Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 196: 196. Blatant Corruption And Evil.

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Owww!" She yelled as a large egg broke over her forehead, and the gooey inside rolled down her eye, nose and lips. The tears had the perfect excuse now the fell freely, she couldn't stop it. But she still refused to cry, or was she just to weak to do so?

"Stop Jason." A firm grim held onto his upper arm as he began to advance towards Jessie. 

Jason rage filled eyes glared at the old man he had come to respect. 

"Let go of me Reginald." He spat, tugging g his arm out of his grasp. But just as immediately his arm was held captive.

"I can't do that Jason." Reginald stated firmly. 

If looks could kill, Reginald would be dead. 

"It's not going to be beneficial for anyone if you go there right now, so please." Reginald said. 

"What do you mean?" He sneered. "It's not going to be good for Paradise you mean."

"If you already know that then why do you want to put everything in jeopardy?" Reginald asked.

"Are you daft?" Jason asked the older man. "Jessie is the reason I even went to Paradise in the first place! She's the reason I ever had the balls to steal my father's company from right under him and you expect me to just leave her be?" He said, his anger slowly dissipating to sadness and total desperation. "I never thought a day would come that I would go against my father, he isn't the nicest person but regardless he is a good father. And even though I loved my mother more than anything in the whole world I was never brave enough to take Paradise as i should. But then i met Jessie and you want me to leave her be!" He yelled. 

"Even when she's like that? Do you know what it does to me? Do you know how heavy.." he tapped his chest as a single tear fell down his eyes. "My heart, it's..." he shut his eyes and tried around to go to Jessie but Reginald kept his hold.

Jason shot him an icy glare from his tear glazed eyes. 

"I understand how you feel, because I've felt it before and so have you. The day your mother died." Reginald said.

"But please Jason, help her. Don't make things worse. That's all you'll do if you approach her now, like this." He continued. "Let's go, let Paradise handle thi-" 

"Like they ever handle anything right!!" He yelled shoving Reginald off of him and moving with intent to punch. And he would have if Paul did not placed himself between the man and Jason, holding Jason back.

"No, Jason don't. It's not worth it!" Paul said forcefully.

"Fine." He spat from gritted teeth. "Let me go." He pushed Paul away and walked to side. Grabbing his hair and groaning in frustration. 

What then was the essence at the end of the day? Why the hell was the entire reason?! Why did he deceive himself so? He was entirely helpless and useless, he couldn't even do anything and couldn't at the very least offer her comfort. 

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She was the woman he loved goddamit.

Jessie stared down, she shed have kept her head up, she shouldn't have broken into sobs as she did at the moment. She shouldn't have succumbed to the weepy weak and guilty woman she appeared like. But she was human and hell it was difficult to remain standing as it was with all the eggs and flour and tomatoes hurled her way. Apparently when one started the rest followed. She would have felt sorry for the cop that were in the hit zone had they not been the very ones leading her to her doom.

With a wobbily supported step she climbed onto the bus, sobs racking her shoulders as she soon realized the gravity of her situation. With a nudge to her back she found a seat, sitting her shivering and shaking hands on her lap, she struggled to stop the following water fall that were her eyes. 

But a warm, firm and strong hand held hers. When she met the gaze of this kind person offering her comfort she could only go back to her sobbing.

"I... I'm so sorry, I did this." She cried.

"You didn't do anything, I realize that now and I'm sorry I accused you for your driver in the first place." He stated softly. "I try to consider myself a good cop but I can't even see that." 

"Detective Anderson." Jessie breathed.

"Call me Jamie, I am and can no longer be a cop." He said.

She shook her head. "But you haven't been sentenced, things can still change."

Jamie let out a short but rueful laugh. "If you truly believe that then you must really expect much from this world. I don't, I can't anymore, it was always right in front of me but I couldn't see it."


"This blatant corruption and evil. The fact that both of us are here in this bus right now." He said though gritted teeth, his fist clenching in his own lap.

This time it was Jessie that placed hers over his to offer him some semblance of comfort. As soon as the bus started moving, she took in a deep breath, how bad could prison life really be?


Jonathan was livid. He marched up to the police station trying to demand an explanation as to why the hell Jessie felt it necessary to turn herself in. Of all the foolish things to do, but as if that wasn't disturbing enough he had to witness how the bruised and battered an innocent woman. Worse, they brought her out in cuffs headed into a prison bound bus, while his insufferable brother stood there and watched.

It was all ready a bitter pill to swallow, that Jessie might love his brother but to think that she loved a man that did such a poor job of protecting her, it made things much more unbearable. 

"Jason!!!" He yelled, his fist connecting with his brothers the moment he turned around.

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