Sodachi Zakari no Oshiego ga Yakeni Emoi

Chapter 3: 2

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(Wow, it really is Tsubakiya Hinata.)


Junior High School - Mominoki Private Academy, second grade A.

This is spring weather. The opening ceremony ends at 11.00. In a new class with new friends, the first homeroom period is held. Of course, there is no shortage of time for students to introduce themselves.

“I was in class C in my freshman year. I didn't join any club. I don't have any particular interests, but I quite like reading."

(It's really cool if you look closely.)

While looking up to enjoy the self-introduction of her age friend sitting next to her, Teshima Miyuu secretly admired her.

(What is this... Is it a foreigner? Or an alien?)

Tall body.

Smooth face.

Long eyelashes.

White, slender hands.

Everywhere I looked, I saw things far beyond ordinary people's standards.

Although it's not confirmed yet, but if approached, I'm sure this person will give off a nice scent.

“There were a few friends I studied with last year, but there may be many more who will become new classmates. So in the coming year, we look forward to your help.”

The self-introduction is complete.

Just a brief self-introduction, nothing special. But I don't understand why the atmosphere in the classroom is so stuffy and indescribable. Suddenly the atmosphere became tense. The classmates turned to look at each other, even the sound of gulping could be heard.

Have I ever met an atmosphere like this in my life?

Of course not. Today must be the first time. An existence with a completely different character appeared right before everyone's eyes, which everyone secretly acknowledged. Just like moon and rice cakes, there were things that were similar in shape, but there was no point in comparing them.

The thing is, Miyuu's last name is Teshima.

Tsubakiya Hinata and TaTeshima Miyuu. In the first period of the school year, students will usually be seated in alphabetical order.

“So, the next student after Tsubakiya is… Teshima.”

The homeroom teacher Onodera Tatsuya pointed at Miyuu's name.

"Please introduce yourself."

That's right, the one who introduced himself next was the little girl.

Hastily getting up from the chair caused his knees to get caught on the side of the table making an annoying shrill sound. Of course everyone in the class would hear it eventually.

It looks like it's the end, but it doesn't stop there.

The reason was simply because she and the student sitting next to him- Tsubakiya Hinata made eye contact.

For a moment, she suddenly thought of Medusa's story.

Anyone who makes eye contact with Medusa will end up petrified, that's what happened between Tsubakiya Hinata and Teshima Miyuu.

Like a silent predator.

It's not like a tiger or a lion, if you have to compare it, it's more like a leopard. Smooth and agile, agile carnivores at the top of the ecosystem's food chain.

Of course, Hinata had no intention of devouring Miyuu.

He was just watching, perhaps showing concern when she saw Miyuu's legs tangled in the table. But unfortunately at the wrong time, for a person who was shy and also under invisible pressure like the current Miyuu, it was like a nightmare.

“He-hello I amm-…!!”

Tongue bitten.

Taking his first steps in his sophomore year of junior high school, she had already stumbled.


Teshima Miyuu is an ordinary junior high school girl.

In fact, she was slightly below average.

Wearing glasses and braided hair, less than six feet tall, his stature is so short that she has a habit of crouching.

Her voice is clear, she has difficulty making eye contact when she speaks, a small town girl who has only seen novels and comics as a reason to live.

He was completely different from Tsubakiya Hinata in every way.

It's not just the points that have been and can be counted, the differences come from their natural sources. Neither adding nor multiplying, the difference here has a completely different meaning.

(This is so weird, aren't these two in the same class? Aren't they both sophomores?)

Although her heart calmed down somewhat, realizing the difference made Miyuu sigh. Of course, she didn't feel jealous or envious at all.

The two of them just accidentally became classmates, accidentally placed a chair next to each other, that was all.

Just like in a botanical garden. Whether routinely or occasionally, having the opportunity to meet through a series of events, in essence humans and animals are two separate existences, without any disturbance of similarity in nature. Considering the current situation, of course Miyuu would represent the beast side. Not only animals but also rare animals. When compared to Tsubakiya Hinata, Miyuu's existence was like a little guinea pig, it was underrated. Worse, she looked like plankton, so small that no one could see it.

(In the near future, I must not attract attention, must not attract attention...)

In the first place, Miyuu's whereabouts were very vague, but if something caught her eye, of course people would notice it. If you can, hold your breath, preferably, hold your breath, then just stand there and wait for the time to pass. She was already stiff with just eye contact, if people stared at him for too long she would turn to stone.

...This was an obvious thing to happen, never expected anything unexpected to appear right after.


The next day, the opening ceremony was held.

A day had passed, and it was a bit of time to maintain the lingering composure.

Of course, although it was clear that Tsubakiya Hinata was a separate existence from another dimension, the two were classmates and sat next to each other. The distance between the two girls' tables was only about ten centimeters.


Just before the national language class started.

Tsubakiya Hinata spoke up, her bag open in her hands.

He forgot his book, Miyuu realized silently. I just had bad luck on the first day of the year, so the bell is ringing now, even if I want to go to another class to borrow a book, I can't.

"Sorry, Teshima-san."

Tsubakiya Hinata clasped her hands together,

"May I see the book?"

Eh~... Miyuu shouted silently.

When you sit next to me, of course this will happen. However, Miyuu was still not mentally prepared.

Before she could answer, the teacher entered the classroom. The whole class is serious. After chatting for a while, the national language class finally started. Not much time left.

Tsubakiya Hinata pulled the table closer- "I'm really sorry!"- She clasped her hands together and smiled wryly. The shiny black hair fluttered, emitting a sweet fragrance. The smell is even better than I expected.

"Class is starting. Um, what page is that... Class turns to page four and page five for me to see."

National language teacher Onodera Tatsuya. A young teacher who has only been in his profession for two years. Even Miyuu clearly noticed her youth while looking at her. Starting from business suits that still look foreign, to gestures and hand gestures when giving lectures.

Spring is the season for new meetings, as well as the beginning of the process of getting to know each other. The relationship between students is not said, for the teacher there is more or less something new and foreign. First of all, we should keep discipline to a minimum, avoid straying too far from common sense, and try to create an atmosphere of normalcy for those around us. Even the teachers are trying.

So this guy.

This person's name is Tsubakiya Hinata.

On the first day of school, I forgot to bring a book, I don't know if this person has nerves of steel or the type who doesn't care about the judgment of the people around him anymore.


He glanced sideways.

Even though I knew Tsubakiya Hinata was tall, when sitting like this, for some reason there was still a difference in their eyesight.

What caused it? Of course not because of the different seat heights, nor because Tsubakiya Hinata's legs were longer than Teshima Miyuu's. The answer is a state of shock. When she realized the difference in the nature of the two even though the others were only female friends of the same age, of course Miyuu would be psychologically affected more or less.

“Eh… Natsume Sousaki. Do you know this person?”

Master Onodera began his lecture.

“About the work “I am a paint”, right in the first article in the textbook, you can see it as soon as you open it. Anyone who has read it will know that this is a very reader-friendly novel. This work is built primarily from a humorous style, so it is very accessible. By the way, this is the debut work of writer Natsume Sousaki, who is known…” 

Miyuu glanced to the side again.

To his surprise, Tsubakiya Hinata listened intently to the lecture. She stared straight ahead, his clear eyes shining brightly, occasionally nodding to the teachings. Even the posture resting on the elbows on the table was very neat.

Miyuu loosened up a bit.

(Hmm... Of course, it's beautiful.)

At first I was just going to peek, but now I don't know why, but now I'm staring.

The elegant bridge of the nose, the glossy fresh lips, the colorful curls of hair in the sun.

Beauty is different, beautiful in every nanometer of the cell.

(Come to think of it, I was lucky, right?)

Isn't the current situation too comfortable? Free to see beauty like this. It's like sitting in the front row of a big concert.

Not to mention, if by any chance Tsubakiya Hinata forgot to bring a book like today, Miyuu would have good reason to see Hinata close enough that the two of them could feel each other's body temperature. Perhaps, only Hinata's family members were allowed to be near and observe her all this time. No, not even close relatives. It's only the first few days of my sophomore year of junior high school, but I'm already this lucky.


The girl made eye contact with Tsubakiya Hinata.

More than eye contact, she was being stared at by Hinata.


Of course, it was Miyuu who looked at Hinata first. If one looked straight at the bottom of the abyss, naturally the bottom of the abyss would also look back. In this case, to be more precise, Miyuu was being watched by Medusa, from such a close distance that even family members rarely had a chance.


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Miyuu had turned to stone.

Can't move, can't speak. Even though the veins in his body felt like they had stopped flowing, his face was red, and she wore a confused expression.

It was only after his name was called that she regained consciousness.

“Teshima…Teshima-san? Did you hear that?”

It was a call from Onodera-sensei.

Gathering his senses, she hastily replied with a "Y-yes" answer.

Suddenly standing up, she banged his foot against the table. Boom!- This skill cannot be mastered with practice. Just like that, giggles echoed here and there in the classroom.

“Teshima…”- The teacher remained unchanged- “Have you read “I Am a Cat”? If I'm not mistaken, you're in the art club, right?"

“Y-yes, yes! I've read the book!"

"Do you like Souseki?"

"Yes yes!"

"So how about I read the next paragraph?"


Too bad for him to say that, his mind was in the clouds, so she didn't remember anything about the content of the lesson.

Miyuu was even more panicked, tears welling up in her eyes. As expected, the first day of the second year of middle school was a complete nightmare.


(Page 7, line 10.)

Whispering voice

From the side came a voice. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was Tsubakiya Hinata's voice.

Once again, Tsubakiya Hinata whispered (line ten), her eyes still not leaving the book.

Hastily turning the book to the right page, keeping his posture, raising the volume to medium, she started reading the work "I am a cat"- "...Here, our family has the opportunity to meet people other than students. First person the one I met was a maid. This person is even ruder than any student I met before..." Fortunately, she regained his composure in time.

As long as she regained his composure, she would again become a member of the art club with the national language as the subject, thus easily getting out of the current troubled situation. Even Sensei Onodera would probably forgive him for not paying attention to his lecture. Despite barely escaping, it was already like this on the first day, who knows what the future will hold...


Class has ended.

The bell rang, the whole class stood up and saluted. The class returned to a state of chaos.


(...Too boring...)

Miyuu lay on the table.

She went to school and was so anxious that even breathing made him work hard. Sometimes she even forgets that humans have to breathe to live.


Difficulty has been added to the substance.

Tsubakiya Hinata started a conversation with him.

The girl turned to look at Miyuu, their table was still the same, still close to each other.

"Thank you for the textbook case, really thank you."

“N-it's okay. I am not doing anything."

“Wow, this is so bad, dammit. Of course, I forgot the book, and I still got Onodera-sensei's class straight away. The homeroom teacher? Do you believe that? This is really bad luck…”


“Ah, um, well…”


What should I do?

It's okay to talk. Saying "Yes, that's true" isn't hard to answer, but what if you did and were eaten alive? After all, the other party is also a carnivore?

The difficulties don't stop there.

“Oh, by the way…”


Hinata was getting closer.


Miyuu screamed in her mind.

The pressure is on the people. A feeling of being overwhelmed by a greater existence flashed before my eyes. It's like standing in front of a magnificent building, like Gaudí's Sagrada Familia.

But the sound is so good, when heard from this close distance, the quality is really on another level. Normal speaking was as good as singing, sounding like nightingales in a tropical river playing and chatting, Miyuu thought.

Oh well, what do you need in the end?

"Do you have a phone?"

Nod nod.

"Smartphones too?"

Nod nod. Bought by my parents when I was 2 years old.

“Then give me the LINE ID later. If you do it now, you will be scolded... Anyway, thanks again. You saved me this time. Should I treat you to something to thank later? Well, did you eat my lunch dessert? Looks like it's fruit jelly today."

Oh no...

I'm not the type to eat a lot...

"Is that so? Today's menu looks really good, this potato casserole, this fried fish, this white rice, there's coleslaw too." Is it right?

But I don't really like fried fish...

“Really? The fried fish is really good… Ah, it's better this way. Let me eat some fried fish for you, take it in return.”

Oh yes. Thank you.

You helped me, skipped lunch and got scolded...

"By the way, Teshima-san is in the art club, right?"

That's right. Do you have something you need?

“Is there a good book you can recommend to me? The books that are trending recently are doing just fine.”

Hmm, let's see...

... Do you like reading things like poetry?

"Wow! Sounds interesting! So there is a book or not? If you like it, I'd love to read it too! ”

Oh yes.

So you know Rimbaud?

"Rambo? That movie?”


He was a French poet named Arthur Rimbaud. 

(TLN: Hinata here thinks that Teshima is talking about Rambo from the movie "First Blood", whereas Teshima is actually referring to the French poet Rimbaud. Both are pronounced 'rambo' in Japanese)

“Wow, let me read it! I'm going to the toilet here! LINE stuff for after school! Remember, don't forget!" (Smiles...)

Are you going to use that cuteness as a murder weapon? - Leaving behind a smile that would make everyone think the same, Tsubakiya Hinata quickly left the classroom.

Miyuu was left with a dumbfounded face, Tsubakiya Hinata's innocent and innocent smile lingered in her mind and didn't want to let go. That's right, Hinata burst out laughing. However, Miyuu did not understand the reason behind that smile. Ah, is Hinata trying to sell an expensive jar of unknown origin, or is she trying to persuade her to join a mysterious sect?

(...Wow, she seems to have said something about LINE ID exchange, right?)

If I'm not mistaken, Hinata did say that.

Just before leaving the classroom, Hinata emphasized that point.

Hinata also promised to help eat the fried fish she hated. Not to mention asking him to recommend good books...

(Wow, looks like the two of us are already friends...?)


Miyuu jumped up and down.

Subconsciously, his body moved on its own, forming a small dance. It was to the point that the surrounding classmates had to look back with shocked eyes. It made him blush, hastily sitting back in the chair.

This development was clearly unintentional.

Because of the difference between the moon and plankton, she never thought that the two could become friends like this. If so, how about opening your heart a little more? A plankton to attract the attention of the moon is also a big blessing.

(Really a nice person...)

Miyuu really became a fan of Hinata.

The process is so easy that it makes other people laugh. For a little girl who was taking a step towards adulthood, this was certainly a big event.

(Such a wonderful person...)

Both the genetic code and the surrounding atmosphere were clearly different, to think that a girl who looked like she came out of a fairy tale, suddenly turned out to be this friendly. Of course Hinata's house is no less beautiful. Never miss something unsightly, never open a conversation, never mind things that don't concern you, that's for sure.

Even though Hinata wasn't an angel, she was just a middle school girl the same age as Miyuu. Of course Miyuu understood ideals and reality as two completely different things.

After all, that girl, that girl named Tsubakiya Hinata...

Miyuu secretly hoped that she would still become an existence that far surpassed an ordinary person like herself.

It was as if she had found a bright light, in the midst of a series of major events on the dark first day of the second year of junior high school, Miyuu thought to herself.

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