Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 177: 177. Katherine's Love Life.

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The car ride was quiet for most part, Paul got a message that Katherine peeked into. She couldn't read it completely but she knew it was from his Fiancee. Before Paul could explain, oddly he felt the need to her phone began to ring. 

It was Devon. "Aren't you going to answer that?" Paul asked.

Katherine huffed. "Mind your business." 

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Jessie asked this time.

"Ofcourse I am." She said and Paul scoffed. "Devon?


No, no I'm fine really.



I'd really like that.

It would be great, this isn't something that can be explained over the phone.

Oh you know already? How?

The news, ahh I see.

You're so understanding, thank you.

Me too, I had a great time.

Yes, we'll talk later.


"Since when are you so chummy with Dr. Geum?" Paul asked.

"Why are you so interested in that?" She asked.

"It's just... I heard something interesting." He replied. 

Katherine folded her arms and tilted her head. "I wonder what that was" She feigned ignorance.

While both of them continued to squabble Jessie was in her head, 'I can't believe he still sent bodyguards after us, wait. Actually I can, he just couldn't let go could he?'

"Really? You don't know? When you were announcing it to the entire hospital?!" 

"Are you yelling at me?" She huffed. 

"I yelled?" His eyes widened with feigned confusion. "It must be the car, it's amplifying my voice." He coughed awkwardly. 

"Better, because I don't see why me getting a boyfriend should cause you to yell." She stated bluntly. 

Jessie eyes widened and she finally joined the conversation. 

"Boyfriend? You guys have made it official?" Jessie said excitedly.

Katherine turned to her, her eyes filled with the same anticipation and excitement. "It seems so!" 

Jessie gasped covering her mouth with her palm "really?" Katherine nodded and the both of them began to squeal. 

Paul looked at both of them with disgust clearly written on his face as he scowled. This was going to be a long and extremely annoying car ride.

"Wait a moment why are we dropping you off? Aren't you guys coming to the manor?" Jessie pouted.

"I believe the both of you have spent enough time alone together. It is enough." Paul replied sternly and both women frowned at him.

"After you." He gestured for Katherine to head towards his car.

"I don't see why I can't go with Jessie." 

"Right?" Jessie agreed.

Paul held the bridge of his nose and sighed, this women were giving him a headache. "No, you have work."

"Ah that tru- wait a minute. I quit remember!" She said and Jessie nodded vigorously. 

"Still, do you think Jason would welcome you to his manor?" Paul asked.

"Why wouldn't he?" Jessie replied his question with one of her own.

Paul sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Clothes!" He snapped his fingers. "You don't have any clothes, there are all in the hotel remember?" 

"Ahh... I'll see you tomorrow Jessie." Katherine said with conviction. 


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"Ugh! The both of you are acting like teenage best friends, ugh! So annoying!" He huffed as he basically dragged Katherine away.

The car began to move again but even though it was dark Jessie noticed they weren't headed in the direction she expected. "Where are we going? This isn't the way to the manor." 

"We aren't going to the manor." The bodyguard answered curtly. 

"What do you mea-" she gasped. "Hey! You're working for Patricia right? Tell me! Where are you taking me!" She yelled grabbing his neck from behind.

The car began to swerve and the bodyguard struggled to control the car and get out from her grip. He struggled to explain himself but her fingers were wrapped around his neck. 

After he managed to park she jumped when she heard a knock on the window. Before she could stop him he already opened the door and a look of horror graced the man's face.

"Miss! What are you doing?!" He asked in shock and alarm.

Jessie jumped backwards, sitting as far away from them as she could. "More? There are more of you?" 

He looked at the wheezing man for explanation because he too confused about the current situation. 

"She thinks I'm a kidnapper, tell her the chairman ordered us to take her somewhere else." He spat as he left the car to breathe.

"Jason did?" Jessie asked softly. The man nodded. 

She shook her head, "I don't want to. Take me to Jason!" 

"Alright miss please calm down." He said trying to pacify her. This time there were two bodyguards in the car when it started to move. Not because of her protection but instead for theirs. 

"What is this?! This isn't the manor!" She yelled. 

"It's a safe house. You are going to stay here." She was informed. 

"Why? Since when? Is Jason aware of this? He wouldn't allow it!" She argued, as the bodyguards drove her into the safe house she was supposed to stay. 

"No! I won't come down! Take me to the manor, take me to Jason now! I won-"

"Hey, stop making a fuss and come down already."

Her ears perked and she turned to face him, instinctively before she could stop it her face broke into a wide grin. "Jason!" 

"Are you okay?" He asked his face full of concern.

Jessie got out of the car and ran to him, slamming into him, she placed her face aganist his chest and sighed. "Thank you... and I'm sorry." She whispered softly looking up at him.

"Why?" Jason reply was as soft as hers.

"It's all my fault, I should have listened to you." She said, biting her lips and looking down in shame. "I deserve this."

"Hey!" Jason reprimanded, lifting her chin with is finger. "Nobody deserves this, you most especially. I'm just glad you're okay." He smiled at her. 

"Me too." 

"You must be tired let's go inside." 

Jessie held him back, "why are we here instead of the manor?" 

Jason pursed his lips and tilted his head "I would have assumed Paul would've told you." 

"No, he was too interested in Katherine's love life to care." She replied. 

"Katherine's love life?" 

"She has a boyfriend... or not it's still fresh." Jason eyes widened but Jessie dismissed it. "Why are we here instead?"

"The manor isn't safe anymore, the police came by... to look for you." 

Jessie pulled away from his embrace and stared at him in shock, then confusion before she finally understood and wore a look of guilt. "It's all my fault I'm sorry." 

Preview 178: All is forgiven. 

"Kevin?" She looked at him in annoyance then at Jason with confusion. "I thought you fired him? Or maybe sent him to another place?" 

"Why should I? He's your bodyguard, again." Jason shrugged.

Jessie laughed comically. "You're joking right? I don't understand I thought you said all was forgiven?" She frowned her brows forming a crease.

Jason looked at her with a small grin playing at his lips. "It is." 

Jessie shook her head, "I don't think it is, this..." she pointed at Kevin. "This is a punishment right?" 

"No in the slightest," he smiled sweetly. "Kevin seemed like he really understood you, I was too hasty in my decision." 

Jessie jaw dropped and she stared at him with shock and a rising anger. "Understood me?"

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