Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 241: 241. It'll Break Her Heart.

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"They are suing Jessie Marin a total of twenty million dollars?" Patricia asked eyes wide as she stared at her manager and publicist, Mary.

"How did you find out?" Mary frowned looking up from the magazine that had Patricia's face on the cover.

"I just heard some minor characters gossiping about, did you know why didn't you tell me? You should have Ugh! I was having such a hard time crying on the last scene this certainly going to make it harder. It's too hard to feel sad right now." She said positively beaming.

"Minor characters, hard to feel sad right now, you fo realise you're making it a habit if saying the wrong things. You're are a nasty person, you did a better job of hiding it. Imagine someone heard you?" Mary scolded her, honestly wondering what the hell she was doing in Patricia's trailer. 

Patricia eyes widened and narrowed into slits as she glared at Mary. "Don't dare-"

"Don't dare what? I'm only doing my job, don't let this become a habit, you are more likely to slip up if you act this freely. Wouldn't it be nice to not have yet another scandal this month?" Mary asked getting up from the couch she sat on. Patricia sucked in a breath and bit her lip, Mary knew she was desperately trying to lash out at her.

She was too angry to even appreciate the effort, although that was the bargain when she agreed to work for the devil. Just as it was getting harder for Patricia to continue to pretend she was a nice person it was getting incredibly hard to for Mary to continue to tolerate her. She could only imagine what Jessie was going through at the moment if Tony could call her to spit out such angry threats the morning before.

Few hours earlier. 

Mary woke to the sound of incessant ringing, she looked up at her alarm clock, 3:17. She had ignored the call twice already, who was the arrogant fool that chose to call her the only time she had to herself?

"Hello?" She said in a less than friendly manner. 

"How dare you sleep? And comfortably at that do you realise this is the third time I'm calling?!" An angry voice brought her out if her sleepy haze and she finally had the common sense to check the caller ID at the angry man yelling at her.


"Tony what's wrong?" 

"Did you know?" Was his only response. 


Did she know what?

"You're going to have to be more explicit." She almost groaned. 

"That night, you told me we should go for a drink, I should take a break from babysitting Jessie. Did you know?" He asked again sounding strangely.

Mary blinked trying to remember what night he spoke of, she and Tony had many drinks together. Even though their actresses were always at each other's throats they went way back. And it was fun making fun of them together.

"Tony," she started venturing slowly fearing to anger the already angry man. "Are you okay?"

"How the hell can I be okay? I should have been with her that night! Were you also part of that plan? Lure me away and leave her in a vulnerable position?" He almost cried.

"Tony if you had interfered that night you would have died." Mary spoke up finally understanding which night he spoke of. 

"Then so be it!" He yelled.

"You don't understand, you don't. Patricia never intended to kill Jessie but she would gotten rid of anyone that stood in her way, look at what happened to her driver. I couldn't stop her but I couldn't let you die either." She said softly, her heart clenching in guilt as stray tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, I know nothing can ever make up for the damage done but I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise for that she-devil. Jessie is losing all her money, everything including her house." He finally said his voice sounding defeated. "I don't know how I'm going to tell her."

"It'll break her heart." Were the only words she could say. "How much?"

"Twenty million." Mary gasped, that wasn't fair, that wasn't fair at all.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm going to kill her Mary. I'm going to kill Patricia." He stated bluntly. 

"You have kids, don't be foolish." She scolded him.

"Well, I can't be a good father of I let trash like her live in the same world my daughters live in." He said. 

"Don't do anything stupid, remember the last time." Mary warned. 

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"She can't get to my girls now I assure you, or even my wife. But I won't sit around and do nothing, even if I can't do much I'll make her miserable. She will never be happy causing Jessie so much pain. I swear it, on my girls."


Jonathan sat in his home office staring into space unmoving. No matter how much he tried he couldn't get the image of Jessie and Jason kissing out of his head. It was almost too much, he had been gritting his teeth, clenching his fist pulling on his hair anything to try contain his anger.

"Son?" A gentle voice accompanied by his mother head poking into his door called out to him.

"I thought you left." He said.

Taking that somehow as leave to come in she entered ever elegantly. "How can I leave you in such a state?" She asked.

Jonathan laughed bitterly. "A state? I thought you said it was a passing phase?" He said with sacarsm in his tone.

Celeste stared intently at him but he didn't even pay her warning glare any heed. "That was hours ago, you haven't come out of this room. I was wrong." She said.

"It's good you admit that, I was avoiding any form of contact, you see I'm in a very terrible mood." He stated firmly. 

"Clearly " she added and he scoffed.

"Mother, please leave, I'm no mood for conversation." He said.

"Jessie is a very wonderful woman, but she not worth it if you feel so terribly-"

"She's worth it." He spat. "She has more worth than all the women in the world combined!" 

His mother's eyes widened. "Jonathan, she's with your brother!" She scolded him. 

"And so what? Does that mean I just give up?" He asked.

"It means exactly that!" 

"Well I don't want to, I believe we already had this conversation." 

"I believed you were only just angry, you can't possibly mean to convert your brother's woman." She huffed.

"Don't. Call. Her . That." He sneered. "And I will do as I please, as I told you before I have never wanted anything Jason has, and I never will. But Jessie?" He laughed manically. "I didn't even know how badly I fell for her till now, mother I'm in love with that woman. So you should rather stop telling me to stay away and for once support your son." 

"You're making me dislike her, what kind of woman comes in between two brothers?" She asked her eyes holding an expressionless annoyance. 

Jonathan ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Please leave, I'm done talking about this with you. If you can't understand the pain I feel, or the anger coursing violently through my veins then there no need for you to be here." 

"Jonathan Anthony Kang!" She yelled.

"Fine, stay I'm out of here." He said, grabbing his coat and walking out of the room.


It was obvious, definitely no other plausible explanation the world was coming to an end. All the employees in Kang Empire, right from the highest floor all the way to the lowest thought it.

Jason Kang, their grumpy no nonsense boss walked into the building... smiling. They'd always known Jason was an incredibly attractive man but it took them all by shock that he actually looked better, if he smiled.

It made a lot of hearts flutter, so much to cause an accident which it did. An unfortunate or rather as the event transpired a fortunate woman. Caught up in her trance bumped into the almighty chairman.

It wouldn't have taken much to have the woman kneeling on the floor begging to both kill and spare her life as if he was some ancient emperor of sorts. Instead the strangest thing happened, he bent down and picked up the file that plopped with the contact and handed it to her.

Although he didn't smile right then, the entire floor stood still. No one quite knew what to do with themselves. What the hell was going on? Unable to find a reasonable explanation the decided the world as they knew it was coming to an end.

Even Matt his trusted secretary was shocked by the gesture, Jason Kang never bowed to anyone. For him pick up the file he must have really not been paying attention. Eventually both boss and secretary got into his elevator with foolish grins on their face.

Matt always hoped the day Jason would meet the woman that would bring out the true him, not the hardened exterior he made even believe, even himself he was. Not that he'd ever shown it to Matt himself but be with someone for as long as he'd been with Jason you tend to see the signs.

If not that he was absolutely positive Jason would have his head on a pike he would have bought Jessie flowers. It took real talent to get such a reaction from a man like Jason. Real talent indeed, or was she just perhaps his missing rib?

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