Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 118: 118. What Did You Do?

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Jason walked into the manor and headed straight to the the rooms, before he walked into his he decided to talk to Jessie first. He knocked on her door. 

"Jessie, can we talk?" He asked politely, but she didn't answer.

"Jessie, I'm going to keep this up until you open the door, you're not the only stubborn one" he said again, before he could start knocking he heard music coming out from inside the room.

He furrowed his brows and looked at the butler that stood beside him. "When did she get a speaker?" He asked.

The butler answered, "her room was a mess this morning, so she asked that we change the decorations but that's not a speaker it a television. " He replied. 

"Is that all she asked for? How long has she been in there?" 

"Well... she did ask to change everything, although we basically had to. But she went inside recently." He replied. 

"How long ago is recently?" Jason asked.

Choi Myeong Soo swallowed before answering. "Immediately you came into the house." 

Jason bit his lips and sighed in frustration, "Jessie! Come out!" He banged on the door. "I'm not leaving here until you do!"

"Sir it's pointless she can't hear you now, and she has everything she'll need inside that room." He stated. 

"What about dinner? Has she eaten dinner?" He asked.

"She has, she set for the night, I advise you wait for her to come out in the morning. It appears she is quite taken with the gym." He suggested. 

"I can't wait that long, I have work." He mused. "Do something for me Mr. Choi."

"Anything sir." He replied as Jason pulled him away from her front door and the walked a few steps to his. "Get her to lower her guard and remain somewhere open, then inform me of it. Keep her there until I get home, can you do that?" 

"Ofcourse sir, I will." He nodded. 


Two days, two days had passed and Jessie avoided him like a plague. And she ran so fast it was basically impossible to catch up with her.

It seemed the isolation had benefited her more than it did him and she knew his house better than he did. Even the servants were leaning more to her than him. That darn Mr. Choi. After the first meeting he set, the man made up any excuse he could to avoid that kind of situation again. And he wasn't sure if it was because he'd grown fond of Jessie or just the fact that the last time he set them up as par his instruction, they destroyed the room again.

So now he had to turn to others for help, which is why he ended up in Song memorial hospital, standing in front of Katherine's office. Holding her favourite flowers.

"Are you sure you don't want to go in and wait for her?" Her assistant asked again.

"It's fine, I have to do this anyway." He gave her a tight smile and faced forward. Luckily for him he saw Katherine approach her office. 

Katherine halted in her tracks when she first sighted him, at first she thought her mind was playing tricks on her until she saw him wave. She began to walk again but cautiously.

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"This isn't weird at all." She said sacarstically as she stopped before him and eyed the flowers in his hands.

"I come in peace." He said. "Can we talk?"

She lifted her brows in wary question. "It's not about Paul, although I'm still open to that. But I really need your help." 

"Fine" she agreed. "Come in." She gestured to her door and the walked in together.

"So what's is the infamous Jason Kang doing in my lowly office." She smiled at him.

"Infamous? You're the second person saying that, is my reputation really that bad?" He frowned as he sat.

She drew a long breath, "if you don't know then it's better it stays that way then." 

"I want to pry, but I don't have the time. I need your help, Jessie is mad at me." He said slowly.

Katherine blinked at him with a bored expression on her face. "When is she never mad at you?" Katherine asked. 

"No you don't understand, she like really mad totally angry. She has been avoiding me for days, and she won't talk to me or even look at me. Even my staff is beginning to shun me, their boss." He sighed.

"What did you do? Jessie is mostly reasonable, she is also impulsive, that means she gets emotional just as quickly as she let's go of it. What did you do?" Katherine asked giving him a pointed stare.

"I know I messed up, I really did but I'm trying to fix it." He stated firmly after he narrated the incident to Katherine, Katherine mouth and eyes were wide open in shock.

"You called her a whore?" She breathed out. "And she only hit you... there?" She pointed down and Jason glared at her. 

"What else could she have done? That is the most painful place you could hit a man, what you wanted her to slap me?" 

"Yes! Many times!" Katherine exclaimed. 

"Well I am ready to take any punishment but it irks me that she's purposefully avoiding me." Jason stated. 

"Why Jason? Isn't it even better that way? It's risky for her to go to the party, at this point you've won the argument. Why do you still need her to speak with you?" Katherine asked. 

"What do you mean by that? Why should we live in the same place and not interact? I mean it not right is it?" He pouted. 

Katherine narrowed her eyes at the man before her, for the fact that he came to her office then he most be seriously bothered by the situation at hand. Infamous, he got that reputation because of how horribly he treated women. He couldn't date anyone without a contract and when he was bored which constantly happened he tossed the woman away like used tissue. 

He was the definition of cold, distant and unfeeling. He didn't care about anything but things that affected him and all he wanted was his father's company. Not to mention he was incredibly insufferable, but Jessie walks in and his this ball of new emotions. 

She tilted her head and asked. "Jason do you have feelings for Jessie?" 

He huffed, "I'm in love with her."

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