Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 170: 170. Police.

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"What the hell did you just say? Who is in my manor?" Jason asked the butler hoping he misheard what Mr. Choi just told him.

"S-sir the police are here, with an arrest and search warrant. They insist on searching the premises." 

"Why the hell?" 

"Sir the arrest warrant is for miss Jessie." Butler Choi stated as though he did not believe it himself. 

Jason gritted his teeth and clenched his fists trying to calm his rising temper. How and why in the world? When the hell did the police get so gutsy?

"They are there looking for Jessie?" 

"Yes sir." 

"Let them in."


"Let them in, Mr. Choi. They won't find her either way, but make sure no one mentions a word about her alright?" He said. 

"Of course sir." 

He stood up and walked around his desk to the table farther away admist the couches. Grabbing the remote he turned the television on. If he was right whatever was happening would be on the news, it was the last time around.

His phone began to ring again. "Jason Kang."

"Jason! You wouldn't believe what is going on right now!" Paul exclaimed.

"Actually I can, I'm watching the news right now." He stated bluntly. 

Paul frowned "so? What are you going to do about Katherine and Jessie? We can't let the police get to them first." 

Jason shut his eyes tightly and sighed. "Do you think I don't already know that?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Look I have to go now, I'll call as soon as I can." 

"Wait! Let me help, you already have so much on your plate as it is, send me the number of the bodyguard you sent with them. I'll bring them back safely." He assured Jason.

Jason paused, could he really trust Jessie with Paul? Paul sensing his hesistance spoke again. "Jason, Jessie will be fine, I promise. You'll have her by evening." 

"Don't let anything happen to her Paul." He said sternly but his tone gave away his anxiety. 

"Nothing will." He assured him one last time before ending the call. 

Jason walked back to grab his coat but then of the bodyguards stationed in his office already held it and directed him the door. Jason walked out of his office and as soon as he got of the elevator, reporters were already swarming to him.

Before they could reach him the security already held them back.

"Chairman Kang." Matt ran to his boss and bowed down swiftly. 

"What is this Matt? Why the hell are this mosquitoes in my building?" He asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes. Struggling to control an outburst.

"I'm sorry sir, before we're doing our best to get them out." 

Jason brow rose at his statement. Bold. "Best? You call this the best? Hmph! Get all this people out of my building right now." He ordered. "Send the phone number of the bodyguard I sent with Jessie to Paul, and sue any reporter and news station that published news or articles about me linked to Jessie Marin for defamation. Let's go." Jason commanded as he began to walk towards the exit.

"Where are we going sir?" 

"Where else? Paradise."


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"Jessie? What's wrong?" Katherine asked Jessie alarmed at her demeanor and the frightened expression in her face. She was literally shaking.

Jessie swallowed trying to control his breathing. "Katherine, we ne-" Katherine's phone began to ring.

"I'm sorry." She apologised before answering not bothering to see who was calling. "Hello?"

"Katherine?" A familiar voice answered her question with another. 

"Paul? What the he-" 

"Look I understand we are not in the best circumstances but I need to to listen to me and do everything I tell you. Jessie is in danger and so are you by association. Where are you?" Paul asked.

"Um.. my family home, what's going on Paul?" Katherine asked her voice staring to falter.

"Look, I need you to get out of there immediately, don't go back to your hotel. Get somewhere safe and quiet, keep your phone on and turn on your GPS. We'll find you, please Katherine stay safe, both of you." 

Katherine stared at the phone for a few seconds before grabbing Jessie shivering hand and making her way towards the door. She paused at the exit and turned to look at her flabbergasted and confused uncle with a small smile.

"This isn't goodbye." Were her last words to him as they both dashed out of the house. The tow women ran to the car and got in. Katherine turned on the ignition and drove out if the estate in a hurry, as they drove by the sound of a siren starled both of them so much they almost had an accident. 

Jessie ducked out of the way as the police drove past both of them.

"Care to explain what the hell is going on?" Katherine asked as she quickly swerved lanes to overtake another car.

"I'm wanted for murder." Jessie said slowly. 


"The police... they dug out the body of the woman supposed to be me and tested it again. It doesn't match mine, so they reopened the driver's case and they are also accusing me for the murder of the dead woman as well." Jessie explained. 

"What? How did that happen?" Katherine asked.

"I-I don't... I don't know, gosh" she sighed. "I'm so scared, what if I actually go to jail? I'm innocent!" She said firmly.

Katherine looked down at Jessie shivering hand and placed hers on top it. "It's okay, you're not alone this time okay, don't worry." She comforted Jessie. 

Unconsciously she drove to the hotel but luckily for both of them the cops streaming in and out halted their further approach.

"They are here?" Jessie asked. "How did they even find out I was staying here?" She gasped. "Where do we go now?" 

Katherine bit her nails and began to think as well, where could they go?

"The detective! He knows the truth shall we go there?" Jessie said immediately. 

"Shall we?" Katherine agreed starting up the engine they drove away from the hotel. 

Getting out of the car immediately they walked to Jamie house. As they walked past the fence Jessie held Katherine back. "Wait, isn't that a cop car?" She pointed to the front of Jamie house.

"It is, I wonder what it's doing here? Ugh, why are they cops everywhere?" Katherine frowned. They both bent low until they heard the cop. 

"Jamie Anderson, your under arrest for fraud. You have the right to remain silent, whatever you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." 

Preview 171: Susan Jung. 

"Care to explain to me, why the hell the news is saying that? I mean isn't this supposed the most powerful organisation in this country? Infact his continent. Why the hell is the news saying that?" He pointed to the screen. "I mean how did police get to my manor?" He glared at the chief of police, then at the Chief Judge. 

"With warrants for search and arrest." Finally the attorney general "they say the prosecution reopened the case. I really I'm curious, how they hell did that happen?"

"And you, Mr. Jones that was your news station. That was your employees dragging my name through the mud. I'll ask again, is this Paradise? Couple of useless old people that can no longer do their jobs?!"

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