So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 16: Piano Sonata No. 16

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Part 1 

The Mountain Concerto Competition is what it's officially called, welcoming any professional musician or any other talented people to enter to win a grand prize of a hundred thousand dollars along with your own concert in Germany, which would be viewed by a lotta people. 

This was the competition Lukyus and I had signed up in. 

With something of this scale of a prize, you could imagine the pain Ariel would go through sorting out stuff on her end to change partners from Lukyus to Charlotte, and changing our piece to another one. 

So obviously, this wasn't your typical musical competition. 

With this prize, people from around the world would be attending, bumping up the rivalry between all of us. 

But, I didn't sign up for no reason. 

I'm determined to win. 


Long story short, I need the money. 

As a musician, I'm scraping at the end of the barrel over here with my living expenses, it was tough already to move out of my own home, but the moment I graduated from university, I was thrown into the deep end of economic society. 

The apartment I'm renting now is the main consumer of my finances that I'm making from casual music work, tutoring and the orchestra.

I don't think I'll be able to survive next month's rent if I don't win this competition and win the prize. 

And this apartment complex has strict rules when it comes to it, the first time I couldn't pay rent on time, the owner got mad at me and threatened to kick me out unless I paid within a week. 

That week, I ran everywhere I could to find extra work. 

Of course, buying Charlotte a phone, a phone cover and extra clothes were essential and had to be done, I don't regret spending money on that. 

In short, this competition that was going to happen in two weeks was gonna be my saving grace from getting kicked out.

Though, that's only a secondary reason. 

I had another reason for this, a primary reason. 

And it's actually a newfound reason too. 


Buzz buzz

I felt a vibration in my pocket. 

The sounds echoed throughout the practice room me and Charlotte were sitting in, bouncing off the dark soundproof black walls and back to me. 

"Who's that?" 

Charlotte asked, peeking into my phone, looking at the name. 


Seeing the name, Charlotte recoiled a bit, cringing. 


After answering it, I put it beside my phone. 

"Oii! You idiot! What do you think you're doing, suddenly switching partners? I got a call from a girl from the competition staff, is this even allowed? You know there's no one better than me to play beside you, why did you do that? Put me back in!" 

In an irritated and frustrated tone, my narcissist younger brother yelled from the phone. 

From what I know of him, I could imagine him doing exaggerated hand motions behind the phone similar to an Italian in an argument. 

"...Go tell them to rot in hell.


I instantly hung up the call. 

To put it simply, my reason for entering the competition with Charlotte on my side was to spite my parents and younger brother. 

That was my main reason for entering this competition, at least, when I switched from Lukyus to Charlotte. 

Since I know that Lukyus will participate no matter what and that my parents will be watching, if I win, I ultimately stick the finger to my mother and father, spiting them. 

And then I'll completely cut ties. 


I'll completely destroy them by winning, proving them wrong. 

I'm not worthless. 

I'm not the trash they think I am. 

I'm not useless. 

A complete and earth-splitting victory. 

If I didn't do that, then I would never be satisfied. 

"So, what piece are we gonna play for the competition?" 

Charlotte leaned against the wall, looking at me with a smug expression. 

What should I play, huh? 

If I'm trying to spite them it should be heavy, angry and intense. 

It'd sound right, right? 

"No, I'm not letting you play something angry." 

For some reason, Charlotte had read my mind from the expression on my face. 

Her smirk had vanished, only looking at me with serious eyes, her arms crossed and back straight, her shoulders off the wall. 

"Why not?" 

"Because you'll never let go of your past if you do something like that!" 

Charlotte grabbed my shoulders and agressively shook them. 

Her eyes connected with mine.

I could feel the intensity from her, her eyes sparkling and her grip tightening. 

"You don't have to prove to them anything." 


I looked at Charlotte with a confused expression, as if I didn't know what she was talking about. While in truth, I knew. 

"Listen to me! Who cares about what they think, don't even think about them! You don't have to do anything, just..." 


"-just, just play with me, okay?"

Charlotte recoiled a bit as she lowered her gaze, speaking those last words gently and so quiet that it felt like whispers in Decrescendo.  

"What do you know?" 

I mildy whispered. 

"I know everything!" 

Ah, I'm an idiot, she knows everything literally. 

She's been there with me since I was a kid. 

I don't have to prove to them anything? 


I'm being pathetic. What was I thinking? 

"...So, I don't? Have to?" 

I repeated her words, which echoed in my mind. 

"That's right, don't think about them." 


Charlotte smiled before turning around, facing her back toward me with her hands behind her back. 

"How about I choose a piece this time?" 

She raised her hand forward, pointing toward the edges of the ceiling before spinning back energetically, a newfound expression of excitement on her face. 

"S-Sure, what do you want to play for the Concerto competition?" 


"I refuse." 

What the heck was this idiot saying?

"Huuuh, why not?!" 

Charlotte puffed out her cheeks, extending her neck toward me with a surprised frown. 

"Are you an idiot? Are you really a piano? We'll never win if we play something as simple as that." 

"-But we can arrange it to sound-" 

"I know what you're trying to say, but no, this is supposed to be serious." 

I crossed my hands, straightening my back, digging my heels down as I stood up tall to signify my position. 

After my response, Charlotte tilted her head sideways and a little bit backwards, smirking defeating. 

"Tch, it didn't work." 

"What didn't work?" 

It seems like Charlotte was just joking around. 

"It would have been funny if we played that though..." 

She sounded like a little kid whose prank was exposed. 

"It would be, but really, we only have two weeks, what piece do you think we should play?" 

"...Ode to Joy?" 

Charlotte suggested after thinking hard. 

She sat down on a long spare seat inside the practice room. 

"That's too cheesy." 

"...Minuet in G Major?" 

Charlotte nervously twiddled with her fingers, rubbing her thighs together as she looked downward. 

"Too simple." 

"...Fantasy In F Minor?" 

"A small chance, but I've played it too many times. 

"...La Campanella?" 

"Are you trying to give me Carpal Tunnel?" 

"...Mephisto Waltz No. 1, S. 514?" 

"You're definitely trying to break my fingers." 

She smirked. 


Charlotte completely gave up. 

"That's a composer, not a piece. Are you really a piano?"

For some reason, I smiled as I sat down beside her. 

"Yeah, I am, want me to prove it?" 

Charlotte grinned as she stretched out her arms, presenting herself. 

"Not here, you'll take up most of our limited space." 

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Since now we were both sitting on the long seat within the practice room, she shifted her body, so our thighs were touching. 





We were both alone in this room together, our breathing made clear with the silence that followed. 

Why did it suddenly go silent?

This silence is killing me. 

Say something. 

For some reason, being with Charlotte like this makes my heart beat faster.

I could feel my hands trembling as my body heated up in a weird feeling. 


Finally, amidst the silence, Charlotte called out to me. 


"Can you hug me?" 

So suddenly?! 

"C-Charlotte? What are you saying all of a sudden?" 

"It's not fair that I'm the one initiating our recent hugs, so can you do it first?" 

Recent hugs, you mean the ones where I broke down and cried? 

Don't remind me of something that embarrassing. 

Charlotte's face was red, blushing as she didn't make eye contact, only taking a few glances toward my chest before looking even further downward. 


I awkwardly reached out, spreading my arms as I enveloped Charlotte into them, squeezing her tightly against my chest. 

I could feel her breath seep into my chest through my thin clothes, her fingers pressed against my upper body as I sniffed her hair, she smelt nice. 

This feels nice. 

Really really nice. 

I embraced her warmth, which heated me up inside too. 

I sighed contently. 

I want to stay like this forever. 

"What do you think?" 

I asked her. 


I heard Charlotte, who had her cheek against my chest quietly mutter. 





"I've thought of a piece we could play together." 

Charlotte sat back up, leaving the embrace and looking straight at me. 

Did hugging me give her some idea? 

"What is it?" 

"It's, uh... Uhm, uwah, the name is overly technical and complicated... I think it's... ." 

(It's a four-handed piano piece, here it is:

Charlotte stood up, and instead of sitting in front of the grand piano in this room, she materialized her own piano which pressed against the wall. 

She was struggling to recall the name of the piece. 

I don't blame her. Why do composers name their pieces with numbers and that stuff? ...That was a dumb question, as a musician, I know that already. 

"Wanna try?" 

Charlotte sat down to the left of the piano bench, tapping the seat. 

I nodded before sitting down beside her. 

I vaguely remember practising this piece a long time ago. 

So when my fingers smacked the piano, I was nervous. 

As I played, I looked over toward Charlotte. 

She looked beautiful and cute, which was something I hadn't kept an eye on, even though I knew. 

This piece was exciting, triumphant and happy, sounding through my ears, bringing a smile to my face, and to Charlotte's too. 

Listening to Charlotte and myself play it made me wonder why I even wanted to play something different, something intense and angry. 

I'm gonna play what makes me happy. 

Charlotte's brown silky hair swayed lightly in the air as she lightly rocked her head to the happy and childish rhythm, her eyes slightly closed as she lifted her chin. 

Something clenched within my heart. 

This feeling is getting annoying. 

The hell is it? 

Why is it making me stare at her? 

"Hey Arthur, you stopped playing, something wrong?" 

Before I could realize it, my hands stopped moving. 

"Sorry, I was so captivated by you, that I forgot what I was playing." 

I said matter-of-factually, not concealing anything. 

It's the truth, though I don't understand it.


Charlotte floundered from the piano bench as she jumped in surprise. 

She began to fall. 

"Don't fall!" 

I forced myself toward the direction she was falling from. 

A huge thump echoed throughout the entire room as the piano bench fell over, along with the both of us. 

Charlotte had her back laid straight on the floor, her hands pushed down by mine as I was on all fours on top of her. 

I could see her chest rising and lowering rapidly, sweat from her forehead trickling down and her surprised expression. 



Our noses connected. 

What're these emotions spilling from my heart? 

It feels like an explosion, my shoulders quivering as my elbows struggled to not give way. 

My face went red as I struggled to maintain proper breathing, I could tell Charlotte was the same. 

I could feel the softness of her hands, which were connected together with mine. 

They felt as cozy as the fur of a dog, almost like rubbing my hands in pure fluffy sand. 

I squeezed gently. 

Charlotte silently moaned by the sudden squeeze in her hands. 



We silently murmured each others' names, barely audible with the same texture as a whisper. 

I don't really understand what I'm feeling, but it feels like my entire body is burning up, like the fireworks during New Year.

I could feel my cheeks becoming numb with pure flames as I glared right into Charlotte's blue eyes. 

In the same fashion to me, I could feel the heat from her blush radiating to my face. 

Suddenly, Charlotte squeezed her grip into my hands, finally connecting. 

The power in her legs died out as she flattened them, subtly saying "you can come closer". 

My vision was narrowed, all I could see was her cute, beautiful face. The fact that the room was dark only made her bright face contrast, making me blush even harder.

What was this feeling? Scorching within my heart, burning anything other than the sight of Charlotte down? 

This hidden feeling pushed me down, forcing my head down. 

What was I doing? 



As my face went even closer to hers, Charlotte closed her eyes, and slightly opened her mouth. 

Instead of rejecting me, I could feel Charlotte accepting my lips, as we began to connect. 

We kissed. 

Suddenly, while we were kissing, Charlotte used her strength to push me off of her, but with our mouths still connected

We both sat up, our eyes closed as we continued. 

With her hands, she began to explore my waist, eventually reaching my back, squeezing tight. 

I could feel her breasts softly press against my hard chest, which excited me a tiny bit. 

But in the same manner, I reached out my arms and hugged her too. 

We were connected both with our arms and heads. 

I think understand this feeling now. 

It was right in front of me this entire time, huh? 


I think, I love her. 


Is that the right word? 

I... What's love again? 

Is it when a person you know makes you feel weird in the chest? 

I don't know, I've never experienced any sort of love. 

I... I... Don't know what I'm feeling. 

I need to search up the meaning of love after this. 

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