So It's Me, I'm The One Who Has A Crush On You

Chapter 53: CH 53

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Ruan Mengmeng had to go to class the next day, so early in the morning, Ruan Dahai sent her back to school.

He Yiyang slept until ten o’clock in the morning before waking up. When he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, he saw that his overseas Chinese grandfather had made three calls.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, he gave a sarcastic laugh.

He had researched him carefully, and the bait he had been offered had been very appealing.

More than 100 days before the university report, He Yiyang had planned to find a company for an internship. He had contacted Uncle Li before and wanted to study at the company that his father had built, but, hehe~


When people leave, the tea cools. [1]

There was a knock on the door, and He Zhenhua called out to him. He Yiyang opened the door, “Grandpa?”

He Zhenhua entered with his hands behind his back. “I have a few words to say. Old man Wen was here last night, so I didn’t have the heart to say it in person.”

Tl Zkuydt dseele. Tkp taydeqyvbla bye nyzzle Xze Jasvbla Eld yqqlnvksdyvlzu zypv dktbv, yde dso bl oyp nyzzkdt bkx Xze Yyd Eld. Ty by, bl oyp alyzzu vos sze xld.

Tl Hbldbwy pyke: “Xze xyd Eld kp dso kd vbkp rspkvksd yde altalvp vbl oyaxvb sq bkp qyxkzu vbyv bl zspv obld bl oyp uswdt. R nyd wdelapvyde, cwv bl xwpv cl xsal vbyd dspvyztkn obld bl alvwadp vs Ubkdy. R clzklhl usw blyae kv zypv dktbv.”

“Zswa taydeqyvbla eslp byhl y zsv sq pjkzzp. Tkp xwzvkdyvksdyz taswr nsxrydu kp dsv nsxryayczl vs xu vsodpbkr ldvlarakpl, dsa uswa qyvbla’p dlozu zkpvle nsxrydu. Rq usw oydv vs qkde y nsxrydu qsa yd kdvladpbkr, uswa taydeqyvbla kp kdelle vbl clpv nbsknl.”

Tl Hbldbwy lxrbypkple plakswpzu, “Jwv usw xwpv jdso vbyv Zwdqld xwpv byhl zspv bla xkde clbkde bla nzykx vbyv pbl kp yd sarbyd. Fbl bypd’v xldvksdle bla qyvbla qsa xsal vbyd vld ulyap, ps kv kp dsv y nsxxsd jdsv. Zswa xsvbla ekpeykdp vbl olyzvb sq sze xyd Eld. R clzklhl vbyv usw yal dsv pvwccsad, cwv usw esd’v dlle vs cl vss wraktbv. Qaydepsd, obyv es usw vbkdj?”

Tl Zkuydt rswale y tzypp sq oyvla qsa bkp taydeqyvbla, “R’zz zlv usw pyu obyvlhla usw oydv. Ebyv lzpl nyd R pyu?”

“Tybybyby, ps usw’al pvkzz tawxczkdt. Zsw’al dsv wpwyzzu ps osxydzu, yal usw?” Tl Hbldbwy vbswtbv qsa y xsxldv, “Xb! Zsw fwpv nyd’v zlv ts sq Yldtxldt, nyd usw?”

Tl Zkuydt eked’v oydv vs yexkv kv. Tl qlzv nyaakle yoyu cu Swyd Yldtxldt’p pvknjkdlpp, cwv bl dseele yduoyu.

“Tyk kp rzyddkdt vs plde Yldtxldt vs Aydnswhla, yde vbl pvweu ycasye rasnlewalp yal yzz esdl,” Tl Hbldbwy pyke.

He Yiyang was shocked, “When did that happen?”


“The formalities started late last year.”

He Yiyang frowned for a moment and then said, “Grandpa, do you know what role Uncle Hai played in that case in Taoxi Town?”

Ruan Hai was an outright slave to his daughter through and through. It was not too much to say that Ruan Mengmeng was the apple of his eye; since it had come to the point of sending his precious daughter out of his sight, He Yiyang had to take a fresh look at the whole thing.

He used to think that Gu Wei’s Gu’s Real Estate and Xinjing Real Estate were just facing each other, and they were competing for resources. It was normal for one mountain to not tolerate two tigers. Ruan Dahai was only assisting. After all, Chen Xueming was his deceased sworn buddy. He had to help in terms of face and favours.

The situation now seemed to be a complete reversal of thinking, with Ruan Hai being the one to raise the flag.

“Looking at your expression, it is estimated that you have understood the entire thing,” He Zhenhua said. “Hai is someone who wants to do big things. I admire his sense of justice and brotherhood in his heart, so you can also coax Mengmeng when the time comes.”

“How can I coax her?” He Yiyang wanted to refuse.

Ruan Mengmeng usually didn’t have a temper at all. He could either knead or seize the position…… She would be obedient, but her bottom line was there. The thunderbolt would never be crossed.

In the same way, if it touched Ruan Mengmeng’s bottom line, there was no way anyone could coax her back. The world would have to bear a proper cold war.

“That’s out of my hands,” He Zhenhua got up and teased, “This is an errand you’re running for your father-in-law. It has nothing to do with this old man.”

He Yiyang: ……



Ruan Mengmeng was now in residential accommodation, and her range of activities throughout the day was on campus. With final exams coming up again soon, and the head teacher of senior year two was very strict. 

Ruan Mengmeng wore out her welcome before the class teacher granted her leave for the evening study.

She ran to the entrance of the school, where He Yiyang was leaning against a tree waiting, his superb face attracting schoolgirls to and fro to stop and stare.

“Brother, are you really going to Malaysia?” Ruan Mengmeng asked as soon as they met.

The leading company in Malaysia’s rubber industry was owned by Wen Taihe. Ruan Mengmeng knew that when Grandpa Wen came back to acknowledge his family, he was bound to make compensation. The usual would definitely be branch shares and real estate.

She knew He Yiyang and he definitely would not want it.

But what was unexpected was that He Yiyang wanted to study with Wen Taihe, and Wen Taihe was willing to teach him by hand.

To be honest, Ruan Mengmeng had expected this, as it was better to teach someone to fish than to hand him a fish. He Yiyang was a strong man by nature. He was strict and perfect in his work, and his ideas were so righteous that when he said he wanted to go to Malaysia, Ruan Mengmeng did not want to pander to him and ask him to stay.

However, what she never expected was that He Yiyang would not give himself any time to relax.

Likewise, he didn’t leave any time for her either.

He Yiyang took her hand and squeezed it, “Let’s go and eat first. We’ll talk about it later while we eat.”

“Okay.” Ruan Mengmeng responded, a little aggrieved.


When they arrived at the restaurant, the waiter greeted them and asked if they had a reservation. He Yiyang had previously booked a private room, so they went straight up to the first floor.

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It was a hot day, and the sweet and sour pineapple rice was a great appetite booster, so Ruan Mengmeng ate with her cheeks puffed out in enjoyment.

Delicious taste could mend a bad mood. Ooh, one more bite.

He Yiyang was salivating as he watched, “Give me a taste.”

Ruan Mengmeng hesitated. Her black and white eyes looked askance at him and she took a spoonful like a cafeteria lady and then weighed it down a little.

He Yiyang looked amused and opened his mouth to urge, “Hurry up!”

“Here.” Ruan Mengmeng handed it over.

At the same time, He Yiyang fed the peeled spicy crayfish to her mouth.

Ruan Mengmeng narrowed her eyes happily, “The crayfish is also delicious.”

“Okay, I’ll peel two more for you.” He Yiyang dotingly said to her with a pile of bright red lobster shells in front of the bowl and plate. He gave all the meat to Ruan Mengmeng.

After the meal, Ruan Mengmeng revisited the topic, “Are you flying tomorrow? I don’t even have time to send you. How long will you go for?”

“It’s a rare opportunity. I’ll be in Malaysia until university starts.” He Yiyang stroked Ruan Mengmeng’s head. “Don’t look like that. You can call me anytime you miss me, Mengmeng.”


Ruan Mengmeng lowered her head and drank her juice sullenly.

That being said, how could it be possible to call anytime? Not to mention He Yiyang’s serious and dedicated style of work, Ruan Mengmeng had already made arrangements for her summer vacation.

This year, Ruan Mengmeng had arranged a seven-day holiday for herself before she made an appointment with Chen Linjia to visit her. Then, she had to go to the studio for a second training retreat, so there was no time to spare.

She originally thought He Yiyang could accompany her, but now he suddenly said he was going to Malaysia. She felt a hollow feeling in her heart.

He Yiyang picked up her chin. “Look up. If you’re not happy, just say so.”

Her eyes blinked twice. Ruan Mengmeng was, in the end, indignant. They had only been in love for how long, ah, but they were about to be separated.

“You have so many holidays. Why can’t you stay with me for a few days? When the time comes, you will be busy again at the start of university. I also have to take the Unified College Examinations and we won’t even be in the same city. It can be said that it would be difficult to have the opportunity to stay together for a year. How can you ……”

Ruan Mengmeng’s mouth was puffing angrily, and her eyes were round. She looked like a frazzled cat that would scratch you if you didn’t follow them. She was very cute.

He Yiyang pulled her onto his lap, “What are you anxious about? I won’t run. I’ve already given you the jade bracelet from the family! Well, when you go to Vancouver for a few days, I will fly to see if you are okay?”

He Yiyang also had a headache from thinking about the mess his father-in-law-to-be had made. Vancouver was definitely on the itinerary. There was no doubt that when Ruan Mengmeng was the last to know the truth, she would rush back regardless.

“Then stay with me for two days.” Ruan Mengmeng held up two fingers, “This is my last concession. Otherwise, we’ll just be brother and sister, and the jade bracelet will be returned to Grandpa He.”

He Yiyang raised his eyebrows, “Yo, your temper has risen and you’re threatening me now?”

“Hmph.” Ruan Mengmeng lifted her chin, squeezing her fingers tightly even as she was dying to keep from conceding defeat.

“Pfft, fine, fine.” He Yiyang was amused by her strong appearance. He pinched her chin and kissed her soft lips. His narrow, deep eyes were filled with melting love.


When Ruan Mengmeng finished her last exam, she dragged her suitcase home and passed by her family’s Furong Life supermarket chain underneath the community.

When she went in, the shelves were half empty, and the shop manager she hired wasn’t there. What happened?

“Where’s Sister Dan?” Ruan Mengmeng asked the aunt, who was cowering behind the checkout counter.

The aunt was looking at her mobile phone happily. Her eyelids lifted and she said, in a bad tone, “Who is Sister Dan? I don’t know her. Go and get it yourself if you want to buy something.”

Ruan Mengmeng was a bit confused, “You don’t recognise me?”

The aunt rolled her eyes, “Should I know you? Which family’s daughter are you?”

“My daughter!”

Ruan Hai came in through the door and gave the aunt a fierce glare with a stern face.

“Boss,” she laughed and stood up quickly, “Your daughter is really beautiful. I was blinded by it for a while, and I didn’t recognise her. Her face and figure are like a star.”

Ruan Hai ignored her, took Ruan Mengmeng’s suitcase and headed out.

“Dad, why isn’t the shop stocking anything?” Ruan Mengmeng puzzled.

“Preparing for the renovation,” Ruan Dahai said perfunctorily, “I promised to pick you up. Why did you come back alone?”

“School isn’t far from home,” Ruan Mengmeng took her dad’s arm and came up to his face, looking straight into his eyes, “Really, dad?”

“Can I lie to you?”

Ruan Hai coughed and pretended to be worried. “Last year, the C City government introduced a large life supermarket, e-commerce O2O, B2C new business model and crowded the market. Small supermarkets are not doing well. I also want to follow the reform. “

“…… Oh.” Ruan Mengmeng was relieved. She guessed that her dad wanted to keep up with the times and chain supermarkets for a new way to play, “Daddy, come on!”

“Good!” Ruan Dahai smiled, snubbed successfully.

The author has something to say: little lovelies, this article is almost finished ~~

[1] Idiom meaning when someone is no longer in a position of power, people cease to care about them.

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