Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 199: 199. The Great Seducer.

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Patricia smiled at Jason as she took a sip out of her glass, for the first time in a while things were actually working out. She couldn't even believe it to an extent, Jessie was gone. George had to bite back his words and her hand was currently in Jason's as he rubbed loving strokes back and forth with his thumb. It was a fairytale, a dream come through. 

"You seem happy" Jason said.

"Of course I am, you're here with me that's enough." She smiled. 

"Are you sure it's not because Jessie Marin is now behind bars?" He asked, at first the question startled her but when she looked she couldn't find any malice or negative thoughts towards her. Either way she didn't want that name out of his lips again.

"Don't mention her name again." She blurted out, snatching her hand out of his. 

Jason brow rose in amusement, it was almost too easy. "Why?"

"You shouldn't be thinking of her when you're with me. She's gone now so forget about it." She chastised him.

"I thought I made it abundantly clear that she was only my plaything? Why are you getting so defensive all of a sudden? I mean your plan worked, I guess congratulations are in order." Jason said with a pointed look, his tone his mannerisms his eyes nothing gave anything away but he just sent a bullet into her.

Patricia stilled at the accusation, she knew that of course Jason would know that she was behind Jessie's demise. If not for anything but the fact that she stayed with him so long. And from what she could tell they had a good relationship. But she always thought, that was her assurance. If he didn't accuse her or bring it up directly then he didn't care, he didn't see her as evil and wretched. But then what was this? He didn't say it maliciously but regardless he still said it.

"What is wrong? Are you having a stroke?" He laughed and she slapped his shoulder.

"Don't make such jokes." She pouted. "Besides..." she said slowly, lifting her legs and dragging them along the length of his, confident her actions wouldn't be seen by any one and only felt by him. "I should pay back what you must have lost, having your whore away." 

Jason stiffened when he felt her legs move from his ankles up his calf and slowly inching towards his thighs. He didn't know what to do with all this rage, gosh he could reach over the table and throttle her but he continued to remind himself. At this point he was more than desperate, and the hotter he became because of the seering anger he felt he convinced himself to convert it to cold rage. That was always more deadly anyway.

Before she could reach what she wanted, directly between his legs, cause goodness knows he would kill her if she dared. He grabbed her legs, 'too quick' he cautioned himself when he saw her confused expression. He made his touched slow and feather light, making sure to tickle her. And at that pace her took of red heels, keeping constant eye contact between them as he gently set it down on the table.

Then with a simple jerk he pulled her towards him, causing her chair to drag with a loudly and her middle to ram into the table.

"Oof!" She exclaimed, his lips tilted ever so slightly when he drew his index and middle fingers across the bottom of her feet. 

Smiling even more widely when he saw her knuckle turn white from how hard she was clutching the table. 

'Touchdown' he thought to himself. 


After Katherine's date.

Hotel room.

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"Fine, I'm sorry I'll stop teasing you." Jessie apologised after Katherine threatened to resign to her room, her red face and all.

"I don't know why people always make fun of virgins, I mean it not such a big deal, we have self control what?" Katherine huffed.

"I'm not making fun of your innocence, if that was the case I wouldn't be better off myself." Jessie shrugged and Katherine's eyes widened. 

"You're a virgin?" She asked.

"Uh... yeah, why? Does it seem strange? Because I'm an actress? Do you think all actresses a sluts?" She pursed her lips.

"But you live alone, with Jason." She said.

"And that matters why?" Jessie asked.

"You and Jason haven't slept together?" Katherine asked with a look of utter confusion. 

"Why do you look so confused? I don't understand is it some taboo or something?" Jessie asked. 

"Wow, he must really love you. Although it doesn't make sense, if he loves you is that more motivation?" Katherine asked but the question was directed more to her than Jessie.

Jessie frowned "I don't understand."

"He's nickname before was the great seducer." Katherine said. "There wasn't a soul in this world he couldn't seduce, I remember when we were still younger and they, Paul and Jason were still experimenting and according to them. Gathering experience, that was the excuse they gave for their whoring. They wasn't a single woman that ever rejected Jason." 

"That doesn't mean anything." Jessie replied. "His extremely good looking, not to mention he is rich." 

"You don't understand, Jason never went after woman that wanted him, it was like a game to him. To seduce women that didn't like him prior. And he always succeeded." Katherine insisted. 

Jessie shook her head refusing to be swayed. "They could have been pretending."

Katherine shrugged "I guess you wouldn't understand unless you see it. But from what I heard and saw, he could sexualise even the most mundane of things. Parts of your body that aren't even meant to be sensitive suddenly start lighting up." She explained. 

"Oh please." Jessie dismissed her. 

"Fine you can believe me or not, but just know. When he sets his sights on you there no going back, you will sleep with him." 

"I never realised he was such a rake." Jessie said.

"Paul paled in comparison."

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