”


While Shaking his Head and now having moved his hand to the bridge of his nose he then thought.

‘Great, that is simply great. you are from that god forsaken, seismically unstable, irradiated ball of dirt.’

But he said aloud.

“Nope, never heard of it.”

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While suppressing a frown. She had a downtrodden look appear on her face.

“Oh, well I guess you can’t send me back?”

She asked.

‘Unlikely, I would not go to that hellhole in a trillion years.’

“Unfortunately, I would have to accompany you for you to survive the trip, and I can’t leave this world.”

“Ok. Anyway, what is the harder reason?”

‘Darn I had hoped she would forget about that, I’m an idiot for mentioning it. I really need to get out more.’

While she was thinking.

‘Why is he acting so shifty about this?’

“Well, you see you’re not exactly a human.”


“You’re not a human.”


She stood there with her head tilted while trying to figure out what he said then she raised her eyebrow and he then continued.

“Well you have an abnormally large energy capacity in your soul which can be explained by the lack of supernatural powers on your world, even with that though the void would suck you dry before then so I couldn’t figure out what was causing the power to regenerate so much quicker.”

He then answered but she said.

“But that still doesn’t explain why I am not human?”

“well you see your what’s called soul chimera or a split consciousness echo occupying multiple bodies and because some of those bodies are not human you’re not a human while this part of your consciousness identifies as human in reality your chimera.”

Her pupils dilated and she panicked internally as she remembered a technique to suppress emotions her father had taught her used it.

‘just shove deep down and find out more first, freak out later when your not in the presence of a god.’

“Can you show me?”

He asked in a shaky voice to which nodded and with a wave of his hand four faint blue streams of energy started to flow out her forehead and went off into the void from whence she came.

“I need information now.”

You can find story with these keywords: So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds, Read So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds, So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds novel, So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds book, So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds story, So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds full, So I’m in another world, huh? – An Adventure Across Worlds Latest Chapter

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