Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 234: 234. Girlfriend.

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"Wait." Jessie held Jason back. "Jonathan, where is Jonathan?" She asked looking around.

Jason's frown came back and he couldn't help but scoff. "What do you think? He's gone."

"Gone?" She frowned as well. "How could he just leave?"

"After what just happened do you think he would stay?" He asked. 

She looked back at him with a look of pure oblivion on her face. Jason eyes narrowed slightly when he realized she had no clue why he left. Or did she not know he liked her? Was Jonathan only bluffing at the elevator?

"The kiss!" She exclaimed, finally realising. Covering her face with her palm she sighed deeply. Shit! 

Wow Jessie great going, pacify one brother and annoy the other. How could I be so heartless? She scolded herself. 

Jason watched her with annoyance written over his features, what was she thinking now? Before he knew to stop her she shoved him.

"Huh?" He responded in shock.

"Don't you dare huh... you knew what you were doing kissing me didn't you!" She huffed.

"Huh?" He replied again still confused. 

"Why would you kiss me like that? In front of all those people?" She asked her cheeks reddening. 

His brow went up in amusement. "Are you shy? Embarrassed? Really? You kissed countless number of men in front of the entire world what makes this different?" He asked holding back laughter.

"That's different!" She huffed. "That was work, besides no one has ever kissed me like that." She huffed.

"Oh yeah? Like how?" Jason asked with a small smile, madly enjoying her torment. 

"So sensually, it was like my heart was about to explode and you made me body so..."she breathed out.

"So what?" He pressed her.

"So ho- wait a minute. What I'm I doing? What are you doing?!" She shoved him again when she realized. 

He began to laugh, and for a split second she froze, she didn't think she had ever seen him laugh like that before. It made her warm inside, knowing she was the one that caused that.

"I made you what? You're not going to finish?" He asked.

"Ugh!" And he ruined it. "I need to find Jonathan." She said.

"Why are you looking for him?" 

"Because what just happened should not have happened." She blurted out.

And Jason smile as beautiful as it was, lasted it's course and his signature scowl replaced it on his lips. "Should not have happened?" 

"Exactly! Especially not in front of Jonathan. What exactly is wrong with me?" She scolded herself still scanning the area for Jonathan. 

"Especially not in front of Jonathan?" He said to himself, grabbing her arm he spun her to face him. "That jerk told you he liked you didn't he? That's why instead of feeling butterflies after our first kiss like a normal person would you're over here feeling guilty." He stated bluntly. 

Her eyes widened at first but she quickly regained composure and tried to feign ignorance. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." She lied.

But Jason caught it. "Don't do that, I can tell now. When you're lying, I didn't realise it before but your not a very good liar." He said. "You're eyes always widen before you compose yourself. I can tell." 

She bit her lips her adrenaline pushing her to flee as she normally does when caught in an uncomfortable situation. She pushed him off her and tried to walk away but he wouldn't even let her do that.

"I'm also not going to let you run away either. This isn't the way I imagined our first kiss I'm sorry ." He stated. 

"What first kiss? Why do you keep saying first kiss? This is hardly our first kiss." She spat. He wouldn't let her flee so she fought. "And if you would excuse me but I have some where else I need to be!" 

"No, there's no where you need to be. And yes this is our first kiss as a couple." He replied. 


"You just admitted to liking me, I like you too. Doesn't that mean we are dating? You're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend. You belong to me, and I you." He said with such a straight face as it it was something that was 'supposed' to just happen.

Unable to form words she huffed. "What? When did I agree to that?" 

"You don't need to, I have all the confirmation I need." He said with a sinister grin playing at his lips.

She huffed again. Why did this just seem like a bad idea all of a sudden? With the way Jason looked at her she didn't feel entirely comfortable, somehow she felt he was going to prey on her feelings the way she did his. She didn't like it.

"Miss Marin?" A familiar voice called from behind her.

Jason looked up and nodded. "It's time for your shot." He gestured to the nurse. 

"Ah, yes." She nodded. 

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"You took out you IV" the nurse scolded her. "You shouldn't have done that."

"I'm so sorry, the situation wa-"

"It doesn't matter, you shouldn't have taken it off like that, what if you ripped a vein?" She frowned. 

Jessie frowned as well looking down at her feet, "it was my fault. Don't scold her." Jason said quickly, taking her hands in his as he stepped protectively before her. 

The nurse sighed as she stared at both of them, an older more experienced nurse, with a smaller statue and a bit of extra flesh. 

"Hey, do you think this is a movie? Or a romance novel?" She asked both of them.

"Huh?" The both responded in unison.

"Look, I understand your young and in love but this is a hospital, a hospital! If you go around removing and discarding the treatment how are you supposed to get better?!" She yelled at them.

"I already told you it was my fault, don't yell at her." Jason replied, more forcefully than before. 

"Ah!" He exclaimed in shock as she flicked him on his forehead. 

"That's even worse, what kind of boyfriend creates a situation where is girlfriend has to remove or stop treatment to help her feel better?" She asked.

"Did you just hit me?" He asked the small aged nurse with a huff.

"Yes I did so what?" She sassed.

Jessie could not help but giggle at the entire situation and that earned her own flick. "Ah!" She cried.

"Do you think this is funny?" The nurse asked.

"But I'm sick." She pouted. 

"No your not, I was supposed to discharge you after that IV but you didn't finish it. So carry you butts back into that room and wait until every single drop is in that scrawny body of yours then you're free to go after signing this." She said.

The both reached out for the document but she pulled away.

"This ain't my first rodeo, finish the IV first then come sign this." She said.

"But how do we find you?" Jessie called out after the woman.

"You come looking." She said walking off.

Jessie began to walk to her room but Jason's lack of movement jerked her back. "What are you doing? Didn't you hear?" 

"Is there something on my face?" He asked.

She pursed her lips. "No."

"So there's no way she didn't know who I was right? How could she speak to me like that? Even flick my forehead?" He asked.

Jessie lips parted slightly and she shook her head at him. Of course he would feel this way, no one 'dared' get on the bad side of the chairman of KE holdings. She would have loved the nurse for that if she hadn't also been flicked.

"Why does it surprise you?" She asked.

"Em. Why aren't you reacting the same way? You're also a big deal." He replied as she pulled him towards her room.

"This is nothing compared to what I have to face with strict directors." She shrugged. 

"They yell at you?" He asked. "How dare they?" He mumbled to himself but she heard him. "Give me their names how can they yell at an actress as talented as you?" He huffed. 

Jessie couldn't help but laugh, 

Jason is silly, has he always been this silly? 

As she walked into the room he pulled her to him again, so she ended up flush against his body.

"I love seeing you laugh." He said softly, cupping her face and rubbing circles with his thumb on her cheek.

"Me too." She replied, leaning into his touch.

"I love you." He said again, and as she was about to give in and say 'me too' he silenced her with a soft kiss.

Nothing like the one before, but besides it gentlilty it made her toes curl and her belly erupt with butterflies. 

Placing his forehead against hers as he pulled away, they stood there awestruck staring into each other's eyes. 

"IV drip!" A sharp voice startled them out of their zone, as they jerked away and quickly separated from each other. 

The nurse looked at them with such an intense look they felt like school children, a feeling Jason utterly detested. But he dared not say anything to the woman pushing a needle into his girlfriend's hand. She looked as if she was petty like that.

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