Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 229: 229. All Of A Sudden.

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Jonathan walked into the living room only to meet a haggard looking Jessie in her natural habitat, with empty wrappers and have eaten snacks littered all around her.

She lifted her head slightly to look at him, after pausing the movie she was watching. "You're finally awake?" She asked.

Jonathan lips parted slightly at the sight in front of him. "I guess..."

"Oh.. sorry about the mess I tend to get carried away when watching an interesting movie." She said with a sheepish smile.

"But you're in it" he replied. 

"Of course I said interesting I only pick scripts that are sure to break records. Besides I haven't actually seen this one, never really got around to it. Always wanted to though, I guess being hated has perks right? " She shrugged, pushing her self up to a sit and she pushed her hair away from her face. "Oooh you look good, going somewhere?" She asked again without allowing his reply to her first question.

"Yeah" he said slowly. "Brunch, was going to ask if you wanted to come along bu-" 

"Ofcourse!" She blurted excitedly. "I'll go get ready!" 

"But you said you really wanted to see this movie." He retorted. 

"No no, it wasn't that good anyway. Wait for me!" She said running into her room to change.

Jonathan looked back at the site before him and began to shake his head. She is so unpredictable. 

"I'm surprised how quickly you got ready." Jonathan said as he pulled away from his drive way.

"Oh well, already showered so I just needed to dress. I can't do makeup anyway so that didn't require time." She shrugged as she tugged on her overcoat.

Jonathan looked at her and smiled. "You don't need makeup either. Even without it I'm sure you'll overshadow every other woman." He said honestly and she scoffed at it.

"Oh please don't lie to me. I look just okay." She said pushing her shoulder length hair behind her ears. "Oh by the way, who are you going to meet?" 

"What makes you think I'm going to meet someone?" He asked.

"You're dresses like that, on a Sunday- afternoon? Woah it got so late." She pouted. "Either way, no way you got ready to have brunch alone."

"Why don't you think it's you?" 

"If it was me you would've asked, not offered to take me to brunch. Besides why would you ask me when you were already dressed?" She asked. 

He nodded "alright I admit, I am meeting someone." He replied. 

Her gaze narrowed down at him and she have him a suspicious look.

"Hey, what's with that look?" He asked. "Does it make you jealous? The thought of me meeting someone else?" 

"Jealous?" She laughed softly. "What rubbish, why would I be jealous? I'm just curious." She pouted. 

"About what?" He asked.

"Why you would lie the way you did." She said seriously. Shooting him a confused look when the car abruptly came to a screeching halt.

"You think I was lying?" He asked.

"Hey! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She gasped.

He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him, "answer me." He ordered. 

She pulled her arm away from his and frowned "I don't know what you want me to say." 

"How about what you really think, did you think I was lying?" 

"Well what I'm I supposed to think? Why would you get so dressed up on a Sunday the only day you have away from work to go see someone that doesn't mean something to you? And if that person is really so important why would you say all those things to me?" She huffed in annoyance of having to explain herself. 

"What makes you think the person is important to me?" Jonathan asked.

"Beacuse you regardless of how indifferent you to want to believe you are, blood is thicker than water. Jason is still your brother and he would never make time to see someone that didn't mean anything to him like this. And neither would you." She huffed.

"And so? Why does that make my confession a lie?" He asked. "Just because I have people that are important to me how does that make the way I feel for you a lie?

"Because it so sudden!" She huffed.

"Sudden? You knew I liked you before I even said it." He stated. 

"No I didn't, true I suspected it but do you know I wouldn't believe it?" She asked.

"Why?" He asked.

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"Because it's really so sudden. I can count the number of time we actually met one on one how is it possible for you to like me so soon? You barely know me." She said.

"Like that stops a person, haven't you heard of love at first sight?" 

"Is that what happened?" 

"No, but it's possible. And I do like you. Look, i'm having brunch with my mother. I haven't seen her in a while so I got dressed up." He explained. 

And her brow rose as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. "Ahh.." was all she said.

Jonathan sighed unable to figure out what could possibly be going on in her mind he started the car again and began to drive.

"Wait a minute." She started as it finally dawned on her. "I'm going to meet you mother?!" 

"Yes?" Jonathan answered non chalantly. 

"Ahh... isn't this too sudden?" She asked.

"Is that perhaps you favourite word?" He tsked at her. 


She would not lie to herself she was nervous, why? She had no idea but meeting parents has never been a strong suit of hers. As she walked with her pointed silver six inch heels. As plaid pant suit and a dark coloured turtle neck. Her accessories complementing the simplicity of her outfit and adding a touch of elegance and superiority especially with the over coat hanging on her shoulders, a picture of simplicity in sophistication. 

Her outfit did nothing to hide the nervousness she felt as she shifted her designer bag from one hand to the other.

"Stop fiddling." Jonathan said as he placed his arm at the small of her back as they about to walk into the restaurant. They had a private room to go into so she didn't have to worry about the crowd. 

She looked at him with pleading eyes, what exactly she was begging for also unknown to her. "Stop worrying, my mother is a kind woman. Besides, she asked to see you anyway." He said with a mischievous smile.


"She wants to see the girl that is in the centre of her son's heart, come on." He said pulling her in.

"What?!" She yelled as he did. "Why would you tell her about me?" 

"Uh.. because she's my mom?" 

"Still I can't believe you would just do something so un- ooof!" She exclaimed as she stumbled into the private room.

"You must be Jessie, how are you?" A soft and melodious voice danced around her ears.

Jessie looked up slowly at the source of the voice. Her eyes widening as she took in the woman features, Big beautiful brown eyes, high cheek bones. Soft features and the whitest skin she had ever seen. How could a person look so... breathtaking? 

"I-I it's nice to meet you." Jessie managed to say stretching out her hand to shake the woman.

The woman smiled as she took it, abruptly pulling her into a hug. Jessie eyes widened and her hands hung idly at her side as the woman, Jonathan's beautiful mother gave her a warm embrace.

"This doesn't seem fair, I am your child and here you are hugging someone else." Jonathan pouted from behind.

She smiled as she pulled away from Jessie and hugged her son as well.

"How have you been son?" She held on to his shoulders, unable to easily reach his face as he towered over both women. 

"Better now your here" he smiled. 

"And you young lady, I guess I shouldn't ask you how you've been. I can at least tell something from all the TV I watch." She gave her a soft smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that. My life is such a mess right now" Jessie said looking down at her feet, but Jonathan's mother wouldn't let her. With a finger at her chin she lifted her head and silently ordered her to look into her eyes.

"Don't apologise, you didn't do anything wrong. Or did you kill those people?" 

"Mother!" Jonathan warned.

Jessie shook her head. "Of course you didn't. Don't apologise or ever lower your head for something you didn't do. Okay?" 

She nodded. "Thank you so much... uh what do I call you?" 

"Ah, Celeste Shim, but I don't mind you calling me mother." She gave her a warm smile.

"Oh? How can I call such a young looking woman mother?" She said playfully. 

"Don't dare tease me." She laughed.

"Whatever, whatever, I'm hungry let's go eat." Jonathan stated pushing the two women towards the table.

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