Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 161: 161. Pure, Unadulterated And Cultivated Hatred.

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"I can't be sure about that, there's no definite prove as to wea-"

"No definite prove to weather I'm dead a not?" Jessie asked with a scoff, interrupting him yet again. Jamie sighed inwardly and reminded himself he was at fault here, it would be better not to lose his temper. Besides he had faced more provocation than this, he wasn't a very emotional man.

"Definite prove to weather or not you murdered your driver, your finger prints are on the murder weapon." He said.

She laughed. "I didn't kill him, he was already dead by the time I left my van." She said. 

"Tell me everything that happened that night." He said curtly. 

Katherine and Jessie shared a glance and she sighed. 

"You do remember it right?" He asked again when he noticed her hesitation. 

"I can never forget, it's recently begun to hunt my dreams." She shuddered. 

"Even the smallest details, down to your outfits." He said and she nodded. 

Shutting her eyes she went back to the worst night of her life.

"I was in an electric blue strapped dress, my hair was still platinum blonde. We had an-"

"Who is we?" 

"Patricia and I, we had an interview that day for our sitcom, 'Trained together' but I was coming from another shoot. During the interview Patricia announced that she was getting engaged and we had a little squabble when we were about to leave the studio. Come to think of it even before we went on set." She said.

"What did you guys argue about?" Jamie asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it wasn't anything new. We always fight like that." 

"So people witness you two fighting like that?" 

"The whole world knows Patricia and I aren't friends. Rivals was what our fans called us, they even normally fought online." She informed him with an assuring nod.

"So it's safe to say she saw you as a threat." 

"Threat? Bitch please, maybe a few years back I could be considered a threat, but Patricia and I weren't even on the same level as actresses. I was walking on almost six projects at the time and she was walking on only one, our sitcom." She scoffed. 

"So she framed you out of jealousy?" 

"I don't believe was mere jealousy, more like pure unadulterated and cultivated hatred. We already had bad blood. And I admit, I always went out of my way to provoke her, well isn't that what you do with your enemy?" 

"Enemy? What made you guys so vicious towards one another?" Jamie asked.

"I have been wondering the same thing." Katherine could not help but add.

"Hmmm.. at first it was a little misunderstanding but we never cleared it up, I don't think either of us were even interested in doing that. After that it just grew in years of negative emotions, plus my career advanced so much and hers didn't. I just did not expect her to hate me so much she'd actually prefer that I suffer rather than die." She said with a rueful smile. 

"Can you explain?" 

"You see, after I left the interview. I got into my van, I was the only one apart from the driver in the van. My manager Tony couldn't come along because it was late and he had to go home to his daughters. I was tired, ofcourse I had a tiring day. I feel asleep and I woke up suddenly when the van hit a tree. As I tried to call for the driver he wasn't in the van, I got out since his door was open to look for him and and I saw him... dead." She breathed out. She began to sweat, and the hair on her body stood straight in slight fear, but her reactions weren't noticeable to either Jamie and Katherine. 

"Please explain the scene." Jamie said. 

"Well... h-he was leaning aganist another tree, not quite far from the one our van crashed into, and..." she gagged. 

"Jessie, are you okay?" Katherine rubbed her back. 

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"There was blood trickling down his face and a bullet hole in his head." She blurted out, panting.

"If you can't con-" 

"I can! I have to, I..." she shook her head and took deep breaths and opened her eyes as she had shut them all this time. "I saw three men in ski masks all holding guns, before I had the chance to run back in my van they blocked me. I took off running, but before I knew it I was on the ground with this heavy weight pressing me down. A cloth pressed aganist my nose was the last thing I remembered when I woke up in the auction house." She sighed.

"Auction house?" Jamie interest peaked. 

"Yeah, the Lee's they run an underground auction house. When I woke up in this dreary room, with other women, terrified women and some girls. About everything ten or so minutes some woman would come take three of four at a time. Eventually it was my turn, we were just three left. I tried to resist but he knocked me out and when I woke up I was blind folded and in a car." 

"Where did you end up?" He asked curiously and both women looked at each other.

"In a penthouse in the city." 

"With whom?" 

"Jason Kang." 

"Jason Kang? Jason Kang of KE holdings? He was the one that bought you? Hmm.. it seems there are a lot of wealthy families involved in this illegal business." He muttered.

"Wait Jason isn't a part of this." She said firmly. 

Jamie frowned. "Didn't you say he bought you?" 

"No... I said I ended up with him, somehow." 

"So he didn't hold- let me rephrase that. He never held you aganist your will and violated any human rights?" 

Immediately Jessie mind brought up harsh memories of her earlier days with Jason. Oowshhh! He was not a nice person, how many rights did he violate? Freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of expression. He even violated her right to basic necessities, food, clothes at least there was shelter.

Yet her answer remained. "Not in the slightest." 

"Really? You just miraculously happened to be with him." 

"Yes detective, miraculously." 

"And you never cared to ask? You seem like the curious type to me, just moments ago you were drilling me so conscientiously." 

"Well, I'm not. Even if he bought me I believe it's because he recognized me and wanted to save me." She spat.

"Oh? And he didn't report the entire organisation instead? Surely you weren't the only woman sold that night, you said yourself they were other women. Did he buy all of them?" Jamie drilled her.

"How could he? Even if he wanted to report it, this things are never held in the same location solely to avoid the police. Besides he is engaged to the daughter of the Lee family, one man starting a war of the most powerful Lees isn't that being too ambitious?" She answered back.

"So he decided to remain passive until he saw you." Jamie asked in and incredibly annoying tone. 

"Enough!" Katherine yelled, starling the two of them. "Don't you dare try to raise a finger at Jason, he is not that kind of person. All he has done is help Jessie since he met her. Protecting her from all the people out to get her, including the police. So why don't you ask obvious questions like who owns the auction house and how you can save the unfortunate women suffering needlessly!" She yelled.

Jessie brow rose at the sudden outburst, wow.

"Sure, sure. I have one question." Jamie said with an amused grin. "You said Jason and Patricia are engaged, what makes you so confident he isn't in on all this?" 

Both women looked at each other, yet again. Then at him. What made them so confident?

Preview 162: Righteous detective. 

"Keep your friends close and enemies closer." Jessie said. "Just as Patricia is my enemy same way the Lee's are Jason enemy. You must know off the bad blood between the two families and companies. I don't know the specifics but that is exactly the same thing he said to me when I asked."

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