Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 164: 164. Tongue Less.

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"I don't believe you." Adonis said from behind them, Devon stiffened with silent rage. Pulling Katherine and spinning her around he lifted her chin and placed a feather light kiss on her lips. Leaning slightly upwards he looked into her widened eyes for permission and she didn't resist. They was a silent plea in her eyes that he couldn't quite understand but he knew he could continue. He pressed his lips aganist hers and moved his hands down till he held the sides of her slender waist. Pulling her to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and stood on her tiptoes deepening the kiss. A groan pushed it was out of the back of his throat when her tongue slipped past his lips. She gripped the back of his hair like she was struggling not to fall. 

He couldn't quite understand her, she was so full of confidence yet he felt she was still inexperienced. With that in mind he took the lead and encouraged her to follow. It took all the had not to sneak his hand underneath her blouse. 

Adonis no longer able to take it anymore coughed loudly. The two of them broke off the heated kiss, reluctantly and stared at him. Eyes hooded and lips swollen. Devon's hair was scattered in all directions, Katherine thought it made him hot. 

Adonis laughed slightly and bid them farewell, walking away. 

"I'm sorry I kissed you like that, he just gets on my nerve sometimes." Devon apologised. 

Katherine shook her head. "No don't. You did the right thing, thank you. I know how Adonis is, but I've never been able to chase him away so quickly." She laughed looking away.

Devon reached out and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ears, causing her to look back at him. "I am sorry, but not regretful. You are aware that I like you right? Because I do." He stated firmly. 

Katherine blinked at him, this was not the first time a man confessed to her. Why was it different? 'Because you're no longer waiting on Paul' the voice in her head told her.

"I'm aware, that's why I'm here today." She said in a small voice. "Would you-"

"Yes. Whatever it is yes." Devon said immediately. 


"What happened? You were up there almost an hour. I almost came up to get you." Jessie stood, arranging her dress as she did.

Katherine walked towards her with the strangest look on her face. "What? Tell m- wait a minute. Why are your lips swollen? Did you walk into something?" Jessie asked. 

"Really that was your first guess?" Her brow rose mockingly. 

"I can't think about any other plausible explanation, it's not as if you kissed someone." She replied with a small laugh. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did you kiss someone?" The mocking tone in her voice was unguarded. 

And Katherine folded her arms and gave Jessie a pointed stare. Jessie glanced at her expression and shook her head, "no... no way.... you did not, oh my goodness!" She exclaimed causing curious stares from around them.

Katherine grabbed Jessie arm and lead her out of the hospital and Jessie obediently followed. She didn't say any other thing until they were in the car.

"You kissed that robot doctor?!" She squealed. 

"Robot doctor?" Katherine frowned. 

"You know he's so smart he acts like a computer, I even understand. I thought they weren't capable of human interaction." Jessie laughed. 

"Stop teasing Devon, he initiated the kiss." She huffed.

"Incredible! Really? Wow... man was I wrong about him." She sighed. She sat straighter in the passenger's seat and looked at Katherine. "So... how was your first kiss?" 

Katherine eyes widened and she coughed awkwardly. "Wh-what makes you think that's my first kiss?" She blurted. 

"Uh... you loved one man your entire life, I'm sure through out school you were basically a clueless nerd, not to mention you are kind of a prude. No offense." Jessie listed, counting on her fingers.

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"Prude?! In what way? Just so you know it wasn't my first kiss. I had my first kiss with Paul!" She yelled. 

"Uh huh, I bet it was tongue less, wait come to think off it, did this one have tongue?" 

"Ugh! Why are you asking this kind of questions? Do you have that much experience that this becomes so normal to you?" Katherine groaned. 

Jessie pouted. "Well you are the first female friend I had to discuss this with, sorry if I made you feel awkward." She said with a sad smile, looking down at her dress and busying herself with cleaning invisible dirt.

Katherine immediately felt bad for her, just what kind of life did she have as an actress. "You can discuss whatever it is you want, yes my first kiss was tongue less we were kids. And yes this one had tongue." Katherine sighed. 

Jessie bright smile resurfaced again and she smiled. "Really? So when is your date?!" 

"This evening." She said. "I wanted a coffee but he insisted." 

"So are you like dating him now?" Jessie asked.

"Ugh... well I am going on a date doesn't that count?" 

Jessie sighed, she really was clueless. "Is he your boyfriend?" 

"...." she pursed her lip. "I don't know, I'll ask him tonight I guess. 

"Let's go, we have to get you ready!" Jessie exclaimed pointing to the road. Katherine nodded and drove the car to their hotel.


Katherine stepped out of the car in a simple flowery dress that fell down to her knees. She accesorised with heeled boots and a fur jacket since it was chilly out tonight. 

She saw Devon standing in simple pants and a button up shirt, with a leather jacket. Waving to her, his black hair fell down his forehead giving a particular softness to his angular face. 

She pushed a hair Jessie insisted she style in waves and walked over to him. It was a movie then food afterwards. So they both dressed casual. 

"You look beautiful, you always do." Were his first words to her and she smiled. 

"So do you." 

"Em? I look beautiful? I swear I was going for a manly look this evening." He pouted. And Katherine could not help but laugh. Yhup the quirky side had returned. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked.

"I can't help it, your smile is just so enticing." He said honestly. 

And she tried to cover the blush, "whatever let's go." 

Preview 165: Lover boy.

At first when the first person died, she reached out grab him but his face was already buried in her shoulder. When the big man with the saw broke through the actual fucking wall to get to his next victim the popcorn was tossed in the air, and on the surrounding people. Icing on the cake, when his face blew up on the massive screen, the both of them, qualified and professional doctors tossed their soda and on the ground causing a big mess.

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