So It's Me, I'm The One Who Has A Crush On You

Chapter 50: CH 50

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Ruan Hai was in the hospital for most of the month. Not to mention travelling to Vancouver during the winter break for New Year’s Eve, by the time he returned home, the first month was over.

Ruan Mengmeng and her father have been having a tantrum these days. Seeing that her father was going to a neighbouring city on a business trip soon, she couldn’t find out what had happened when he was beaten last year, so she was anxious.

“Dad, I’m already 18 years old. I have the ability to judge right and wrong and take responsibility, so if there’s anything at home, let’s share it together, okay?” Ruan Mengmeng pulled Ruan Hai’s arm and shook it, intending to launch a gentle offensive.

“You don’t count imaginary years like that either,” Ruan Hai said with satisfaction, closing the door tightly. “You’re only 17 next month, so what’s the point of worrying so much? Ah, look at you …….”

Holding his daughter’s oval face, he said, “Your rich, round face has been squeezed out by the words of foreign affairs and history, and the blessing pocket [TN: double chin] on the chin is gone. Your face has become pale and slender, and Dad is sad when he sees it.”


In the second half of last year, she really lost a lot of weight. She didn’t deliberately lose weight either. She just suddenly lost all the weight. She was usually wearing school uniforms all day, so Ruan Mengmeng also did not really notice. It was only when He Yiyang pinched her tummy from time to time and felt that it didn’t feel right, that she realised that she had left the micro-fat world and had officially become a member of the slender world.

As she lost weight, she didn’t look as rosy as she did when she was slightly chubby. Ruan Mengmeng didn’t want to worry her father, so she thought about it, “Maybe I just lost it? Didn’t you say before that my mother suddenly lost weight when she was 18 or 19? .”

“I just said that to comfort you, silly girl,” Ruan Hai sighed, “Your mother didn’t keep up with her nutrition at that time, and she had strong self-esteem. Hey, let’s not talk about this ……”

“R’x dsv ypjkdt usw vs vyjl vbl 985 sa vbl 211 [1] lmyx, cwv y blyzvbu yde byrru nbkze kp vbl talyvlpv okpb sq y ryaldv. Zsw yal pvakhkdt qsa uswaplzq; kq usw rknj wr vbl rykdvcawpb, vbld usw byhl vs vyjl vbl vlpv yde ts swv vs pll vbl osaze. Fs ts yblye. R nyd’v yzoyup jllr usw zsnjle wr. Zsw pbswze qzu okvb uswa sod okdtp.”

Swyd Tyk vbld pyke, “R’hl vyzjle vs uswa nzypp vlynbla ycswv kv. Wsa vbl plnsde byzq sq vbl plxlpvla, usw nyd es pnbssz ynnsxxseyvksd. Nlv’p ryu xsal yde usw nyd zkhl kd y eswczl assx. Zsw’zz pyhl vkxl sd vbl asye, lyv xsal xlyzp, yde vau vs aykpl uswa xlyv cynj.”

Swyd Yldtxldt oyp pvkzz pswa. Tla qyvbla oyp alyzzu vbl clpv qyvbla kd vbl osaze, cwv pbl eked’v oydv vs blya ycswv vbkp ynnsxxseyvksd qsszkpbdlpp.

“Ebu es ol dlle vs yrrzu vs csyae yv pnbssz? Vzwp usw eked’v yrrzu qsa ynnsxxseyvksd wdvkz vbl plnsde byzq sq vbl vlax lkvbla, bwb?”

“Ebu dsv? Mblal kp y assx vs zkhl kd yde uswa nzypp vlynbla yzps pyke csyaekdt pvweldvp yal lqqknkldv …… lb, Yldtxldt, oblal yal usw tskdt?”

Tyzqoyu vbaswtb Swyd Tyk’p pldvldnl, Swyd Yldtxldt pweeldzu awpble vsoyaep vbl essa.

“Pye, usw alyzzu…. Ebu eke usw dsv ekpnwpp kv okvb xl kd yehydnl? R’zz ts ypj xu casvbla’p srkdksd.”

Swyd Yldtxldt blaplzq bye ds rasczlx okvb ynnsxxseyvksd, yde oyp iwkvl lytla vs zkhl kd y esax.

When she was young, other families had cousins who came over for the summer, staying in one bed and chatting late into the night. Ruan Mengmeng didn’t have any cousins. Her only close childhood friend lived above her, so she didn’t get the pleasure of gossiping and cuddling up together.


It was just that now, He Yiyang was about to take his college entrance exams. If she stayed on her own, she would have less chance to see him morning and night.

“It’s eleven o’clock, ah, but she is still running across the street?” Ruan Hai covered his chest to hide his sadness.

He, as a father, now could not be his daughter’s master. Instead she also asked her brother’s opinion. His little cabbage has now been raised for pigs. His heart really hurt.

Seeing her leave, Ruan Hai was alert to the door, while pulling out his phone to look at the video sent by Gu Wei. There was violent smashing, knife-wielding intimidation, and another family of witnesses were threatened.

Crazy people! Bastards who treated human lives like grass for their own selfish reasons!

Ruan Hai was furious. Before things worked out, he had to guard his daughter.

After a while, Ruan Mengmeng entered the house and beamed, “Brother also said accommodation is good, so I’ll stay.”

He Yiyang, who was following behind, then said, “Uncle Hai, there’s something I want to ask you. Mengmeng, go and get me a glass of water, will you?”

In the study, Ruan Hai was impatient, “Is Mengmeng someone you can instruct? Are you without hands of your own? Say it, what is it.”

He Yiyang didn’t talk nonsense and asked directly, “Uncle Hai, you let Mengmeng stay at school to keep her safe?”

Ruan Hai’s brows knitted as he stared at He Yiyang. This kid was smart, unlike his own stupid daughter, who had been led away in three or two sentences.

“How much do you know?” Ruan Hai asked.


He Yiyang shook his head, “Not much. Meng Meng is my future wife and you are my future father-in-law. We are all family so naturally we want to be well. If you are busy with something important, we will support you. If there is an eventuality, I hope Uncle will not suffer alone. Family is always more reliable than outsiders.” After a pause, he added, “Meng Meng and I don’t want you to get hurt again either.”

Ruan Hai didn’t say anything, but he gave a grunt after a while. “You can’t even figure out your priorities. Why are you still pretending to be garlic? Do your studies well and take care of Mengmeng.”

Turning around, he went out of the room, took the water Ruan Mengmeng had given to he Yiyang, and drank it with a smile.

This stinky boy. He wasn’t pleasing to the eye, so he could not drink.


Ruan Mengmeng’s roommate was a year above her. She was in the same class as He Yiyang, with the nice name of Wang Lianhuan.

Ruan Mengmeng has a restrained and well-behaved personality, and Wang Lianghuan is also a quiet and gentle type. When the two met for the first time, they looked at each other and smiled, and felt that they were close to each other.

“Let’s have lunch together.” He Yiyang walked over to Wang Lianghuan’s table.

Wang Lianghuan was solving a geometric maths problem and couldn’t figure it out. Her thoughts were in a mess, so she didn’t hear what He Yiyang was saying.

“Is there something wrong?”

He Yiyang paused and pointed his finger at the test paper, “Take the midpoints of AD and BC as O and G, and then use OA, OG, and OP to establish the xyz coordinate axis, which can be solved.”

Wang Lianghuan was stunned for a moment. The the pen in her hand automatically connected the lines on the graph, as he explained.


“Got it, thanks.” Wang Lianghuan said happily. He was worthy of being a schoolmaster.

“I’ll treat you to dinner.” When He Yiyang finished and turned around, Wang Lianghuan saw Ruan Mengmeng, who was waving happily at her from the classroom door.

Oh— she just said, the normally cool and indifferent school grass was glowing like a light bulb today.

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The three of them ate dinner at the stir-fry window on the first floor of the school. He Yiyang bought two bottles of yogurt and handed one to Wang Lianghuan.

Wang Lianhuan laughed and joked, “We’ve been in the same class for two years. It’s the first time the school master gave me a lecture, not to mention buying dinner and drinking yogurt. If you have anything, just say it straight.”

“My silly girlfriend,” He Yiyang unscrewed the lid of the yogurt and gave it to Ruan Mengmeng. “I’ll trouble you to take care of her please.”

Ruan Mengmeng took a quick glance at her roommate and retorted. “I think I’m okay, not really stupid.”

She was not as good as the male god of theology in the Hongzhi class, so she got into the experimental class anyway, okay? She wasn’t that bad.

He Yiyang did not bother about her, and continued to talk to Wang Lianhuan: “She is mostly good, but occasionally a little confused, such as her phone being  in her pocket and looking around or something. These small things do not matter. There is one thing you watch out for.”

When He Yiyang suddenly looked serious, Wang Lianhuan’s heartstrings tightened, thinking that Ruan Mengmeng was suffering from poor health, such as heart disease, asthma or low blood pressure that could cause her to faint or other delicate illnesses.

She also looked serious. After all, in a dormitory, they were supposed to take care of each other.

It took a long time, and it turned out to be ……


“If she buys a big bag of snacks and keeps eating them, you can confiscate them for me. She has a bad stomach.”

Wang Lianghuan: ……

“Also, if she keeps on giving you snacks, you can just reject it if you don’t like it. Don’t be annoyed with her, she just really thinks it’s delicious and wants to share it with you, and ……”

Ruan Mengmeng was extremely embarrassed to hear this next to her and almost buried her head into the bowl. Was she that bad?

Wang Lianghuan suffered a 10,000-point critical blast. We know that you are childhood friends, so don’t show your love, okay?

The restrictions on eating snacks and supervising the brushing of teeth and so on. Do you have to be such a detailed high-cold male god?

Can’t you take care of single dogs?

She had always thought that He Yiyang was an aloof person. His grades and appearance were certainly outstanding, but she didn’t think that such a good and arrogant person could really take anyone into his heart. However, today was a slap in the face.

He Yiyang’s intimate care and gentle pampering between his eyes belonged to Ruan Mengmeng alone.

The time flies.

Time flew by so quickly that it was almost time for the college entrance exam. The whole school was closed three days early because of the test site setup.

Ruan Mengmeng was waiting for He Yiyang at the school gate with her schoolbag on her back. The sun was too bright, so she hid in the shadow under the propaganda column and saw a well-dressed old man standing there with a cane.

She couldn’t help but look at him a few more times.

“Little girl, do you know the man in this picture?” Wen Taihe asked.

The old man was referring to the photo of He Yiyang winning a physics competition last year, and Ruan Mengmeng smiled with pride, “Yes, he’s my brother.”

Wen Taihe slowly turned around with his cane and faced Ruan Mengmeng, “He’s my grandson.”

Ruan Mengmeng’s smile froze on her face. She was so surprised that her mouth didn’t even close.

“Grandpa, did you make a mistake?” Ruan Mengmeng had never heard that He Yiyang had a grandfather. Wasn’t Aunt Yunfen an orphan?

“His mother’s name is Wen Yunfen, my daughter. She left home many years ago. I have just returned and missed them,” Wen Taihe said, “Girl, can you tell me about my grandson?”

Ruan Mengmeng was a little dizzy. The old man was trembling with his cane. Whether it was the nostalgia of his hometown or the grief of his deceased family who had gone.

She couldn’t even bear it.

Ruan Mengmeng sat in the teahouse and listened to the old man’s story from a workshop apprentice to a rubber products king. She admired and respected him, but at the same time regretted it.

On the way to success, there would be a lot of baggage left behind. Only by traveling lightly could you obtain the fruits of victory in the shortest time. Inevitably, he gave up some people and things that he thought were unimportant at the time and regretted later.

He Yiyang’s own grandmother, and later Aunt Yunfen, were the baggage before Grandpa Wen’s success. Although it was cool and cruel to say so, it was true that they were not chosen because of negligence, because there were more important interests at stake.

In the private room of the teahouse, the air conditioning was excellent and the water in the teapot on the small induction stove was boiling.

“Grandpa Wen, I’ll make you some tea.”

Ruan Mengmeng smiled good-naturedly and rose slightly to make a cup of biluochun for the old man opposite.

No matter what, the person in front of her was old, and for him to tell a stranger what had been pent up for years, it must have been nagging at him for a long time.

Wen Taihe picked up the white porcelain cup. The Biluochun was light and fragrant, with a faint aftertaste after drinking.

The woman in the pale green cheongsam also liked to drink tea. She always made a cup at night when he was still busy. The next day, she would take her lively daughter, who hugged his thighs, shouted for her father, and saw him off to work.

However, the past was long gone, and when he looked back again, things had changed.

Out of the corner of her eye, she secretly glanced at Grandpa Wen several times. Ruan Mengmeng didn’t know how to break the heavy atmosphere.

Luckily, it didn’t take long for Wen Taihe to ask, “Little girl, can you tell grandpa about He Yiyang? I have been absent from his life all these years and would really like to know more about it.”

The author has something to say: double chin

O(∩_∩)O hahaha~

[1] Project 211 is the Chinese government’s endeavor aimed at strengthening about 100 institutions of higher education and key disciplinary areas as a national priority for the 21st century. There are 112 universities in project 211.

Project 985 is a constructive project for founding world-class universities in the 21st century being conducted by the government of the People’s Republic of China. There are 39 institutions in the initiative.

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