Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 167: 167. Answers.

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Katherine walked into his study and he gestured for her to sit. 

"How have you been?" He asked, assessing her appearance, she looked healthy at least.

"Um, I'm just... so-so." 

Erin Park stood behind his own seat, so he turned it slightly and took a sit. "I have something for you." He stated. 

Katherine's eye brow lifted in question and she hoped he wouldn't offer her shares in his company again, he always did every year on her birthday and he answer always remained the same, no. He gently placed a small box on the table before her, it looked old and worn, but regardless beautiful. 

She picked up the box whilst sending him a questioning look, as she opened it she gasped. The sliver chain that was surprisingly light regardless of the intertwine and build up of the design. At the bottom hung the most beautiful purple stone in the midst of what appeared to be melting sliver. She could never understand or forget this necklace. It was her mother's. 

Looking up at him with so many emotions in her eyes, "how do you have this?"

With a sad smile he explained. "Your mother gave it to me, said to give it to you when you found out the truth." 

"So you intended on telling me? When?" 

"I never did Katherine, the story surrounding your birth is filled with more mystery that actual facts. Plus it's not a very nice one, how could I do that to you?" 

Katherine began to feel scared, and wary but she decided regardless she would push. "What story, I deserve to know my heritage don't I?" 

His face contorted in a mixture of pain and anger and his voice was thick with emotion as he rebuked her. "Isn't this already enough for you? You're a Park, you're my daughter. I've never been unkind towards you, and I tried my best to make you a part of this family, why must you regard me so formally?" 

Katherine eyes widened and she clenched her teeth. "Part of this family? Perhaps you should have explained that to that witch you call a life partner. You've never been unkind to me but you might as well have been cruel because you always ignored my misery, when Carol would specifically go out her way to make me feel small and miserable. When she would hit me and treat me worse than the staff. Do you never wonder why immediately I became legal I left this placed and never looked back?" She said through gritted teeth.

Erin had a look of sorrow in his eyes as he listened to her burst of emotion. 

"I want to ask you one question, when I was under such misery at the hands of Carol, were you just ignorant or did you just not care?" She asked as a stray tear fell down her cheek.

He couldn't say anything, he was guilty and it broke his heart. Full of regret and shame he whispered an apology to her mother. "Forgive me Rachel, I failed you." 

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Katherine regarded his silence as an admittance of guilt, wiping her eyes she continued. "Please tell me who my father is, how did you really meet my mother?" 

He nodded slowly, if this was really what she wanted. "I met your mother the day she was born." He paused to let the information sink in. 

"Your mother is my younger sister. She was an angel, beautiful but rebellious. And having that kind of fiery spirit wasn't the smartest with a conservative family like ours, so immediately she became legal just like you she left the family. I didn't see her for years then one day she came back, after our parents were dead and I had inherited the family business and property. She came back with you, you were less than a year then. Just learning to walk." He explained. 

"And my father? Do you know who he is?" Katherine asked.

"I have no idea, Katherine your mother was in a brothel when she gave birth to you." He said through gritted teeth and Katherine eyes widened. "She assured me she knew who your father was but she never told me no matter how many times I threatened her. Infact she only told me everything that happened when she left us years back when she was about to die." He stated. "She said when she left the house, she became a waiter in a local restaurant in the capital. She met an extremely weathly man and fell in love. He was already married but she didn't know that at the time. His wife found out and sent her to a brothel, she swore she was already pregnant for you by then. When she managed to escape she came straight here. When your mother came here she was broken. That fiery spirit and rebellious nature was gone, she was an addict at the time and in no shape to be a good mother to you.She begged me to be the father of her child, she said she wouldn't let you be a bastard. And that any inheritance she might have had should be given to you." 

Katherine looked into his eyes in disbelief, her heartbroken at the thought of her mother going through all that. Tears began to roll freely and soon she began to sob. "Did she tell you if my father knows about me?" She choked out.

Erin shook his head. "I don't know, she didn't say. No child should ever go through this Katherine, this is why I didn't want to ever tell you." 

"It's okay, I should know." She sighed. 

"So are you going to look for this man?" 

"I don't know, some part of me feels I shouldn't. He was never part of my life, plus the fact that be might not even know who I am. But the because of the small possibility that he might have known of my existence, makes me so angry I want to demand answers." She cried. "I can't believe my mother went through all that, my pitiful mother." She cried.

A knock interrupted the heart wrenching moment and Jessie dashed into the room. Freezing for a second as she took in the scene before her, her expression softened slightly but nevertheless. 

"I'm sorry to ruin this life changing moment, but Katherine we have to go now!"

Preview 168: Frame.

"That's not even the worst, she lives with my fiance and apparently he loves her. What I'm I to do? I mean all of a sudden I have began to like him more and more, maybe it's because I know realize I can't have him. Have you ever felt that way?" She rambled like a crazy person and the Cheif felt utterly confused.

"Anyway, I killed that bitch because she too much of a nuisance, but she has even become and even bigger nuisance. Must I let her go free? I was kind the first time,now she will know what it feels like to have burning hatred of the world." She said with an evil look in her eyes.

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