Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 148: 148. Perfect In Imperfections.

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Jason eyes were on Jessie the entire time, she watched as she danced with George desperately trying to control his emotions. Why did it look like his hands were trying to wander? He should better not try anything! 

After that dance with ended quickly since they joined the song late another piece started. It was an exchange dance, Jason subtly lead Patricia to the middle of the room and when it was time to exchange partners Jessie took his hands and Patricia went with her uncle.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jason asked.

"What do you mean? I'm dancing isn't that what you wanted me to do?" She asked. "Why give me the dress then?" 

"It seems like you're doing a wonderful job with Jason." Goerge complimented his neice as he twirled her around.

Patricia rolled her eyes, "did you not see his eyes on that other woman as soon as she came down. I wonder who she is." Patricia said. "She seems so familiar."

"Don't beat yourself up over that, she is on an entirely different level. I don't know how real it is though." He said with a small shrug, dipping her.

"What is?" Patricia asked, curious. 

"Her body, it's unreal. Prefect." Goerge replied.

Jason opened his mouth to scold Jessie but restrained himself, sighing loudly he pulled her away from the dance floor.

"Where do you think they are going now?" Goerge asked as he sighted his partner leaving with Patricia's. "They look like they are acquainted." 

"What did you say? Before this about her body?" Patricia asked again.

"What are you doing?" Jessie asked pulling back.

"Can we talk?" 

"Aren't we already talking? Look they're about to switch partners back, I need to go." She frowned. 

"It's perfect? Why?" Goerge asked.

"There's only one person whose body described as perfect..." Patricia eyes widened. 


"There have been a lot of questions but the most common, ladies would like to know what diet and exercise regimen do you do to get your body like that?" The interviewer asked.

Jessie tilted her head. "Um.. is that a necessary question, I mean I do some dancing and a bit if martial art. But I would say nobody should try to be like anybody. Love your body as it is." Jessie replied.

"Well not every body's body is perfect like yours." He insisted. 

"Just because I fit into the standards of beauty today doesn't mean my body is perfect. Everyone has perfections in their imperfections." She said.

Patricia rolled her eyes and sighed. "Very true. You should accept yourself for who you are and never conform to what people perceive as beautiful." She said shutting down the conversation. 

The interviewer laughed nervously and moved on.


"No you don't." He stated firmly "gosh Jessie of all the people you could have danced with you chose him?" Jason pointed to Goerge. 

"Why? Are you jealous or something? Because he's just as handsome and as successful as you?" She sassed.

"What is it?" George asked Patricia. 

"I have to go confirm something real quick." She stopped.

"Should I come with you?" 

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"No nevermind." Patricia said walking after Jason and Jessie. 

Jason brows rose in confusion. "Who? Him? Did he tell you that?" Jason scoffed. Jessie gave him a pointed look.

Jason laughed and looked at George again. "Come on Jessie you're not that naive, besides he can't compare."

Jessie pouted and folded her arms. "Are you sure, I think he can." Looking back at him.

Jason paused to gauge her reactions. "I know I've asked you this but really are you jealous of Patricia?" 

Jessie looked away briefly before she looked into his eyes with as much conviction as she could gather. "Why would I be? What does she have that I would want?" She scoffed.

Jason narrowed his eyes at her, if he wasn't absolutely confident of this he might have believed her. But it was what is was acting, and she was so good at it, she was such a good liar.

"Sure that's why you jumped on the offer of the first man that would ask you to dance even though he's Goerge Lee." Jason stated, he wasn't going to tell her at first so she didn't panic but he wanted her to feel something at least for lying to him like that.

Jessie eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She didn't know him she hadn't met him and the time she spent in the auction house was very limited and short. But she knew how scared the girls were, even in the short time she was conscious. She was dancing with that man? Flirting even, suddenly she got chills all over her body.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?!" She screeched.

Jason huffed. "Like you ever listen to me. If you want to dance ask me, I'll dance with you.

Goerge Lee or not I don't want you dancing with anyone else. It's too dangerous."

"What about Patricia?"

Jason smiled. "Who? .... come we can go somewhere private. Away from prying eyes, just you and me." He said extending his hands to her.

Jessie eyed him suspiciously but still took his hands and they walked to out of the ball room.

He led her into the gardens, it looked surreal this evening. The water fountain sparkled and the flowers seemed even more colourful in the artificial lights. The music although faint could still be heard.

"May I have this dance?" Jason asked.

Jessie smiled and nodded and he twirled her around and pulled her to him as they began to dance under the alluring and enchanting light the moon gave off.

Patricia stared at them with wide eyes, she was Jessie Marin. And she was with her Jason? How did that happen?

"Have I told how beautiful you look in that dress?" He whispered into her ear.

"You seem to know what would suit me perfectly." She nodded, against his neck.

"Take this off, I want to see your face." He said pulling off her mask, he cupped her chin and rubbed his thumb by the sides of her face.

"Stop that, you'll smudge my makeup." She scolded.

Patricia shook her head in disbelief, does that mean. The person that bought Jessie that day was Jason? 

"I don't care. I'm glad you chose me today." He said slowly. 

"Hmm..." she said absentmindely till she realised what he said. "Wait what do you mean by chose you? Did you know?!" She pushed him away. 

Jason sighed yet again and pocketed his hands, giving her a pointed look. "What do you think?"

Preview 149: Poor orphaned bastard. 

"What does your mother always say? I'm not good enough for you? Well if that's the case I don't want to be with you!" She yelled. "I'm done with this Paul, I may not have money or even a stable family or a family at all. But I refuse to be humiliated any longer. I'm done with this Paul, for real this time. I'm done." She stated. 

Paul walked to her and reached out to grab her arm but she pulled back. "I'm done Paul!" She repeated. "You know what, I quit. I quit." She said running away.

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