Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 142: 143. Gangsters.

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"You!" She pointed at Moon Do-Hui. "You should really stop leaving in denial, before your stupid pride actuall kills your skin. How can you call yourself a mother and not be available for two days while you're son was in an accident?" She spat and Moon Do-Hui touched her chest in absolute shock, silently accusing Katherine and desperately trying to intimidate her into silence with a deadly stare. 

Katherine couldn't careless, she should glare as much as she wants she was not going to stop. Just because they were rich did they think they could stomp on any and everybody?

"And yet instead of thanking the doctor that saved you're child's life you start to accuse me for your own incompetence as a parent!" She screamed. 

"Dr. Park! Enough!" Another female voice screamed in return. 

Katherine turned to look, 'who was this now? Where did she come from?' Wait a minute... 

"His Fiancee." Of course. 

"Don't you think you going to far?" Choi Yuri asked her spitefully.

Katherine crossed her hands over her chest and scoffed. Ignoring her, she wasn't done, not yet.

She turned to look at Margaret Song, bending down to pick up one of the pictures. "Do you really doubt uncle this much? I wonder why your so threatened by me? If I'm just a weed who will ever choose weeds over actual flowers, does that mean you see yourself as less than a weed?" Katherine spat at the woman standing before her. Screw it, no need to try to cozy up to this woman anymore she couldn't take one more second of this.

Margaret Song enraged rose her hand to hit Katherine but before she could make contact with Katherine's face someone held her arm up in the air. 

"What are you? Who the hell is this?!" She screamed looking at the uniform clad woman grabbing her arm. She was angry enough to spit blood, first this crap pest and now some low life servant had actually guts to stop her? 

"That's enough, this is a ball not some street fight." The woman said, all the staff wore full face masks that you couldn't see their face but Katherine knew who was behind that mask. Jessie. 

"What did you say you scum of the earth!" She yelled. Pushing Jessie arm of hers. 

"Scum of the earth? Why would you all gang up aganist one person like this? Are you gangsters?" She asked. 

Katherine wanted to laugh at the mortified looks on the three women's faces, that's right they never imagined a day would come where a servant would call them gangsters. 

"Do you have a death wish? Do you have any idea who the hell you're talking too?" Moon Do-Hui asked the woman.

"A rude woman, no three rude women. Why?" Jessie replied blankly. Moon Do-Hui blinked at her, where did she get this confidence from? 

Before Jessie could react a tight slap knocked off her mask and unlike Katherine she wasn't lucky enough to have her mask cushion the blow. She felt it, her head tilted to the side and immediately she covered her face with both her palms. 

Katherine grabbed her and quickly pulled her back, standing in front of her protectively. Margaret Song strikes again, literally. 

"I thought so, a slap was what was necessary. Come and show your face you wrench!" She spat.

Katherine stared down at the older woman and shook her head expressing the disgust she felt very openly.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? Do you think you have the right to do so?" She yelled at her.

"How exactly a kind and caring man like Bishop Song came to be with you surprised me so much!" Katherine shook her head. "Always talking about social class and background yet you are here really acting like a gangster makes me wonder about your background." Katherine said with so much venom. 

She hit a nerve with her statement, staggering back a few steps. "Wow, what this world has become, a bastard like you that doesn't even have a mother or know the real identity of her father has the guts to ask about my background?" She spat back.

Katherine's eyes widened. "Respect the dead!" She screamed with so much emotion. "And what are you talking about? I know who my father is!" 

Margaret Song began to laugh, "how naive, you really think Park Yun do is your fathe?"

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"That enough! Take her away." A deep voice stated, looking at Jessie. 

All the women looked at Paul in shock, including the crowd that had been eagerly watching such an interesting scene. 

"Son! What are you doing?" His mother yelled in a low whisper. 

"It's enough mother, you've done enough already please just stop now." Paul pleaded with forcefully with his mother.

"Stay the hell out of this Paul." Katherine warned him. "What the hell are you talking about?" She asked Magaret Song. 

"What I'm saying is your a bastard. An illegitimate bastard." The older woman scoffed at her and turned on her heels and walked away. 

Moon Do-Hui following behind her.

Katherine made a move to follow after them but Paul grabbed her arm and held her back. She glared at him but he shook his head.

"Let me go!" She screamed, her voice cracking. She stormed off and walked away from all the prying eyes, the last things she should do now is cry in front of everyone.

Paul sighed and held up a finger to stop Choi Yuri from speaking, shedding off his tuxedo jacket he placed over Jessie head and lead her away from the room.

Katherine ran away quickly searching for any phone she could find. It was a lie right? It had to be. Coincidentally she ran into Agnes.

"Hey where can I get a phone? I need to make an urgent call." She asked desperately. 

Normally Agnes was not supposed to allow her request but the desperation on Katherine's face moved her. Besides she could trust her a little she had been to the manor before as well. 

Katherine grabbed the phone as she punched in the numbers, bitting her nails anxiously as she it rang. 

"Hello?" A female voice responded.

"Hello? Can I speak to Park Yun do? Tell him it's his daughter Katherine." She said.

"Katherine? How many times have I told you not to call this number?" The voice spat. 

"Carol" Katherine spat back. "Give the phone to my father!"

"Father?" She scoffed. "You don't have a father, not here at least. I always knew you didn't belong in this family, all along I was right. You have no blood tied to this family or my husband don't call again!" 

"What the hell do you mean!" Katherine cried.

"You were adopted, you father took pity on your innocent mother and accepted her bastard. Does that answer the question? Get lost!" She said cutting the call.

"Carol? Carol!" Katherine cried. She slid down the booth and clutched her knees to her chest as sobs shook her body.

Preview 144: Lovey dovey. 

"No way, are you jealous?" Paul huffed, he began to laugh. 

Jessie blushed furiously and looked away. "Why would I be jealous?" She choked out. "I'm just uncomfortable about how close he is with the enemy."

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