Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 243: 243. I'm Ready...

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"What happened to her?" Jason asked as Tony stepped out of the car.

"What do you think?" He asked lightly, not willingly to give him any cause for alarm, goodness knows Jessie would have his neck on a pike if he dared tell Jason about her financial problems. "She fell asleep." He finished, as Jason brows rose in question. "When did you get home?" He asked quickly to prevent Jason from asking anymore questions.

But he wasn't easily deterred. "Earlier than you both. She didn't tell me she was leaving." He said. "Where did you go, and what did she do to tire herself out like this?" He asked.

A question that would leave most stuttering for answer, not Tony. He also wasn't easily deterred, and if he was being totally honest he didn't have a slightest clue that she would cry like that. But then again, she always pretended she was strong in front of him.

"She missed the girls, you've met them haven't you?" Tony said, referring to his girls and the fact that Jason kidnapped his children and held them at ransom. 

Jason brows went up. "Of course lovely girls." He replied as tight lipped at Tony did. It was clear the two men weren't going at each other mainly because of the shared affection for the oblivious, spent and slumbering women. Lying splayed out in the back sits of one of his many luxury cars. But there was no love between them.

"Great, you should also know they were very eager to meet their dear auntie Jessie." Tony said. 

"Really? Three little girls brought down Jessie?" He asked incredulously. Tony didn't give him an answer but his silence was enough to give Jason a fitting comeback.

Before they could begin to address the elephant that stood unnoticed for so long between them, Jessie sighed softly. 


His eyes lowered and he gave her small smile, which she returned in earnest. "Ugh... I'm so tired and uncomfortable here." She groaned, yawning.

Jason could help the smile that grazed his lips as he watched her, he still couldn't believe it all day. But it was true she was here and she was his. He wouldn't be forgetting that ever.

Leaning into the car he picked her up so little effort, scooping her up bridal style. Too tired to make a fuss she just leaned aganist his shoulder and snuggled into his warmth. Only with Jonathan she could fall asleep easily, it was comfortable. But everywhere Jason held her she felt sparks, his hands weren't even anywhere indecent. Yet it made her oddly alive? She was living already wasn't she? Why then was she so aware, so many feeling she couldn't place plagued her.

"Goodnight Tony." He said finally, without waiting for the older man to respond not that he even cared for such he walked away.

Jessie tried to fall asleep again, really she did. But she couldn't get her brain to stop sending impulsive signals lighting up her entire skin. If this was love then she was hopelessly in it. Her heart swelled with pride and joy, having him close to her just made her happy. Somehow, it was certainly different. He didn't even know or intentionally comfort her but wasn't even thinking aniyt the fact that she cried herself to sleep. Literally, and her body? The treacherous house of flesh and sin. She didn't quite understand what she wanted but she wanted him aganist her, without the useless clothes. 

Starled but the graphic image that popped into her head her eyes popped open, just as he laid her down on the bed. So in that moment she could only gaze into the dark depths of his dark emotionless eyes.

The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down her spine and heat to her belly, unable to react any other way she licked her lips.

Jason eyes darkened instantly it was almost scary and almost primitive but she felt heady with anticipation and .... something she couldn't quite place.

Leaning down towards her, her eyes fluttered shut but the contact never came to her wet lips, instead she felt the heat of his body over her, and how the bed dipped under his weight. 

His breath blowing against the naked flesh on her ear, the surprise making her squirm. "Best don't look at me like that, there's only so much self control." He whispered his warning in her ears. Looking into her eyes he made her feel scared or at least with the intimidating look he so wonderfully mastered he intended to.

"Stop tempting me like this, stop tormenting me like this. I can see your not ready and I won't force you do anything you don't want to." He whispered, his hot breath kissing her lips.

Wherever the courage came from she was not entirely sure, but she knew for one she didn't want to be alone tonight, she couldn't help herself. This way she felt when she was with him, this comfort and happy she wanted more she wanted to be addicted. Plus, she wasn't sure of anything more than the fact that she was ready to give herself to him, completely. 

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As he got up to leave her grip on his arm stopped him.

He gave her a warning look about to complain but she placed her finger on his lips and look directly into his eyes. Not willing him to look away, "I'm ready." She said, her voice steady and clear. "I want you." 

Jason broke, he had been holding back when he found out about her innocence, plus she looked so overwhelmed earlier this morning he didn't want to startle her. Bother her, yes, but startle her he couldn't let her be scared. Besides he promised himself he would let her take the lead at least for now. Until she was comfortable with him. But now she said this words, Jason wasn't sure was from her sleep induced state or if she really meant it. At this point he didn't think he had the sanity to find out. 

He leaned down slowly, so he could kiss her softly, but mostly not trusting himself. As he hesitated she closed the distance and kissed him. Not giving her time to even think or pull back, he pushed her aganist the bed nudging her lips open his tongue was rough, insistent, and skilled. Pulling out moans and whispers as he tasted her sweetness. His hands around her slim waist, as caressed her slim torso, moving his hands up and down her ribs and belly. Soon his hands crept underneath her top, as he down her jaw, her chin, down her neck. Nibbling and licking away the skin, when his hands cupped her she leaned back and pushed herself further into his arms.

"Jason!" She whimpered, as he bit down on her earlobe. 

"That's right." He whispered aganist her skin. "Gosh you're so beautiful." 

He almost groaned as he pushed her shirt upwards lifting her arms as he pulled it off her and tossed it across the room. Pulling of his own shirt to her tossed his away, leaning back down to capture her lips.

Her hands wrapped his neck and she arched her back to make contact with him. Suddenly he spun them around putting her securely on top him, gripping her hips to keep him in place. 

She gasped as she landed on top him, her eyes widened at his lopsided grin. Supporting herself with her hands on her shoulder. Just like her, he leaned upwards and placed a very hot, very wet kiss in the middle of her chest. Her hands on their own volition found the back of his head and held him to her, as his hands trailed hotly along her spine making her shiver. 

His phone rang on the nightstand. He groaned into her chest, "turn it off." He almost growled.

Leaning forward she reached for the phone, turning it around to cut the call.

Her desire hooded eyes widened when she say the caller, 'Patricia (Fiancee)'.

She didn't not why but she felt a sudden burst of anger, frozen staring at the phone ringing as she quaked with rage.

"What's going on?" Jason asked as she remained static. "Turn it off already." He groaned leaning back to kiss her shoulder again. But she pushed him away.

His lips upturned into a frown, but he suddenly understood as she showed him the phone, the call just cutting off. 

"Jessie..." he began but she already made to get off him. Gripping her thighs even more firmly around him her cupped the side of her face and pulled to him.

Placing her forehead on his as he tried to silently convince her to stay. But as usual there was nothing to be said when the phone began to ring again, he didn't even have time to stop her when she crawled of him and rolled to the other side of the bed. Lying away from him.

"Hey..." he started. 

"Don't." She whispered "pick it up, you're Fiancee is calling. You should answer." 

"Hey, Jessie." 

"I'm tired, you should go." She said, as if she knew he was going to make another argument she added quickly. "Please... just go."

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