So It's Me, I'm The One Who Has A Crush On You

Chapter 46: CH 46

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Guo Zhongyu pinched Ruan Mengmeng’s ID card copy and frowned.

“This is the clearest one,” Ruan Mengmeng was a bit embarrassed. She unfolded the remaining dozen copies in her hands. The fax machine at the copy shop was not very good, and her face had turned into a lump of ink.

Guo Zhongyu sighed, “If you win the award, this dark image will be printed on the certificate. Tsk, an art student, so unkempt, hey~”

Ruan Mengmeng pouted after being disliked by her teacher. She complained in her heart that her father had taken her ID card and she didn’t know what he was doing. He didn’t say anything when asked.

Guo Zhongyu rented a room for two months and asked the owner’s mother to help him cook three meals a day.


During this period, Guo Zhongyu changed his casual personality. He woke up earlier than the students, slept later than the students, and demanded that Ruan Mengmeng and the other five keep drawing for 17 hours a day, in addition to eating, drinking, and pooping.

The pressure on the five of them increased day by day. They were drawing until they vomited, until they cried, until they broke down and collapsed. Guo Zhongyu suppressed them all without mercy.

Thirty days into the training, Ruan Mengmeng really couldn’t take it anymore, and He Yiyang’s 18th birthday was coming up.

Fbl oldv vs Qws Hbsdtuw vs ypj qsa zlyhl, cwv kv oyp dsv taydvle.

“Mlynbla, obu yal usw eskdt vbkp?” Swyd Yldtxldt rswvle ydtakzu, ps ydmkswp vbyv vlyap qkzzle bla lulp. “Tl kp xu csuqaklde, vbl casvbla R talo wr okvb, vbl xspv kxrsavydv rlapsd clpkelp xu qyvbla. Uyd’v usw cl ynnsxxseyvkdt?”

Swyd Yldtxldt nakle xkplayczu, cwv Qws Hbsdtuw eked’v kdvlde vs cl ynnsxxseyvkdt. Uyd yd lktbvlldvb ckavbeyu ryavu cl nsxryale okvb uswa nszzltl ldvaydnl lmyxkdyvksd yde qwvwal? Jlpkelp, kq bl oyp alyzzu tsse qsa usw, bl oswzed’v zlv usw tkhl wr vbkp vaykdkdt byzqoyu.”

“Jwv ……” Swyd Yldtxldt tayccle Qws Hbsdtuw’p yax yde clttle, “Kwpv qsa sdl dktbv. Uyd’v R nsxl cynj vbl dlmv eyu? R fwpv oydv vs pyu byrru ckavbeyu vs bkx kd rlapsd, vlynbla, rzlypl.”

Qws Hbsdtuw pyke pvladzu, “Ls!”

“Xssssssssss …… usw’al nsze-czssele yde blyavzlpp, y ckt elhkz!” Swyd Yldtxldt nakle, ydtakzu vkrrkdt shla bla eayokdt plv, “R’x dsv eayokdt ydu xsal!”

“Zsw eyal!” Qws Hbsdtuw’p lulcasop olal pvlad yp bl vssj vbl cynj sq Swyd Yldtxldt’p dlnj nszzya okvb sdl byde, byzq zkqvkdt yde byzq rwpbkdt bla vs pkv sd vbl rykdvkdt cldnb.

“Rv’p wplzlpp vs nau. Rq usw esd’v qkdkpb rykdvkdt vseyu, uswa rbsdl okzz cl nsdqkpnyvle!”

“Waaaah… wooooooooooooooo hiccups!”


Ruan Mengmeng cried and hiccuped while mixing her colours.

The four boys who came at the sound were distressed and touched her head to comfort her, yet there was nothing they could do.

Guo Zhongyu yelled, “Who told you to get up? All of you sit back down!”

At night, Ruan Mengmeng could only call He Yiyang’s phone and send her best wishes across the cold phone.

She was so upset and aggravated that she didn’t know what to do, but He Yiyang reassured her that it was fine and she would make it up when she got back.

There was no reason to make up for an overdue birthday. But when she thought that only Grandpa He came over to have a simple dinner with He Yiyang and not even a birthday cake. Ruan Mengmeng was so sad that she cried for the rest of the night.

She missed He Yiyang so much and wanted to go back to his side.

In the following days, Ruan Mengmeng’s mind didn’t even have a single line in it. When she saw the drawing board, she wanted to smash it and pick up the brush and poke it into Guo Zhongyu’s nose!

On this day, Wang Yang suddenly exploded in the morning, punching Guo Zhongyu, who was chewing on a watermelon. His eyes instantly turned green and black.

Although Ruan Mengmeng was startled, her heart was quite relieved as she clapped her hands and cheered repeatedly.

“Keep drawing!” Guo Zhongyu covered his eyes and roared, “Draw until you see yourself shitting and think of a flower, then you’ll rest!”

Ruan Mengmeng shivered, sweat bristling down her sweat-stained spine as she backed away.


On the thirty-ninth day, of the five art students, except for Ruan Mengmeng, who still looked a little human, the other four boys had completely unleashed their nature.

Their hair was greasy and stubbly, and their faces were bursting with beards.

With their brushes in their hands, they were raving and talking in a trance-like manner. At first glance, they were not unlike madmen.

Ruan Mengmeng later could not keep up. Her fair, rosy face turned pale and haggard, and her hair was all over the place.

The B&B owner’s wife came over to cook dinner, and when she passed by the drawing room, she was so shocked that she almost had a heart attack.

Torment! Guo Zhongyu was a monster! He had turned a young girl into a mummified corpse.

On the forty-fourth day, Ruan Mengmeng finished a sketch in tears, her pencil dropping from her fingers to the ground.

She didn’t even blink, as if she hadn’t heard it. She really wanted to never use a pencil again in her life.

Guo Zhongyu came over to her and said, “Tomorrow is a day off. I will take you all on a day trip to Langshan.”

The drawing room was silent as five puppet heads clicked up. Wang Yang said, “Say it again.”

Guo Zhongyu enchantingly swept down the long hair at his temples, “Vacation, tomorrow is a vacation.”

“F*ck!” The drawing room boiled over.


Ruan Mengmeng cried and laughed. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the sketch she had just drawn and gave a fierce tsk, hurrying to cover it up. What the hell?

What a piece of shit!

The Langshan Mountains were beautiful, with towering trees beside the hiking path. They were prolific, shading the sky and blending into the greenery.

The mountain breeze was gusty and the mountain spring was refreshing. Ruan Mengmeng stood on the viewing platform, looking far into the distance with an open mind, and the spirit platform was clear and bright.

All the turbidity seemed to have been washed away after coming down from the Langshan mountain. She picked up the brush again, and for the first time, she experienced the pleasure of flowing water.

The flowers were created at the tip of the brush.

The B&B was built at the foot of the mountain, and it wasn’t until she had to leave that Ruan Mengmeng had time and was in the mood to observe properly.

After showering and blowing her hair to half dry, Ruan Mengmeng changed into a light pink mesh gauze dress, which was youthful, beautiful, and generous.

The five boys sitting in the courtyard nibbling on watermelons turned their heads in unison, with black watermelon seeds sticking to the corners of their mouths, staring straight at Ruan Mengmeng with amazed eyes.

“Ahem,” Ruan Mengmeng pointed her finger at the corner of her mouth, “Senior brothers, I have a matchmaker, understand?”

The boys responded by laughing out loud and roughly wiping the backs of their hands as if there was nothing there.

Ruan Mengmeng was the only girl among them. She was known to be a soft girl in the drawing room before, and this time, they all found out that she was simply too good-tempered. Her looks were beautiful, and she often encouraged them in the form of human chicken soup.


She was a real hit with them, and her goodwill rubbed off on them.

They were all concerned now that she was ready to go out.

“Mengmeng, where are you going?”

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“Yes, there are mountains all around us, and it’s getting dark.”

Wang Yang stood up, rubbed both hands clean on his beach trousers, and said cheerfully, “Where to? I’ll accompany you.”

“Yo yo yo yo.” The rest of the boys, squatting and nibbling on melons, laughed.

Wang Yang swung his fist and gave one of them a blow, angrily saying, “Mengmeng is a soft girl. Of course, in this remote place, she should be protected.”

“Oh~” the three melon-nibbling boys said in a meaningful and extraordinarily languid way.

Wang Yang’s face swelled red as Ruan Mengmeng laughed, “No need, I just want to walk along the foot of the mountain and get some fresh air before I leave tomorrow.”

After saying that, she pushed open the door of the B&B and ran out cheerfully.


Wang Yang looked towards the fluttering figure outside the door, reached out to grab it, and withdrew it with a slight sense of loss.

One of the three gnawing melons stood up, patted Wang Yang’s shoulder, and said sympathetically, “Mengmeng has a bamboo horse boyfriend [1]. Her feelings are quite deep. Brother Yang, let’s not be a male mistress, shall we?”

Wang Yang sighed deeply, “Why does such a soft and cute girl have a bamboo horse? This thing is really too f*cked up!”

Ruan Mengmeng walked slowly along the path, in a happy mood, looking up at the lofty mountains in the distance and gazing down at the wild flowers beneath her feet.

Her headphones were on, and she didn’t realise that she had walked a long way until the dirt road turned into tarmac. Then, she realised that she was far from the bed and breakfast behind her.

Taking off one earphone, Ruan Mengmeng looked around blankly.

The tarmac road was built along a wall of smashed bare mountains, and behind it was a small road with no signage except for trees.

After standing still for a few minutes, Ruan Mengmeng slapped herself in the head in frustration. She couldn’t remember the way back!

“What should I do?” She walked along the circuit for a while and saw three forks in the road, “Oh no, no. Why can’t I remember the way back?”

She crouched on the ground for a long time, not knowing which one to choose, and turned on her mobile phone to check if there was a GPS location. After waiting for a long time, the screen was still refreshing.

The signal in the mountains was really infuriating, so Ruan Mengmeng gave up on the phone map.

Well, walk in the middle, go straight on the road. Ruan Mengmeng reluctantly found a reason to choose and stepped forward hesitantly.

He Yiyang drove to the B&B, wanting to surprise Ruan Mengmeng by personally picking her up and taking her home. When he arrived at the place, he was told that she had gone for a walk alone.

After leaning on the wooden fence in the courtyard for half an hour and not seeing her return, He Yiyang couldn’t wait any longer to meet her and went out to look for her.

From a distance, he saw her squatting on the ground pretending to be a mushroom, holding up her cheeks in a sad state.

“Don’t move!” He Yiyang rushed out from behind her.

Ruan Mengmeng was so shocked that she jumped in place and put her hands up reflexively in a surrender position.

Pfft, so stupid and cute. He Yiyang wanted to laugh, but with his lips he reprimanded, “No turning back!”

“Who are you and what do you want?” Suddenly, a stranger appeared. Ruan Mengmeng was so scared that her heart jumped out of her chest. She was regretting coming out alone.

“Don’t mess around. I’ll give you the money. My teacher and classmates are in the front and they’ll be over later.” Although Ruan Mengmeng was scared, she tried her best to respond calmly.

He Yiyang quietly walked behind her and was just about to hug her when Ruan Mengmeng jerked back and slapped him across the face.

When she saw who it was, her panicked expression turned to surprise.

“Good reaction,” He Yiyang caught Ruan Mengmeng’s hand, then lectured, “Remembering the way is even better, but staying honestly at the B&B and not going out at night, that’s a good girl.”

He took Ruan Mengmeng’s hand and interlocked her fingers. Then, he lowered his head and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Ruan Mengmeng blinked, as if she hadn’t reacted.

“I haven’t seen you for fifty days; don’t you recognise me?” He Yiyang teased with a smile.

His lips slid down the side of her face, ready to kiss the surprised half-open cherry lips when he was violently pushed away by Ruan Mengmeng.

Ruan Mengmeng cried out in anger, “You scared me! I thought it was a bad guy. I was going to call the police!”

Seeing her red eyes, He Yiyang blamed himself in his heart.

It was too dark. Ruan Mengmeng was already lost and didn’t know what to do. Suddenly encountering a dangerous strange male would be psychologically unbearable.

“I shouldn’t have scared you.” He Yiyang looked apologetic and tried to take her into his arms again, but Ruan Mengmeng was very obedient this time.

“I came to pick you up and you weren’t there, so I rushed out to look for you,” He Yiyang kissed her watery eyes, “Okay, okay, I shouldn’t have scared you. Don’t cry.”

Ruan Mengmeng was also panicked and scared for a moment, but now that she was nestled in He Yiyang’s arms, she was filled with nothing but the frustration of being in closed training for the past 50 days.

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the knot of his throat, softly pouting, “I’m not crying. I missed brother so much.”

He Yiyang’s whole body tingled, “Mengmeng ……”

Nervous and excited, he gulped and his Adam’s apple moved.

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly let out a clear, crisp laugh, “Brother’s Adam’s apple is so cute.”

Another bite, actively kissing.

Damn it! He Yiyang really couldn’t hold back now. He lifted Ruan Mengmeng’s chin and sucked hard on her lips.

He hadn’t seen her for two months. He missed her so much every day that he couldn’t help but hold her in his arms and kiss her deeply.

In the silence of the mountains and forests, the sound of ambiguous sucking and slurping was heard.

“Brother ……” Ruan Mengmeng moved, a little embarrassed and wanting to back away.

He Yiyang tightened his grip on her waist and whispered hoarsely in her ear, “Don’t move. I’ll just take it easy, be good.”

Ruan Mengmeng’s mouth was numb from the kiss, and the air in her chest seemed to be plundered, so she didn’t dare to move at this critical moment.

Her almond eyes were bright and shining, and her small hand slowly patted He Yiyang’s back. “Brother, you have to be steady!”

He Yiyang was stunned. He understood the teasing in her words and let out a chuckle.

With a curl of his tongue, he caught her earlobe, “Teasing me, eh?”

Ruan Mengmeng begged for mercy, “No, no, I was wrong to mess with you, wrong to mess with you.”

“Little stupid melon.” He Yiyang’s voice was doting.

The author had something to say: The author mushroom was pleased that the soft girl could also tease people.

The author mushroom flattered and lewdly said: Brother, congratulations!

[1] Bamboo Horse : Male childhood sweetheart or friend. The other phrase to it is “green plum”.

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