Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 247: 247. You Fell For Him Didn't You?

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Jason stared at his phone for the hundredth time during that meeting. How could she turn her phone off?! She was literally torturing him, he couldn't concentrate, or think about anything else. 

"Jason!" Reginald's loud voice pulled him out of his head and back to the meeting. 

"Yes?" He asked, dropping his phone softly on the table before him. Everyone looked at him wit wise accusing eyes. 'They must have been talking about something important.' He thought.

"Did you not hear anything we just said?" The ambassadors wife asked, she was replacing Francine these days, another annoying thorn in his side.

Jason sighed, at this point he was caught they would be no need denying it. "No, no I did not. Repeat everything again." 

She gasped in a mocking tone but Jason knew who had the power. Which his signature grin and a quirked brow he looked deliciously dangerous. 



Glares were not spared, even after the touching revelation it was no secret the two women still harboured ill intent for each other but at least while they did nothing visible to hide it the words were not in use. Instead the floor was left open for the actual reason of the visit. 

"I have something that can you build a case aganist Patricia Lee and help you prove you're the victim in all of this." Jamie started.

Jessie nodded. "You mentioned something earlier when we met" she said. "Back in your house?" She added when he blinked unknowingly at her.

"We've met before?" He blinked curiously at her.

And she blinked back in confusion, at first before a foreign emotion spread through her chest. One that she had only felt once before. The time Devon Geum suggested that Katherine was prettier, and hadn't an idea who she was.

Should she identify it as ire? Certainly she wasn't being arrogant, but at least in this country she was certain everyone knew her name. It never bothered her before to meet someone who didn't know her, infact she made it note worthy to introduce herself to everyone she met.

But now that all that attention was gone she felt insecure, yes that was it insecure. As much as she was hurt and tormented. She didn't want people forgetting about so quickly. She worked too hard to build up her social standing, even if they hated her. Nothing would hurt more than being forgotten. 

"Pardon me if I can't remember" he said curtly. 

"You forgot?" She asked in a small voice.

"I probably did, " her heart dropped but he added. "I lost my memories, some have returned most actually. I didn't realise there were still gaps. Forgive me." He stated. 

And she calmed visibly. "How?"

"Patricia ordered an attack on him in Jail." Lenora spat before he could stop her.

Tony's brows furrowed "Patricia Lee?" 

"The one and only." She replied. 

"Why would Patricia come after you?" Jessie asked. "Does she know you have evidence aganist her?" 

"No she doesn't... I-"

"It was my fault. She did it because I provoked her." Lenora said with a pained expression, looking apologetic at Jamie.

"See.... I told you she was toxic." Jessie stated matter of factly. Hitting another soft spot for Lenora. Jamie tensed visibly when he saw the hurt flash in her eyes and saw her retreat into herself. 

"She's not!" Jamie said loudly surprising everyone. "You're not." He told her. "I would appreciate if you would stop making biting remarks at her, sure she has made a lot of mistakes in her life, but who hasn't?" He asked his eyes dangerously low and warning. Daring Jessie to say something else. "She's trying more than anything to be better to change, but I love her the way she is-"

"Jamie..." Lenora called out breathlessly as her heart clenched with emotion and she struggled to blink back the tears that stung her eyes.

"Don't say anything to her if you aren't perfect yourself. Everyone is selfish just because she's not sparing about hers doesn't make her worse than all of us." He scolded Jessie who wore a frown but kept quiet all the same.

"It's not your fault I lost my memories. Patricia is just a bitch." He spat, the normally meek and logically sensible Jamie who only spoke when was required and didn't provoke anyone needlessly, actually had claws.

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"That I can agree on." Jessie said. 

"Jamie." Lenora called out as a stay tear slipped out her eyes. Never before had he ever defended her. She was always wrong, even now. She didn't know how to react. 

He looked down as her, cupping her cheek and wiping the tear that fell. The delicate action causing Lenora to lean into his touch, savouring the way he felt against her.

The moment interrupted by Jessie's cough. "I would tell you two to get a room but I don't want Lenora contaminating another room in my house." She said.

Lenora's gaze narrowed at her intensely. "It's not your house, last I heard you didn't even have a house." She spat back.

"Okay, okay ladies, while a fight would be entertaining to watch I have to interrupt." Tony said standing up.

"But-" Jessie whined. 

"But nothing, you and I both know that you cannot fight." He said honestly. 

"Hey!" She exclaimed. 

Chuckling under his breath Jamie added. "Well neither can Lenora." Drawing her own high pitched 'hey'.


Jason frowned the entire way to the Lee Mansions. He wanted to be anywhere but here, but he had to keep reminding himself that he needed to be here. The Lee's needed to pay for everything they had done but most especially he needed to get into that auction house again, wherever it was. Jessie's future and present depended on this. That auction house would prove her story, and finally she would be able to take charge of her life again. Not that he was in a rush, it gave him such delight to have her rely on him.

He always hated women that depended on men to live. He was so pro equality and all for feminism. If women were so intent on gaining equality and respect why then did they depend on someone else for their own life? He knew his thoughts were arrogant and elitist, but he depised the poor? He hated to see people wallow and suffer because of lack of money. Get up and do something he would think. Yeah sure enough he was born with a silver spoon but he worked his ass off to get to were he was. He had money but that wasn't everything, it wasn't that hard to make money. He was attracted to women like that, but being with Jessie taught him something else.

Sometimes people who struggle may not all be lazy, but hopeless. He never thought he would be glad having someone spend his money, and he loved it even more since she never hesitated and complained. Anyone else would've, even if they didn't quite feel contrary, they would think it was right to refuse first, but not Jessie.

He had become those men that wanted to hide their women away and just protect them, he finally understood. Nothing was more precious than Jessie and he wanted to do everything in his power to protect her.

"We've arrived sir." The driver announced as the car drove as though it floated into the Lee Mansions. 

Soon the car came to a halt and another bodyguard opened his car door for him. Stepping out looking dashing in the gray suit Patricia prepared for him her was surrounded by protection.

She was supposed to complain, she wasn't supposed to be watching, she was the woman he ought to be swooning over her. But she couldn't stop it, when the maid announced that Jason was here she couldn't help it. She was done getting ready but she was supposed to make an entrance and she hated that she only wanted to be by his side, and loved it all the same.

"What the hell are you doing here?" An annoyingly familiar voice asked from behind her.

Looking behind her with practiced grace. "What do you mean?" Patricia asked. "What difference does it make that I'm here?" 

George laughed under his voice as he looked forward in the direction her gaze was glued to. "You went and fell for him didn't you?" He laughed again. "I don't know why I keep expecting more from you." He said in a light but extremely scary tone.

"Don't act like you're above me, how is this wrong? It's not like I could control it!" She hissed.

"You should have!" He almost yelled, getting angrier than he should. "You are a Lee for goodness sake! What if father finds out? Have you thought about that? Do you remember what happened the last time?" He asked looking down at her with a domineering expression. 

Her eyes widened at the mention of her sire's father. "You wouldn't..." was all she managed to say.

"Of course I wouldn't but keep acting like this and your basically announcing it to the man. And you and I both know that he never misses a thing." He informed her. "Go! I'll greet him, goodness help me you come back down before you're supposed to, by father side!" He bit at her, as she turned around to walk he grabbed her to add "he better feel the same way." She looked up at him with surprised eyes. And his unwavering gaze confirmed his statement. 

Sending him a soft glare she turned around and walked away, just before Jason appeared at the entrance. 

"If it isn't my nephew to be." George smiled dashingly opening his arms as Jason walked in.

Jason returned the greeting with a low glare. 

"You didn't need to bring all this protection, we had that covered already." He said.

"Don't take it personally but it to everyone's interest that I leave this place unscathed." He stated, with a wicked glint to his dark eyes and a sinister grin. "Do you think?"

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