Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 154: 154. Mister Deductive.

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Jessie stared at Jason with a guarded expression, why did it seem somehow he wasn't mad about the deception. It was something else but as much as she thought she couldn't place her finger on it. She wanted more than anything to investigate but this look in his eyes, it terrified her. He had this burning rage and something else she couldn't quite decipher. So she decided to stay away for the moment, perhaps it was the brandy.

"You're drunk, we'll talk tomorrow." She swallowed reaching out to grab the envelope but he leaned over and slammed a hand over the file stopping her.

"I assure a glass of bourbon can't intoxicate me. You haven't answered my question, why did you stay?" He asked.

"What does it matter Jason, I'm here aren't I? I'm supposing this is the price to passing the test?" She pointed at the envelope. "The test you scrupulously planned." She said with a glare.

Jason scoffed and gave her one of his signature grins, she hadn't seen that look on his face in a while. That dangerous look in his eyes, the look he always sent her way the first time they met. 

"I don't think you have the right to point fingers at me for deception. At least I gave you the room for doubt, what did you do?" He said in a dangerously low predatory voice.

Jessie was beginning to feel cornered and scared and she hated it. She hated feeling trapped, since she could not run there was only one more option.

She slammed her hands on the desk as well and stood up, looking him right in the eyes. "What are you trying to do? Are you that affected that I went to your brother? I mean are you jealous of Jonathan?" She huffed.

Jason laughed, how typical. She really was a fight or flight person. She couldn't escape so she was fighting. He would get the answer today no matter what.

"Jealous? The only thing that would make me jealous is if you had feelings for my brother, I just feel betrayed. But considering how you left him hanging tonight I'm guessing not." He said. "So I'll ask the obvious question, how does it feel to play with two brothers like this? You must feel like this sly seductress right?" 

Jessie's eyes widened. "Are you implying that I'm playing with both of your emotions for my own benefit?" She scoffed.

He tilted his head in response. 

"You really must be drunk to be spouting such nonsense. I get that your allowed to be angry but can you please not cross the line!" She yelled angrily. 

"What line? It doesn't seem to me that there is a line, because you destroyed it already, all by yourself." He said with so much venom.

"Ha! First off mister deductive, your brother and I don't share a romantic relationship. He doesn't even like me like that." She spat.

"And us? What is our relationship? What do you call this." He pointed from himself to her.

Jessie opened her mouth to speak but shut it. Why was he asking this question again so soon? Wasn't be satisfied with just loving her? Why was he so desperate to label it? Ugh... and they say women are clingy.

"See? So what I'm just a nuisance in your life, I've become someone you have to hide from and lie to. I'm an obstacle the journey to getting your life back." He said. 

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"Why are you saying all this?!" Jessie asked.

"Why shouldn't I Jessie?! Why shouldn't I? I'm the only that keeps pushing and working, I'm the only one that ... I'm the only one that wants this to be more. Do you think it doesn't hurt when you ask me to stop saying I love you? Do you think it doesn't hurt to see that you don't trust me?!" He yelled. 

"I have done nothing but try to help and protect you since the day I found out how terribly your life had crumbled. I am willing to sacrifice anything to just make sure your safe and yet, you... I didn't ask you to love me back. I understand it doesn't just happen, but at least... after everything. Everything I do for you why would you go back to my brother!" 

Jessie stepped back and struggled to blink away the tears eating at her eyes the moment she saw one fall down Jason's cheek. Her chest felt tight and she more than anything wanted to run into his arms and kiss him, but she couldn't. 

"Did I ask you to do anything!" She yelled back in frustration. 

Jason eyes widened and he began to laugh. "Of course, how stupid I am. Ofcourse you didn't it's my fault I decided to help, it's my fault I fell in love with you!" 

"Why are you getting so angry! Why are you saying all this things?" She asked as tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt so guilty that she couldn't say truly what she felt, at this moment she knew it wasn't something she wasn't sure of. She loved him, she loved this annoying man yelling in front of her, and that scared her more than anything. 

"Tell me just one thing Jessie, one thing. Do you at least like me?" He asked.


"I thought so." He said in resolution. Shutting his eyes tightly he sighed and fixed his ruffled hair. Walking around the table he stopped right before her. "You can leave whenever you want to go find the detective, take any car you want. And a bodyguard is what you don't want. I won't tell you I love you anymore, I won't bother you with my feelings so you wouldn't feel burdened about what to do with it. Good night Jessie." He said walking out of the office. 

Jessie turned around to look at him as he walked away. Tears streaming down her cheek as she did, she was just about to give in and confess to him. Couldn't he have waited a second longer? I love you isn't something that just comes out. She picked up the folder and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. At that moment his statement dawned on her.

'I won't bother you with my feelings so you wouldn't feel burdened about what to do with them.'

He overheard her conversation with Patricia! Shit!

Preview 154: Bad morning. 

Jessie looked at her eye bags and wanted to scream in frustration, she was an actress for crying out loud she needed sleep, sleep was important for her skin.

While Patricia decided torturing the staff was the best way to rid herself of her frustration, George Lee swam endlessly.

Jason stood outside on the balcony of his room sipping a fresh glass of bourbon.

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