So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 12: Piano Sonata No. 12

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Part 1 

"Alright, everybody! Rehearsal's starting, get to your positions!" 

The Concertmaster, who was basically the senior here called to us. 

And so, I guided Charlotte to the audience seats before heading to an even bigger hall. 

Everyone was preparing and finding their spots, the conductor waiting in the front and talking to some other people. 

I quickly found my way to the grand piano that sat in the percussion side of the orchestra and sat down, opening the piano lid and resting my fingers on it. 

"Talking with others, isn't so bad after all?" 

I muttered Charlotte's words to myself. 

For the first time, I felt valued within a social circle. 

In school, I was treated like trash and wasn't involved in anything besides forced pairings during sport or class. 

So I was alone... For the first long years of my life. 

So, if that was the case, then how did I maintain minimal social skills to even survive in society? 

It's said that a school's hidden purpose is to foster social growth between humans, which I was deprived of significantly. And if human's don't receive that, they wouldn't function in society.

So how? Simple... Observation.

That's the absolute minimum, along with individualistic mechanisms like decreasing my dependency on others. 

Of course, I had to talk to others, just observing isn't enough. So I had a few acquaintances during my years as a teenager, but never friends. 

But here, and now, I didn't need to observe anymore. 

I was finally accepted. 

My phone buzzed. 

"-[Viola gang, rise up. No more discrimination agianst violas! Viola's are just as superior as Violins!]." 

"-[Hey Chad! Yo Chad, look over to the right!]" 

"-[Arthur's finally with us? No way]." 


It seems like I was invited to a group chat. 

I looked around, some of them were on their phones. 

So, this is the introduction to the first social circle in my life, huh? 

I quickly put the phone back into my pocket and looked at the music sheets in front of me. 

I looked out into the audience seats, it was dark and void of life, beside one figure. 

It was Charlotte, she sat in one of the audience seats

I smiled faintly after making eye contact.

Noticing this, Charlotte stood up and did waving signals with her hands, basically saying hello. 

But suddenly, as I was focusing my attention on Charlotte, I heard a voice come from behind me. 

"Guten Tag, Arthur! It's good to see you less dead than usual! Puahahaha! How is your practice? I hope you know that the piece we're rehearsing for the final time today is Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, right? Oh, silly me, it's not a sonata anymore, cause it's rearranged into an orchestral setting. Puahahaha! So it's an arrangement now! But even so, the piano's part is still major throughout-"   


"-So the entire orchestra's relying on you, have you practised?" 

It was the concertmaster.

His name was William Schubert, a musician from Germany. 

As you could tell from his tone of voice and the dynamics of his sentences, he was quite eccentric, outgoing and weird. 

He had slicked-back hair and wore a suit befitting of his status, from his hair, you could see that there were the occasional grey hairs, even though he told us he was thirty years old or so. 

"Have I practised...? Um, yeah, I have." 

I smiled innocently as I lied straight to his face. 

I haven't practised, at least, not recently. 

With the sudden appearance of Charlotte, I stopped for about two days leading to this rehearsal. 

And two days of rest is enough to dull my muscle memory by a little bit. 

"Puahahahahah! My friend, if you're lying, I'll break your fingers.

William knelt down and went to eye-level, meeting my gaze. 

He muttered in a dark voice, the sudden change in his happy cheerful laughter into his dark and foggy tone of voice made me feel nervous for a little bit.

As a concertmaster, he is constantly stressed with leadership and management. 

He must have been holding that all in while caring for us musicians and preparing the arrangement for this concert. 

"I'm not lying, concertmaster. So don't break the only thing that keeps me alive."

But a smirk came onto my face after hearing his threat. 

Seeing this smirk on my face, his expression mimicked in return. 

"Hah, that's good then!"

William pat my shoulder as he walked off, talking with the other musicians before the rehearsal could really start. 

I could hear him muttering: "I'll kill you if..." "I'll break your bow... "You know what happens if you miss the time signature, right?" stuff like that to the other musicians. 

Damn, he knows how to scare people and make them smirk and feel good too. 

After a while, all the musicians were prepared. 

The conductor stood on the podium, and looked onwards. 

Notably, this conductor was a woman, she was also very young at the age of 24. 

She had fierce red eyes and long dark black hair, wearing a black dress and stood with her chest out. 

Her name was Scarlet, which means courage, passion, intensity, heat and joy, which symbolised her personality well. 

Out of everyone in this orchestra, I was afraid of her the most. 


You'll see soon. 


I take a deep breath, relaxing my fingers. 

With the beginning movements, the conductor waved for the piece to begin. 


I began to play the introduction to Moonlight Sonata. 

Like William subtly inferred earlier, Sonatas are pieces that are played as solo instrumental with no or minor backing from other instruments.

So now with the introduction of an entire orchestra, this piece is now not a sonata, but an arrangement. 

But since it was originally a sonata and still has major elements of the piano as a sololist, I'm basically carrying the team here. 

The piano is the core essential part of this arrangement. 

I play the melody, harmony and basically 80% while the rest of the orchestra support me from behind. 

I'm the backbone of this concert. 

If I mess up, I'm dead. 

The violins, came in, supporting my piano solo. 

Then soon the rest of the strings, then the brass, the woodwind and other instruments. 

We all played magnificently, with soothing wavy sounds, like the ocean. The combinations of sounds created sounded airy, soft and kind. Very touching to the heart.  

For some reason, I was spearheading the piece well, despite not practising earlier. 

But after a while of playing, Scarlet, the conductor, put her hands down, signalling for everyone to stop playing. 


We were all silent. 

"Halt! What the hell are you doing? Oi, Cellos, you're not supposed to make that sound. It's supposed to be more smooth, and should accompany the violins, not stand directly beside them." 


The cello players looked at Scarlet, the conductor and nodded as if they understood what she meant. 

And so, we replayed the piece.

"Hey hey, what the fuck. Cellos, what did I just say?" 

Scarlet knitted her eyebrows, growing more frustrated. 

The cello players began to look nervous, sweat slowly appearing on their foreheads. 

"-I said to play it more smoothly you fucking ingrates, are you all dumb? Are you all stupid? Oh my fucking god, do I have to point it out? Are you all that fucking hopeless? What did you get your music degrees for, you fucking bitches, to street play?! Your playing is so fucking pathetic. It's supposed to make the mmmmm sound, not nnnnnnn! Come on, do it again! You morons!" 

And so, we played the same section again. 

"Again! You fucking morons!" 


We did it again. 

Scarlet dropped her batons. 

A huge boom erupted within the theatre as she stomped her foot down into the hollow stand. 

"Halt! Halt! Halt! Fucking Halt you idiots! You stupid pieces of mother fucking retards! Retards, cancer cells, assholes stupid mother fucking fuckers! Argh! Tch, do it again! Do it again! Why the fuck would you continue to make the same mistakes over and over again?! You stupid fucking cellos, get it right this time you fucking amateurs."

Her sole scorching voice echoed through the entire theatre. 

Except for her, everybody else was silent. 

We did it again.

"No no no no no! No! Now there's a whole bunch of other fucking problems, with the main one being that you're not creating the correct note lengths! What the fuck, are you all fucking stupid? You fucking cellos, it's the mmm! sound, not the nnnn! How many times do I have to fucking say this, you ingrate sheep fuckers?! Motherfuckers can't listen for shit! Idiots! Idiots!" 

Scarlet stomped her foot endlessly, her voice raging throughout the orchestra as her face contorted into pure frustration. 

"You! Just you, play your part!" 

She pointed toward a random cellist and put him on the spot. 

Poor cellist. 


"Yes, you! What, do you want me to break your bow, fucking retard? Get a move on! Replay it already!" 

I looked down toward Charlotte, who had an amused look on her face. 

It seems like she enjoyed watching this conductor rage. 

...And so, it took about thirty minutes for the cello section to fix their mistakes, mainly by the sacrifice of the dignity of a few celloists. 

We continued rehearsing. 

As I played my keys, leading the entire orchestra, Scarlet put her hands down, telling us to stop again. 

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"Arthur, did you practice?" 

Scarlet pointed toward me, asking me with an iron voice. 

...Oh god, oh god oh god oh god oh god. 


I mustered the courage to loudly reply. 

"You're lying, you stupid bastard, I can tell by your sloppy playing that you haven't practised for about 4 days, you fucking lazy sloth basement dweller. You're the backbone of this entire piece, why didn't you the fuck practice you fucking stupid pianist?" 

Her words pierced me like red-molten arrows right into my chest, her fierce eyes portraying her deep and hot feelings. 


"-You fucking piece of dogshit, are you really a prodigy genius? You're playing like a stupid monkey today. What the hell happened? You were so perfect the last rehearsal, you played like a human metronome, a robot and a machine at the same time. Did you really not practice? I'll spank you if you didn't." 


I'm so dead. 

I'm dead. 

I'm gonna be flayed and hanged upside down. 

I'm gonna be crucified. 

I'm gonna be... Spanked? Wait, say that again, Miss Conductor. 

"No, Miss Conductor! I just hit my head on my way to rehearsal, so I'm feeling a bit dizzy, please give me about twenty minutes to rest, and I'll return with exceptional musical quality!" 

I immediately stood up, with my hands straight to my side I shouted back. 

I had my fists clenched, rubbing against the sweat in my hands, my heart was beating faster than the tempo of the third movement of moonlight sonata at double time (310bpm). 

I felt the heat from my head rise in nervousness, sweat formulating.

I didn't want to die. 

"You hit your head, huh? I guess that's reasonable, you fucking bastard. Fine, twenty minutes, go sleep in the private practice rooms if you need. Just get yourself ready, this'll be the last rehearsal, so no chances. I'm only halting the orchestra for twenty minutes because of how human metronome-like you've been last rehearsals, now get outta hear and come back when the clock hits." 

The conductor, crossed her arms and replied with a stern voice. 

But fortunately, she let me go. 





I ran into the private practice room and sat on the piano inside it. 

"Alright, we have twenty minutes, that's enough time to practice for at least a little bit." 

The conductor, Scarlet, bought my excuse, so I have about twenty minutes. 

I'll keep practising until then, and hope I don't die. 

Then suddenly, Charlotte barged into the private practice room. 

"Hi hi, stupid ingrate~! How's my stupid virtuoso doing?" 

Charlotte hugged me from behind as she mimiced the words of the raging conductor. 

"H-Hey, don't copy what Scarlet says, you'll give me PTSD from just a few minutes ago, okay? And get off of me, I need to practise or I'll be killed." 

I tried to brush Charlotte off of me as I laid my fingers on the piano keys in front of me, preparing to quickly practice. 


"...Get off of that piano, or I'll murder you." 

Charlotte copied the mannerisms of Scarlet, along with her tone of voice. 

"Of course, madam. Wait- Oi, stop that, Charlotte! If you mimic Scarlet's voice, I'll forever act submissive and servile! Stop it!" 

"Huhuhuhuhu~, okay, but you still gotta get off. Practise on me instead."

Charlotte summoned her piano right beside her. 

"Alright, fine." 

I stood up, moving the piano bench toward Charlotte. 

"That's a good boy." 

Charlotte pat my head with a motherly tone of voice

"I'm not a kid." 

And so, I used up my 20 minutes of re-practising.

Hopefully, I perfected it.

Part 2 

I walked back into the theater hall. 

Everyone who was waiting were chatting, but their conversation died down as they saw me enter. 

Everyone's gaze was on me. 

This made me tense up a little bit, because everyone was relying on me for this piece. 

A piece that was centred around the piano. 

"So you're done resting huh? You better not give me that sloppy performance you gave earlier, or I'll really bash your head in and give you a good spanking." 

Anyone here into femdom? Yeah, this is the person you're looking for by how she speaks. 

Fortunately, I'm not into that. 

"Thank you for letting me rest, you're so considerate, Miss Scarlet." 

"S-Shut up, asshole, sit down." 

And so, I sat down. 

Everyone tensed up, prepared to play. 

And so, Scarlet's hands rose, beginning the piece. 




"Good work everyone, and good work, Arthur." 

Haaaah! HAAAAAAH! I did it! I did it! 

I didn't die! 

I played awesomely!

With rehearsal done, I walked toward the audience seats where Charlotte was, and sat beside her. 

"What did you think?" 

"It was perfect!" 

Charlotte lightly clapped as she responded. 

"That's good." 

My fingers hurt after playing. 

"Hey hey, who's this girl?" 

I heard a familiar stern voice coming from beside me. 

Oh god. 

"Madam Scarlet?" 

"Call me Scarlet when we're not rehearsing." 

Scarlet put her foot up against the seat beside me, standing up as her thighs were shown off in front of me. 

Her appearance was stunning, especially up close. 

She had long black hair, red eyes and that cool black dress. Her figure was petite, but most notably of all, her personality was blunt and insulting. 

"This is Charlotte, I invited her here as a guest so watch us rehearse." 

I introduced Charlotte to her. 

"So that's the girlfriend Arthur has. That's considerably surprising... Ok, I've seen enough. See ya." 


Scarlet walked away after getting a closer look. 

What the hell? 

Is that why you came over? 

That's it? 


I took my phone out of my pocket, looking at the group chat I was invited into. 

Wait, it seems like I was invited into multiple chats. 

The first one was the official orchestra chat, where everyone in this room was at. 

The second one was a casual musician chat mainly from the musicians in this orchestra. 

Another one was a special chat with Chad and his close friends. 

...Another one with Lucy and hers...? 

And another random one, with all the girls in this orchestra, huh? 

Why was I invited to all these chats? Their notifications are annoying. 

I turned off my phone, putting it back in my pocket. 

Ghostly, I felt a gaze on me. 


This suspicious gaze came from Charlotte, who was eyeing up my phone now in my pocket. 




She continued to glare at the outlines of my pocket, where my phone was. 


"...Do you want a phone?" 

"Yes, please." 

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