So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 30: Piano Sonata No. 27

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Part 1 

Lukyus's Perspective 

Aaaah. Good morning, afternoon, evening, ladies and gentleman! I'm sure you're here for me, yes? Of course you have. There's nothing in this world more important than me.

Go on, name something. 

What's more important than me? 


That's what I thought. 

It's evening for me, ladies. 

My name is Lukyus, and I'm a professional Violinist and a certain brother of a genius pianist. 

You know what infuriates me the most? 

"Fuck you! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" 

After meeting with Arthur, I walked outside of this luxurious 5-star restaurant and into the alleyway to its side and kicked the wall furiously, almost as if I was trying to break it. 

"You piece of fucking... Shit!" 

I screamed curses toward the wall. 

No... I'm such a fine gentleman, I have to remain composed. 

Taking a few deep breaths, I adjusted my tiger suit collar and stood calmly. 

The restaurant that this finely dressed gentleman, me, was attending was called Tigress's Den. It boasted rich french architecture and served all sorts of wealthy guests, especially famous for its steaks and once in a lifetime dressings. 

So, why the fuck was that fucking Arthur here?

What ticked me off the most in this world was Arthur, my older brother. Not only was he a prodigious pianist... But, he was much more intelligent than me. 

Lukyus ever so rarely admitted faults within himself, he was a true narcissist at core so whenever he did admit a fault, it'd piss him off. Compared to Arthur, Lukyus wasn't very much affected by his parent's abusiveness, he saw no reason to be. Forced to learn the violin and become good at it, who else could see it as a positive to his perfect character but Lukyus? 

Lukyus could not care about the berating words of his drunken father, it had no affect because of his own self-love and narcissist admiration of himself. Such high self-esteem amazingly served as a barrier between the abuse he suffered, but unfortunately Arthur wasn't the same as him. 

But it's weird, even narcissists can be affected by such abuse, Lukyus wasn't any special exception or anything. Even a normal narcissist child would have a screw loose here and there from abusive parents, but Lukyus, somehow didn't.

He was the perfect working narcissist. 

Why was that? 

That was because the moment he was brought into this world, his superiority over Arthur, his older brother was already set in stone. As children, whenever Lukyus and Arthur played or hung out together, Lukyus always had the role of power between the two. That brought up his self-esteem and sense of self-worth which was increasingly so as a narcissist, giving himself a shield against anything. Even abuse. 

But, as the two grew up, Lukyus noticed something. 

"Arthur... You fucking..." 

Arthur was extremely intelligent, even more so than the already above-average intellect Lukyus. 

He eventually began slowly lose the power he had over Arthur, and could only grit his teeth as they both grew much older. 

Lukyus hated one thing above all else: Someone being better than him. 

And Arthur was that, he was much more intelligent than him, could play instruments with amazing technique and from what Lukyus knew of him, most likely could pick up a new instrument in a day. 

Arthur didn't know it, but he had amazing potential. If he wanted to, he could become a lawyer, doctor or whatever amazing profession if he put his heart into it. 

Lukyus estimated Arthur's IQ at around 170 or 180.

And his own IQ as 140 or 150. 

"Maybe, I'm being too childish?" 

Lukyus looked at his hands and thought. 

His main dislike of Arthur was because he was better at him at something. 


Lukyus thought. 

No matter what logic entered his mind, his medically narcissistic traits overpowered them, forcing him to feel the urge to hate Arthur for being superior than him in something.

He was insanely jealous, but he wouldn't admit that as so. 

He began to look around. 

"Tigress's Den, even the alleyway with its trash looks nice." 

The alleyway was clean with stone bright grey flooring that looked brand new, the building opposite to the restaurant seemed to be another related building that belonged to it. 

Then, Lukyus notice the door open from the main building in the alleyway. 

It was an employee taking out the trash. 

"Are you okay, sir?" 

The employee first noticed Lukyus's suit that had tiger stripes, and mentally smirked at the familiarity to it and his workplace's name. 

"I'm alright." 

Lukyus disinterestedly replied as he put his hands into his pockets, preparing to leave. 

"You have a nice suit, sir." 

The employee commented as Lukyus walked away. 

Lukyus looked back, and smirked.

Part 2 

Jestorica's Perspective 

Good evening, my name is Jestorica, and I've been invited to dinner to such an amazing place by Lukyus. 

I'm a violist, playing the Viola. Don't mistake me for a Violinist, the Violin and Viola are different! 

Around 10 minutes ago, Lukyus just suddenly walked out of the private room we had so I just simply left and began walking around the hallways, admiring the beauty of this place. 

It was really beautiful. 

This was the third floor of the Tigress's Den's hallways and wherever I looked, I was met with shiny gold and red velvet decorations and ornamentation of this place. 

The edges of the ceiling were beautiful and with every few meters had a skinny pillars against the wall that seemed useless in terms of Architectural design, but beautiful when looking at it. 

But eventually, the hallway ended and I was met with a small lounge room of sorts. 

It was a pretty big space and had groups of red cushioned couches with golden out-linings facing together into a rectangle as if it boasted group seats, also some one-seaters around the room with decorated tables, a drink station, plants and large paintings. 

"This seems like a good place to relax." 

I'm a musician who works part-time as a cashier to make ends meet. 

I could never afford something like this. 

Why not enjoy everything it offers?

I looked into a mirror that was put on the wall as I walked into the first-class restaurant lounge room. 

I wore a black beret over my long wavy brown hair with an expensive white open-shoulder top with a short black skirt and high-heels. 

I don't normally wear high-heels, but this is a formal occasion, and it pisses me off to have Lukyus look down at me when we're out, although he still is able to look down at me even with the highest of heels. 

That guy probably fucks any woman who makes herself available to him, that's just the type of guy he is. 

I was thinking as I turned to my side toward the couches, before noticing a man sitting down on one of those couches. 

Jestorica saw a side-view of the man. 

He had black hair that was reasonably grown out but with no style. Although his hair was slicked to the side, being a little wet. He had a pointy nose and uncommon sharp masculine defined jawline. His sharp eyes glared into the cup of water he was holding out as he rested himself against the coach in a relaxed manner with his legs crossed and other arm against the armrest. 

He wore a white-buttoned shirt and simple formal trousers. 

Hey... Isn't that, Arthur? What's he doing here?

It seems like Arthur hadn't noticed me yet. 

Arthur used to go to my Primary and Secondary School, we knew each other mainly from musical programs that they both hosted, I even went over to his house. 

And yes... I'm aware of what kind of situation he had. 

I was the one who helped convince him to move out, which worked out well. Never talked to him since though. 


I approached Arthur standing nothing short of a meter in front of him as I squeezed my legs, looking down toward him.

Arthur bopped his head up, raising his brow as he replied to the foreign voice saying his name:

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"Hm? Who is this? How do you kno- Ah, you must be a Violist. Do I know you from the Orchestra?" 

He doesn't even recognise me, but somehow he did know I played the Viola. 

"-You don't recognise me?"  

"Sorry, who are you?" 

"-I'm... Jestorica." 


Arthur sat there in a daze for a short while, looking into my eyes as memories seemed to flush back into his head. 

His eyes widely opened in realisation. 

But shortly after, his hands retreated back to the temples of his head. 


It seemed like he was in pain. 

"A-Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine..." 

Arthur quickly stood up, shaking off the pain and looked down at me. 

"It really is you." 

Arthur inspected me for a bit before looking back toward my eyes. 

"It's been a long time, Arthur." 

"Yes... I heard you were in this building." 

Arthur replied. 

"You saw Lukyus? I thought things weren't going too good between you two?" 

Arthur stared at me with a dull expression for a noticeable second or two.

He looked the same as usual, but his eyes seemed much more happier compared to years ago. 

He's also pretty handsome. 

"It's okay..."

Hey hey, why are things so awkward? 

I guess neither Arthur or I are that much of talkers? 

"-I heard you were playing with Lukyus in the Mountain Concerto Competition." 

Arthur seemed to have picked up on the awkward air and asked me that. 

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be his partner-"

But before I could continue speaking, I was interrupted by someone. 

"Oi! Who's this woman?!" 

With a raised high-pitched voice, a woman with brown hair stomped beside Arthur and grabbed his ear, pulling him down his level. 

W-Who the hell is this girl. 

"S-She's just an old friend of mine, Charlotte. Her name is Jestorica. She shared schools with me." 

Arthur pulled Charlotte's hand off of his ear and explained to Charlotte. 

"So... You have a girlfriend now?" 

"No, she's no-" 

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend." 

While Arthur was trying to deny it, Charlotte wholeheartedly accepted the assumption with a bright smile on her face. 

Part 3 

Arthur's Perspective

I let Charlotte and Jestorica chat with each other in the lounge room as I sat on an opposite couch, chilling. 

Although I'm very thankful for Jestorica, I really have nothing much to say to her. She's just someone who has helped me, so if she asks me for help with anything I'll gladly give her my services. So, other than that, it's a bit awkward. 

Oh yeah, since she's partnered up with Lukyus in the competition, she's practically my enemy. 

Eventually, the time came where Lukyus had walked into the lounge room of the restaurant trying to find Jestorica, picking her up so they could go eat. Charlotte and I said our goodbyes, and I exchanged numbers with Jestorica. 

A few hours later, Charlotte and I had fun at dinner, and it was one of any rarely times I've socialised, now I'm really mentally tired. 

I had a great chat with everyone at dinner. 

Why didn't anyone tell me hanging out with people could be so fun? 

Everyone was driven home and dropped off from the Limo, that included us. 

So right now me and Charlotte were in the elevator going up to our apartment. 

"Did you have fun?" 

Charlotte asked me with a wide smile.

"I did, also, what's your problem with Leah?" 

I noticed that Leah and Charlotte bumped heads a lot during conversation. 

Oh yeah, I knew what her problem was. 

Charlotte's just so adorable. 

"You know what it is..." 

Charlotte replied. 

I smirked as I pat Charlotte's back. 

The elevator door opened and we walked to my apartment.

"Ugh I'm so tired!" 

Charlotte jumped onto my couch the moment I opened the door to my apartment. 

I walked up to Charlotte and noticed her rugged attire. 


I smiled down, noticing Charlotte had fallen fast asleep. 

That fast? The day must have sucked out a lot of energy from her

"Here we go." 

I decided to pick her up and walk into my room.


I gently placed her onto my bed and put a blanket over her. 

She was facing the outside of the bed, so I knelt down and looked at her sleeping face. 

Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were closed, I ran my fingers through her soft brown hair and put it behind her ears.  Her face was really cute, her bangs obeyed the laws of gravity and drooped to the side, showing a bit of her forehead. 


Her lips looked soft, and glistened in the room light. I could make out every detail. 

For some reason, something was compelling me closer to it. 


My lips moved closer. 


And before I knew it, I had kissed Charlotte. 

Standing back up, I closed the lights and went to sleep. 

I would need to get a good nights sleep today, there's a performance tomorrow and with me at its centre. 

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