Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 245: 245. Men Are Scum.

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'Men are scum' it was a statement that Jessie Marin was very well familiar with. And so many she had experienced it first hand, when someone groped her or said useless sexist remarks. She was an actress of course she had come across very useless men I'm her life time. But as she stared at the package that sat before the hee on the bar, she decided then and there that Jason was worse than them all.

After the entire fiasco last night, after baring herself to him last night. Patricia just had to go and ruin it, now this? Gosh she was so embarrassed what did she mean by 'I'm ready?' 'I want you???' 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She berated herself. Picking up the note, (handwritten if she may add) to make sure she read it correctly. 

So eager for tonight, glad you agreed to match outfits, although it is expected we are engaged after all. More eager to for you to see me in my dress, sure you would be so impressed more so to take it off.

Your Fiancee, Patricia. 

"And here I was trying to apologise!" She huffed angrily. After last night she hadn't been able to sleep worried she'd upset him, only to find out he even made plans that included matching outfits! The entire thing reminding her of the ball she had to sit and watch Patricia act like Jason belonged to her. It was annoying and exhausting and it bothered her then of course it would bother her now. Even then they wore matching outfits, what was the magic? And it made her skin crawl knowing they'd be together the entire night.

"Miss Jessie, I don't think you were supposed to see that." Agnes said, positively terrified. She was the one tasked with delivering the package, her luck to run into Jessie. Who literally snatched the package from her grasp. 

"Well I'm glad I did, now I don't have to waste my time making breakfast for that jerk." She mumbled angrily, unsure what to do with the sharp pang of Jealousy that assualted her chest and belly.

"But you can't cook." Agnes reminded her.

Jessie shot her a terrifying glare, "it's the thought that counts!" She snapped, the already quaking maid bobbed her head up and down in agreement. 

"Or maybe I should, how nice would it be to see him try to swallow my food. It would definitely serve him right!" She said with a smile that made Agnes shudder, nothing good ever happened after a smile like that. And she was seeing first hand how wickedly her idol's mind worked. 

"H-his breakfast is already prepared. Butler Choi made sure of it. I'm sure he'll be down anytime now, you should probably put down the note." She softly pleaded. But it was too late, an all too familiar voice called from behind both women.

Jessie turned around abruptly, shooting him and icy glare. Jason's brows furrowed in confusion, his state of oblivion even worsening as she walked towards him with long determined strides..

Her long legs moving fluidly, but she never stopped, as if he was one with the furniture she paid him no heed and walked past him with her chin on the air and her gaze straight. 

Unwilling to remain in the dark he grabbed her arm and held her back, spinning her around to look at him. "Good morning?" 

She let out a low huff, "It must be a good morning for you indeed. You have a package you should go see to that, instead of wasting time here holding onto me." She stated bluntly, tugging on her arm. He wouldn't let go.

"I don't care about any package, why are you acting so strangely. Are you mad at me?" He asked.

Again there was the saying 'Men are oblivious when it comes to women'. She as usual had experienced a lot of this in her life but she would have to once again hand the crown to the oblivious idiot standing before her with a creak in his brow.

"It doesn't, you should check your package." She insisted and he fought back a groan.

"I already said I don't care about any package." He replied stubbornly. 

"Oh... but I do!" She said yanking her arm from his grasp, before he could grab hold of her again she ran away. 

Too curious to chase after her, he turned around and headed for the big black box sitting on the bar. Pulling of the top he was met with a very dashing gray suit, with purple attachments. He was even more confused, scratching the side of his head in confusion. 

What exactly was she snippy about? She couldn't still be mad about last night right?

"I believe this would provide more insight sir." Butler Choi, who had happened on the entire scene, provided the note for him.

After Jason read he fought the urge to curse out loud. Maintaining civility for the older more polished man standing besides him.

"How did she get to this first?" He asked, with a groan.

Agnes who had been standing beside the butler almost fainted in fear. But the butler was kinder. "It was an unfortunate accident sir. But I must say she was very determined." 

"When is she never." He mumbled under his breath, turning fast on his heels to find her.

"Jessie? Jessie?" He called out to her, knocking softly on her door. "Hey, Jessie this is all a misunderstanding please open the door for me." He pleaded. 

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Unable to bear the guilt of seeing the mighty and fearsome Jason Kang, cower and beg beside a woman room, Agnes decided to help. Although it made her slightly envious, that he could lower himself for a woman. And also grateful and glad that woman was Jessie. 

"Perhaps she's in the shower." She said softly from behind him.

Jason stood up straighter and turned to look at her with those terrifyingly dark eyes. "How are you sure?" 

Gulping she decides to butter up his ego. "No way she heard you and wouldn't open the door." She replied. 

"You think?" All of a sudden for a sliver of a moment his whole dark, brooding and arrogant persona dropped and he looked like a helpless but dashing boy with the hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Absolutely sir!" She chirped.

He looked down at his watch, he was already late. He had an early meeting with Paradise, it was important he attends in case they planned to murder someone else. So he didn't have the luxury of waiting outside for her.

"Do something for me." He ordered, beckoning for her to come closer, which she did but with great caution. 

"If she comes out, would you give me a call?" He asked.

"Sure sir, but we don't have individual handphones." She stated honestly. 

"You don't? Why?" He asked, and she frowned. Did he not know? Was he not the one that made the rule?

"No staff member uses phones on the grounds." She informed him.

"How does butler Choi communicate with me then? I'm sure he has a phone." Jason stated with a small pout on his lips and Agnes felt like she was seeing things she wasn't supposed to.

Surely it wasn't Jason Kang, the Chairman of KE holdings that was engaged in a back and forth with her. Worse he was pouting, her poor heart.

"There's a general phone we all use, like a phone booth in the servants quarters." She said. "But it really inconvenient, perhaps we could use our phones?" She added hopefully, perhaps she would be the saviour of the staff. Surely she would get a lot of brownie point for this.

"You said there was a phone booth, just use that. I'm sure the rule was made for good reasons. Besides if that's the phone butler Choi uses then I'll recognize the number." He said. 

Well a girl can hope right?

"Do you have paper?" He asked pulling out a pen. When it was obvious she didn't he grabbed her palm, causing her to squeak in surprise. 

He was touching her, he was touching her! 

Unaware of the reactions and confusion he was causing her swiftly wrote his number on her palm. "That's my personal number. Call me when Jessie comes out." 

"Of...of-of course s-sir" she stammered hopelessly. 

"Good." And with that he was off, walking away as he always did. Agnes stared at her trembling hand wondering what the actual hell just happened?

Who was that? And what did he do to her employer, because no way that was the same Jason Kang she knew.

Oblivious to his actions or even the change in character he walked down the stairs, ignoring the elevator. He needed to blow of some steam. And true to his thoughts he met Matt sitting in a couch waiting for him.

"Good morning sir."

"Don't assume my morning is good." He stated grimly as he reache the last step.

Matt brow went up but as usual he kept his thoughts to himself. "Well, bad morning?"

"You have no idea."


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