Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 102: 102. You Can Cause An Accident Going Out Like That.

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Jessie stepped out of Jason room in a turtleneck, it was so big it came down to her mid thigh. "You're still here?" She asked Kevin who was practically standing by the door like a statue. 

"I need to get some things from the other room" she informed him walking past him to go to the room next door. 

"If your going in there why not just wear something other than the boss's turtleneck?" He asked. 

She thought about it then shook her head. "I like this, is anything wrong with it?" She asked him. 

For the first time Kevin allowed himself look down, he made sure his eyes didn't rest on her braless boobs or her curves, most of all her extremely long legs. Coughing he looked back into her eyes. "You can cause an accident going out like that." He pointed his finger along the length of her body.

Jessie's eyes widened and she folded her arms across her boobs as her cheeks reddened. 

"Perhaps I should send a female staff around." Kevin bowed and walked away.

"You certainly should!" She squeaked running back into Jason's room.

After a short while the maid arrived and Jessie explained what she wanted from the other room. 

By the time she was done dressing she looked was in black heeled boots and she belted the turtleneck. Wearing panty hose and pink hood. And surprise surprise, Kevin was waiting outside the room, she saw him immediately she stepped out. 

Smiling at him she winked. "How do I look?" 

"Go back." 


"Go back and go change, you can't be seen in public like this." He stated. 

Jessie brows furrowed and she frowned. "I don't see anything  wrong with this, at all."

"This." He pointed to her shoes. "Your legs are already too long and now? Heels? Why even wear those?" He pointed to the pantyhose. "It only makes your legs more attractive and tempting, and a belt? You put a belt on the shirt? Woah!!! You really do want to cause an accident. I understand that seeking attention is in your blood, because of the job you had, but you have to keep a low profile and dress normally." He ranted.

Jessie jaw dropped, where the hell did Jason find a person like this? She was speechless, she didn't even know what to say. He knew she was Jessie Marin? Tch. Why did he sound so familiar?

"How isn't this normal!" She squealed. 

"Jeans and a t-shirt is normal, this is just... maybe it would look normal on any one else but I'm sure you realise that no matter how pretty you are your best asset is your body,  and parading that isn't going to help either of us." He scolded her. 

Jessie scoffed, her body? Now she knew where she heard this from, her CEO. Tch... all this clueless men. So what if her body seemed to be perfect in their opinions? She shouldn't walk on eggshells because of that? It was her body and she could dress anyway she wanted, what was wrong with that?!

"Hey! Who gave you the right to-"

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"I'm only doing my job miss, I hope you understand." He bowed completely interrupting her.

Jessie jaw dropped, the insolence of this man?. Again where did Jason find him?!

"And if I refuse to change?" 

"Well I'm afraid you won't be leaving the manor then." He stated matter of factly. 

Her brow rose, "no way, are you threatening me?"

"Oh no no, I would never do that miss I'm only stating facts, you in charge of your own choices" he bowed again.

"What choices?!" She yelled. After sighing she calmed down. "Sorry for yelling, but how can you call this a choice? You're saying I either do what you want me to do, or I forget about going out all together." Then it dawned on her. 

"That jerk! He doesn't want me to go out does he? That's why he's making you do this?" She asked.

"Not at all Madam, the boss does want you to come, but he also doesn't need a scandal on his hands." Kevin replied. 

"Scandal? I'm..." she huffed,  how possible was it that this annoying man made her speechless, twice in one conversation? Finally realising how helpless she was she decided to beg. "Can't you at least compromise? I haven't worn heels in a while, please."

The idiot remained stoic. "I advise you to make your decision quickly miss Marin. We're burning daylight." 

Jessie huffed, if she couldn't win this headon she was going to definitely win it somehow. "Fine, leave it will only make me angry knowing you're outside the entire time I'm dressing. And send the maid back." She said.

She wasn't sure if that was a smile but she was sure his lips curved slightly upwards. He bowed again and walked away. Almost immediately the maid was back.

"I need your help,  you must be discreet hmm? What your name?" She asked. 

"Agnes." The maid replied. 

"Okay Agnes, I don't need any clothes from the other room, I'll just wear Jason's, but I need you to pack up what I'm wearing in the smallest bundle possible. And put it in this." She gave her a small purse. 

After a short while she was done dressing, wearing the same turtleneck and plaid pants that she had to fold. She had long legs? Pfft. And the only shoes of Jason's that fit her, the trusted sandals, she was so glad he brought it here. 

"You satisfied?" She scowled at Kevin. 

He turned around and walked to her, putting a face cap on her head and handing her a black mask. "What's in the bag?" He asked suspiciously. 

"Are you worried about even that? Fine take a look, if you're interested in lady products and all that go ahead." She stretched the purse to him. And just as expected, he backed down, guys were always squeamish when ladies spoke about their periods, one line she was sure was still intact. 

He lead her out of the building and to the garage, why there were so many cars? She had no idea, but she wasn't going to be complaining. Soon enough they were in one and driving out of the manor.

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