Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 193: 193. Innocent.

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Jessie stared at her phone trying to calm her frantic breathing. When the hell did this start? This in ability to breathe, it was like she was choking on air. Drowning without water, the phone slipped from her grasp and fell to the ground with a loud thud, she followed soon after. Clutching her throat as she struggled to calm her breathing, she couldn't die. Even if she was going to die, it would have to be by Patricia's hands or else neither Katherine or the girls would survive. 

Tears bit and stung her eyes painfully as she tried to breathe. 'Breathe Jessie just breathe.' 

Everything was already getting woozy and wobbly. She could hear someone screaming for her but she only concentrated on breathing. 

"Miss Jessie, miss Jessie! Jessie!" Kevin screamed shaking her violently suddenly snapped out of it. She could breathe again.

She grabbed the collar of his suit as tears poured down from her eyes. "Are you okay?" 

She shook her head violently. "No. Please Kevin you have to let me go please " she begged in between sobs.

"You that's impossible miss." Kevin shook his head and Jessie cried out.

"Please they are innocent, they are all innocent !" She screamed "please this once I promise I'm not being difficult or stubborn but if I stay here kids are going to die please!" She let out a heart wrenching sob.

And Kevin looked down at her shivering body and shaky grip on his collar. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes held a mighty amount of despair and fear!

But then it could all be fake, she was a stress after all and he couldn't lose her again. He had a lot riding on this job.

"I'm sorry miss, but you are more important right now. I can't let you go." No sooner the words left is eyes the desperation and helplessness in her eyes fled, replaced by raging anger.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed, shoving him off her and getting up. She reached for the flower vase sitting beside them and chugged it him with all her might. "You son of a bitch I swear I will kill you! Today sir is the day you die, by my hands!!!" 

How he managed to evade the throw surprised him more than he cared to admit but he was sure grateful that his head had not been the one to shatter the ceramic vase.

She began to toss the decoration, center peices, head dresses every thing she tossed them to the ground in an angry rage. Kevin began to fear for her safety. There was shattered glass all over the floor and she was bare foot. 

He motioned for two other bodyguards to walk into the room. "Take her into her room." He ordered. 

"No, no! NO!!!" She screamed kicking violently in the air as they dragged her into her room. "I will kill you, you you hear?! Kevin you're dead!!" She screamed, as the tossed her on her bed, shutting the door before she had liberty to run back out.

What should she do know? She couldn't tell Jason, who could she call? Her eyes widened as she wiped her face and sniffled. Calming her roughed up hair. 

She tapped on the door quietly. "Can I at least have my phone?' She said in a quiet voice.

The men looked at each other then Kevin nodded. "I promise all I want is my phone. I won't fuss." She said when she didn't get a response.

"How do we know you're not lying?" One of the other guys asked from behind the door.

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"I'm not." She huffed angrily. "What I meant to say" she started calmly. "If I misbehave you have my permission to tie me up." She said.


"Really." She agreed and she heard a soft click, the door didn't open all the way but a suit clad hand came in through the open space and she took her phone from the man.

Quickly turning around she dialed as fast as she could.


Choi Yuri looked like a breath of fresh air, in her wedged sandals and stunning flare dress that danced sweetly just above her knees. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she kept her makeup light. Snaking her arm into Paul's bended own, they began to walk into the small mansion that houses her grandparents. 

"I'm so exited to see my grandparents, especially with you." She gushed. 

Paul looked down at her and gave her a small smile as he pulled her in for a chaste kiss. Pulling away he took her hand again as they walked into the mansion.

Choi Yuri stared at him as they walked into the house, admiring his nice features. Paul wasn't necessarily so handsome, unlike some other men like Jason Kang or George Lee, men like that could be described as beautiful. But he had a charm you couldn't ignore. He had the ability to make anyone comfortable and he was attentive. 

'I could love this man' she thought to herself a smile gracing her lips. As they were about to step past the door frame into the house his phone rang. 

They both paused as she waited for Paul to answer. "Hello?" 

"What? I can't understand you.

Calm down, speak slowly is anything the mat... wait did you say Katherine?" 

Yuri eyes widened at the mention of that name and she immediately frowned, what now?

Paul pulled the phone away from his ears as he clicked on a the video Jessie sent. His eyes widened and he felt as though his entire world stopped.

"Paul! Please you have to get me out of here!" Jessie cried.

"I'm on my way, I'll get you out no matter what." He said turning on his heel and running back.

Yuri eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Paul!" She yelled. "Where the hell are you going?" 

"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now. " With that she watched him run back to his car and drive off with such urgency. Leaving her alone on front of her grandparents house, during the day that bitch Katherine was born.

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