Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 181: 181. Spoiled Child.

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Jason stood in front of the presidential villa. Waiting for the servant that walked in to announce his arrival.

"She's expecting you, you may enter." The servant bowed. 

Jason nodded and followed after him. He looked around at the house and office where the president of the country lived. He had been here once before, he remembered when he was very little and when another sat on the seat. But he didn't walk these halls alone the last time. Why was it that everything now reminded him of his mother. Ugly memories he wanted to forget.

"Jason Kang!" The president's wife huffed angrily. 

He bowed respectfully smiling mischievously as he did. "First lady." Eyeing the servant that was yet to exit the room. Immediately she did he stood up straighter and pursed his lips.

Jason's brows rose in slight amusement "isn't that president to you?" 

"We are not in Paradise right now, this is my turf." She sneered at him. "Besides do you not realise that it's too dangerous for you to come here like this?! We shouldn't be seen together or even have any form of contact." She rebuked him.

"Then you should have answered you calls don't you think?" Jason said bluntly and she blinked guilty and looked away.

"What do you want?" She asked. "What was so important that you had to come all the way to my office?" 

"I killed my mother, explain." 

And Francine coughed awkwardly and stepped back to her seat. "Whatever do you mean Jason?" She asked.

"I heard you that day in Reginald's office. What did you mean by I killed my mother? What did you mean by I refused to remember it?" He asked her more sternly. 

"I-I don't know what you mean." She stuttered. 

Jason frowned. "Don't play with me Mrs. First lady, I hope you realize that Paradise is in charge of everything including this office you believe gives you so much power. I might just be a 'cheeky boy' but you don't want to make me mad. Now explain what you meant by that statement." He pressed. 

Francine cursed herself and her big mouth. Why did she have to go and cause herself such trouble?

Jason snapped his fingers to bring her out of her head. "Hey, explain what you meant!" 

She stared at Jason helplessly. 


"What are you doing here?" Francine spat, glaring at Reginald as he sat down opposite her.

"Best not to use that tone with me, Francine." He replied sternly.

And she rolled her eyes. "Say what you will and please leave." 

Reginald eyes narrowed and he cleared his throat before continuing. He pulled out a brown file and placed it in the desk before her. Eyeing him suspiciously she opened the file and as her eyes scanned through it she gasped. Her hand flying to her mouth she looked up at him in horror. 

"What the hell is this?" She asked, alarmed.

"This is a warning, don't you think you're getting too bold? Just because Jeong gu is the president and also your husband doesn't mean shit when it come to Paradise." He said.

"Get to the point." She said out of gritted teeth.

"Jason is the president, weather or not he deserves the post is not your call to make. You have already made a big mistake and ofcourse it will be punished." He stated. 

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"Don't worry, Paradise is gracious enough to allow your husband finish his tenure in peace. But what you said in my office the other day, about Jason killing his mother you will take it back." 

Francine laughed ruefully, "what?"

"Jason overheard our conversation" her eyes widened. "I know him, he will come to you for answers and you will apologise to him and tell him you were mistaken and saying rubbish." 

"Do you think he'll believe that?" She pouted. 

"Probably not, but you are not to say a word to him about his mother's death. Is that clear? However you wish to get him off your back depends on you but say a word and you're finished." 

"Aren't you going too far?" 

Reginald looked at her intently then got up. He left the file with her and exited her office without a word.


True to his word, here Jason was demanding answers to questions she arose herself. Again she cursed her big mouth.

"Francine!" She jerked as he yelled her name.

"What?!" She yelled back. "What do you think your going to achieve by coming here? What did you actually think I would suddenly have some sob story for you?" She said coldly. 

Jason stared at her trying to gauge her reaction, she was definitely hiding something but what was it? 

"Don't be pathetic Jason Kang no.. Mr. President. You're mother died over ten years ago and ofcourse you would blame yourself as you were a witness to it. But don't you think it time to grow up and move on?" 

"Don't you dare tell me what is good for me." He spat.

Francine scoffed. "What? You're really going to keep acting like a spoiled child?" 

"Spoiled child?" Jason laughed. 

"I have nothing to say to you, Mr. President." She said scornfully. "Leave me out of your childhood traumas and get out of my office." 

Jason laughed walking closer to her, he sent her an icy glare that sent shivers down her spine but she remained passive on the outside. 

"Fine, I'll let you have this one. But know this, I'll definitely find out what the truth is and when I do you better run. Because I won't spare you." He said slowly with venom dripping down his every word.

He turned around and swiftly left her office. If she wasn't going to speak how was he going to find out the truth? He doubted anyone from Paradise would say a word, there was one more person he could go to. Desperate times. 

Preview 182: Responsibility. 

What? Why are you looking at me like that? Why are shutting the book?" He asked.

"Do you really want to do this? You look like a groom that is being forced? I'm not going to be stuck with an unwilling husband say it now Paul, do you or do you not want to get married to me?" She asked looking at him seriously. 

Paul leaned down on the table and entwined his fingers, looking directly at her. If he was being honest of course not he didn't want to get married. He loved his bachelor life and he was barely thirty, why should he be tied down so soon? But he couldn't do that, he had a responsibility to marry and since his parents had chosen her he would have to marry her.

"What are you saying?" He gave her a most charming smile, unnerving her yet again. "Ofcourse I want to marry you."

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