Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 183: 183. Distant.

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Jessie sighed as she looked outside the window. It's been two days and she hadn't seen Jason or heard from him. After waking up next to him the last time he was with her, she couldn't stand this distance.

They fell asleep on the kitchen island his hand under her head acting as her pillow. She slept first and woke up first, seeing his face first thing as she opened her eyes made her resolve weaken. Wouldn't she just be content with seeing his face everytime she opened her eyes, she wouldn't even remember if she had a nightmare or not.

She pulled out her phone, her thumb hovering over his contact she decided aganist it. He would be busy right now. She called Butler Choi, her spy in the manor.

"Butler Choi, hello." 

"Ah... miss Jessie it's lovely to hear your voice, we've been missing you around here. The manor seems really empty now you're not here." He said.

"Stop flattering me butler Choi. It still felt empty when I was there. How is everyone?" 

"Missing you, our prayers and good favours are with you miss." 

"Thank you so much."

"Agnes has specifically been missing you, she feels really depressed and awfully guilty about something. I'm not sure the details but she said she felt sorry towards you." 

Jessie smiled "I was mad at her but I'm not anymore. Tell her this, I don't know the reasons why she did what she did. But I'm glad she did it, tell her I'm thankful to her." 

"I'm sure she would be pleased to hear that." 

"Butler Choi? How is Jason? Is he doing okay?" She asked biting the nail on her thumb.

"Ah... I can't say he is, just know one of the reasons we miss you is because of him." 

"I don't understand." She shook her head, sitting up.

"He's distant and disengaged. When he actually pays attention he is always in such a terrible mood. He barely gets any sleep and he is very scary these days." 

"He barely sleeps?" She sighed, he must still be having nightmares. "Can you do me a favour?" 

"Anything miss." 

"Can you inform Jason that...." 


"Oh? You're early." Jessie said as Jason walked into the safe house. "It's still bright out" she pointed to the twilight.

"Were you expecting someone else?" He pulled off his shoes and walked into the house.

Jessie puffed her cheeks "what do you mean? Who else would I be waiting for? I almost thought you had forgotten about me." 

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Jason stopped and turned around causing her to stumble back quickly to avoid bumping into him. She fell back and Jason leaned forward and grabbed her, on hand around her waist and the other holding her arm. 

Jessie frowned as she looked into his eyes, she lifted her hand and cupped his face. Rubbing lightly under his eyes, he looked exhausted. 

"Hey, you haven't been sleeping have you?" 

Jason coughed awkwardly and pulled her up, letting go off her and walking further into the house. She pouted, she didn't like him ignoring her, which was why she even fabricated that lie in the first- wait, the message!

As if karma wanted to get her back at that very moment his phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out to answer and she ran into him. Bumping into him so hard the phone flew out of his grasp and fell on the floor.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed in feigned innocence, bending down to pick the phone she checked who called and quickly cut it. He was already here and she was fine, the call wasn't necessary. 

"I'm so sorry, I must have slipped." She laughed awkwardly. Handing his phone back to him, Jason gave her a blank look and as he wanted to inspect who called she yelled.

"Hey!" Jason flinched and looked at her in alarm. "Food! Food, aren't you hungry? Come I'll make you something." She said pulling him into the kitchen.

"On a second thought why don't you go freshen up." She pulled him in the opposite direction and literally pushed him into the bathroom. Sighing out of relief she walked out of the room. After a little while she walked back in to drop off some towels for him and his phone beeped. 

This time is was a text from Butler Choi, she walked over and picked it up. When she clicked on the text message his phone asked for a passcode. 

"Passcode? What is his passcode?" She thought. "Aissh how I'm I supposed to know that?" She huffed angrily, "how do I get rid of this now?" 

Jason stepped out of the bathroom and saw Jessie standing by the bed, hunched and mumbling. Curious he walked to her slowly, reaching over her and snatching his phone from her grasp.

"What the-!" She exclaimed looking up. Jason stared down at her with his brow quirked up.

"What?" He asked daring her to complain about going through his phone. She bit her lip nervously and stepped back as he clicked on the message. Unlocking his phone he read what butler Choi sent.

Jason looked up at her with his features etched in confusion. Then it dawned on him, that's why she had been acting strange. 

"What is this?" He asked. 

Jessie gulped and swallowed. "What is what?" She asked.

"This text, this is the reason you've been acting weird isn't it? I don't understand, why is my butler saying you are seriously hurt and in terrible danger?" He asked walking close to her.

Jessie tired to run away but Jason grabbed her arm rather forcefully. "Did you tell him to send this? Was this the reason he called earlier? Answer me!" He yelled and she flinched.

Preview 184: You're hurting me.

"Horrible news sir, Jessie's been in an unfortunate accident." He recited the words of the text and Jessie shut her eyes.

"She was discovered and all her bodyguards killed. She's been trying to reach you all morning so she called me, she's currently being kept hostage by-"

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