Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 232: 232. Until When?

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Jonathan eyes slowly fluttered open, as he gazed around his surroundings, his initial confusion disappeared as he remembered the events of the night before. 

"Mr. Kang? How are yo- wait you can't do that!" The nurse previously checking his IV drip yelled as he ripped the syringe from his arm and jumped off the bed.

"Mr. Kang!" She screamed after him as he ran out of the room.

"Mr Kang!" She breathed heavily as she managed to catch up to him when he stopped abruptly. How could a sick person be so energetic?

"Where is she?" He asked.

"What?" The nurse asked in confusion. 

"Jessie! Jessie Marin is she okay?" Jonathan asked.

"The actress? I don't think you should be worrying about anything else but getting better at this moment." The nurse scolded him.

"Answer me, do you know where she is? Is she here?" He asked.

"Please Mr.Kang you must go back to your roo-" 

"Answer me!" He yelled, startling the innocent woman. 

"Fine!" The nurse yelled back, reaching the end of her patience. "But I won't say a word until you go back and get discharged the right way! If you're getting discharged that is." 

"What is the assurance that you aren't just lying to me to get me back to my room." He asked.

"She is in this hospital, she was brought in yesterday. But goodluck finding a fugitive VIP without my help." She spat back.

"She's here? She's hurt?" He asked.

"No more words." She said.

"Fine." He reluctantly agreed. Walking back with her.

After a few more hours he was in new clothes ready to leave the hospital. His secretary behind him, for some reason Krystal was unavailable that morning. A monday morning. 

He walked as fast as his recovering body could move to Jessie's room, as he turned around the corner into the hallway where she was, he met with the one person he should not have met right now.

Jason's eyes widened as he took in his brother's appearance. "What a coincidence I was just going to see you." He said.

"Too bad, I'm here for someone else." Jonathan replied. 

Jason scoffed, "I was coming to kill you, quietly but I don't mind doing it here in the open as well." He said walking towards Jonathan with murderous intent.

Before he could reach Paul held him back. "What are you doing? They are too many eyes here." He cautioned Jason.

"Like I give a shit!" He spat. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" He exclaimed. 

Jonathan huffed in disbelief, "look I couldn't care less about your childish desires but I need you to step aside. More important things call my attention right now." 

Jason laughed bitterly. "I kill you!" He yelled struggling to reach Jonathan, struggling aganist Paul. 

"Calm the hell down!" He yelled. 

"How can I? When that Insolent brat can't even do one thing right?! How dare you leave this hospital already when Jessie is still unconscious?!" He yelled.

Jonathan clenched his teeth as Jason nit picked on his already heavy guilt.

"If you have any shame at all you would stand there and let me batter you to the ground for being so incompetent!" He yelled. "Do you even know what she had to go through because you just couldn't do that right? Now she's lying unconscious because of your stupid insolence!" 

"Fine, hit me all you want, I deserve it. If that's what you want to do to ease your own bruised ego go ahead!" Jonathan spat at him.

Jason paused at first letting his statement sink before he laughed wickedly. "You asshole!" He exclaimed shoving Paul away his swinging fist accelerated towards Jonathan.

"Stop!" A soft shout came from behind them.

Jason froze in his tracks, they both did as they immediately looked for the source of the voice they both ached for.

When they couldn't see her ,Jason assumed he just imagined it and shoved Jonathan. Throwing another punch at him but this time the call was louder.

"Stop!" Jessie screamed as she tried to get to them as quickly as she could. Her feet still unstable and unenergetic she fell to the floor.

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"Jessie!" Both men exclaimed running to her, Jason was faster. He was already on his knees supporting her.

But she looked up at Jonathan, making sure Jason hadn't inflicted any unnecessary damage. An action that madly infuriated Jason.

"Jessie? Are you okay?" Jonathan asked his eyes full of worry and self condemnation. 

Jessie looked back at Jason, unanswering. What did he think? Did she look okay?

"Jonathan isn't at fault, he couldn't have known." She pleaded with Jason.

Jason gritted his teeth in anger, "is that really the first you want to say to me? Defending him? Really?" He said, struggling to keep the ire out of his voice.

She shook her head, "just, please promise me you wouldn't take out your anger on him. He didn't do this." She insisted. 

And Jason stepped back, after making sure she was stable. 

Turning around in a circle he struggled to keep it in but he failed. Turning back to face her "is he all you care about?" He asked.

"I'm over here about to lose my mind, about to blow up and murder someone!" He yelled, grasping at the air. "Yet he is all you care about?" 

Jessie sighed deeply as she thought about how to explain the situation. 

"Until when are you going to do this to me? Until when are you going constantly to hurt me like this?" He asked, his words heavy with emotions. "Surely you can see how frustrated and scared you make me. You can see how often you rip into me with each and every action you so carelessly take." 

Tears pooled in Jessie eyes, why couldn't she say it? How does she say it? She didn't want him to think she didn't love him because she did, but she was too confused and to pressurized to form words at the moment. 

So she suddenly walked up to him and embraced him, wrapping her arm around his torso.

Jason wasn't falling for that trick again, he pulled her hands away and put distance between them.

"No, I'm not going to take breadcrumbs from you. Not anymore, I refuse to be in- mnph" he muttered as she pressed her lips aganist his. Grabbing onto his lapels as though it was life.

Pulling away and leaning back down, "it's you Jason. I choose you." She said.

He stared at her  unmoving and she knew she had to say more. But how much more?

"I only said that because I didn't want you taking out your anger out of the wrong person." She said softly. 

"So what? I should go yell in the police station?" 

"No, you should yell at me." She said, and his brow went up in confusion. "I'm sorry I left your mansion, and not because of my safety or the fact that you were right. But because of how terribly I missed you. I thought of you yesterday." She continued. 

"When they..." she sighed unable to continue or narrate the scaring incident of last night. "I thought of you, I shouldn't have but I did. When the kept throwing all those eggs, when the remined me of a the lives lost just to bring me down. I thought of you Jason. You have no idea how happy I was to see you, you saved me from my nightmare." She confessed honestly. 

"Are you serious?" 

She nodded. 

"I'm going to kiss you." He stated in a soft but blunt voice. 

She nodded again, he walked closer to her cupping her cheek he slowly placed his lips on hers. Her eyes fluttering shut as he made contact.

From that moment it was like the world had disappeared from around them and the only thing Jessie could think about was his lips aganist hers. She didn't realise how much she wanted this until she actually felt it.

Deepening the kiss, he nudged her lips open and she obediently gave in, as soon as his tongue stroked hers she grabbed his sleeves tighter to hold in the moan. 

Too long, he had waited for too long to do this. And now he finally had her in his arms, he finally got to kiss her as madly as he always wanted he realised that he could not get enough. As he pulled away to let her breath he couldn't let go completely, biting her lower lip as he tudged on it she let out a soft whimper and immediately his hand when around her waist to stop her knees from buckling.

Soon her hands were gripping his hair and cupping his cheeks as well as he kissed her mercilessly. She'd never felt this way before, like both her heart and body where about to explode. The way he touched her, the way he held her ...goodness the way he kissed her, it was too much! 

But it stopped, it took all of Jason's willpower to look down on those swollen lips and hooded eyes. Worse that small dissatisfied pout, that she wore as he pulled away, to not pick her up and have her in an empty room.

But for too many reasons he had to pull away, nothing had ever been more difficult. Especially hearing that she had feelings for him too, he was basically high on Jessie at the moment. 

Now all he could think of was how impossible it would be to have her without letting himself go, she was a queen he couldn't be rough. At least not at first.

"Jason?" Her soft voice pulled him away from his scandalous thoughts. 

Looking down at her, he stole one more quick kiss. "Let's go."

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