Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 25: 25. Friends With Benefit.

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Jessie moaned in her sleep and tried to turn but she couldn't. Her eyes fluttered open and she was confused when she stared at fair smooth skin. 'Huh?' She tried to move away but the restriction tightened around her. She looked up and saw an incredible jaw line, unconsciously she lifted her hands and let her fingers graze his

jaw as her eyes moved up to the lips, nose and eventually eyes that were shut in sleep.​​

This was not the first time she admired Jason's good looks, but being up close with him like this it was breathtaking. He was one of those men that you could pick out of a crowd, his looks where conventional and striking. They was nothing exactly foreign to him but he was the classic definition of handsome. Defined facial structures, a pointed nose, smooth flawless skin, pink thin lips and eyes so striking they bore into your soul. He was the type of guy you could describe as beautiful, everything about his face was defined and chiselled but something about his looks and expressions held a certain softness to it. 'Gosh he was an attractive man!'

Suddenly she realized she was in bed with a shirtless Jason, she immediately looked down beneath the covers. She sighed in relief when she saw that she that she was still wearing clothes.

She tried to get away again but Jason moaned and held her tighter. Jessie struggled against him, trying to breathe. He was squeezing the air out of her lungs. She coughed and pushed his chest. "Jason, Jason" She said

"Hmmm?" He moaned.

"Jason, I can't breathe." She gasped.

His hold on her loosened but his hands were still locked around her waist.

"Can you breathe now?" He asked her, his eyes still closed.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." She said. She tried to get away again but he wouldn't budge.

"Stop wriggling, would you? I'm trying to sleep." He said.

"Well let me go." She said.

"Please let me sleep, I barely got any shut eye and I have work in the morning." he said.

"Uh... excuse me mister, it's morning incase you haven't noticed." She said.

"Ugh..." He groaned. "Just lay still and keep quiet, Oh and tell the sun to go back down." He said curtly.

Jessie couldn't help but smile at his reactions right now, who knew Jason Kang was not a morning person? He looked too cute right now, pouting in his sleep. He was like a child that didn't want to go to school.

"Oh yeah? how do you suppose I do that?" She asked.

"I don't know, you're an actress surely you're good at improvising." He said. She noticed that his speaking was getting more and more alert but still he hadn't opened his eyes.

"Mr sun, sun, Mr golden sun please go down for me." She sang lowly.

Jason opened one eye and looked down at her. He had a playful smirk on his lips. Jessie didn't know but his expression made her feel extremely hot.

"You have a terrible singing voice" He said placing a feather light kiss on her forehead.

She smacked playfully on his chest. "Oh yeah? Good thing I went into acting then." he nodded with a chuckle. "Then how do I get the sun to listen to me then? How about this, I'll let you sleep another half hour, and go close the curtains."

"Is that so?"

"Ihmmmhmmm" she nodded. Jessie looked at Jason, wondering what she was doing in a man's house, in his bed, in his arms and in the early morning. If her old nanny saw her right now she would have a heart attack.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, worried that she might be thinking about her dreary situation and the horrible night that gave her nightmares.

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"I'm just wondering what I'm doing laying in bed with a man." She said.

"What else? We're sleeping buddies." He said.

"What the hell is that, you're making it sound like we're friends with benefit." She said.

"Trust me the last thing you'll ever be is my friend". He whispered in the most seductive manner, leaving Jessie gulping and gasping for air.

"I still can't breathe and now I need to pee." She whispered.

"You just want me to let you go." He said.

"Ofcourse I always want you to let me go" she said.

"But I never want to." He said now fully awake and staring into her eyes "Don't tell me to let go of you because I never want to. I want to keep holding you like this, every morning, every day." He said, his voice suddenly carrying a serious tone.

Jessie looked into his eyes, struggling to find the lie, trying to find the insincerity, struggling to find the amusement or joke. But she could find nothing but pure truth.

She wanted to believe him, she really did. And she had no idea why, but then last time he had said something like this to her, he said it was a joke and as much as she didn't want to admit to herself she felt disappointed. That would not happen now, even though she couldn't see any lie or deception she wouldn't fall for it.

"Hey!" She pushed slightly against his chest. "What are you saying, stop joking with me and let me go. You have to go to work." She said, wriggling away from his hold and getting off the bed. She walked over to the curtains and held them turning around to look at Jason.

"It's 6:48 right now, I'll let you sleep till 7:20 that's thirty two minutes. Shall I close the curtains?"

Jason wasn't listening to anything she was saying anymore, his attention was on those legs of hers. They barely blocked and sun light but two long thin shadows the left on the ground was nothing short of a work of art. And the way the lights and shadows cocooned her legs in perfect symphony regardless of the bruises that littered her skin, and the fact that she favoured one leg over the other. Made him extremely pleased. This was a view he immediately decided was his favourite.

Jessie thinking he was staring into space snapped her fingers to bring him out of his daze.

"Hey what do you say?" She asked.

"Hmm, what?" He looked up at her.

She sighed. "Don't worry, I'll get up now, but I don't think I'll be going to work today." He said getting up and walking over to her.

"Why?" she pouted.

"There is a beautiful view I can't seem to walk away from." He said as he made his way over to her.

Jessie limped backwards as he approached her like a predator, a very hot and shirtless predator.

"What view" she managed and he stood right before her. He laughed at how flustered she was, then reached behind her and pushed the window open and smiled.

"This view."


I am so angry right now, I finished writing this chapter and indulged in some fangirling. When I came back to edit everything was gone. Just know that this is not the original version of things and If it seems forced blame webnovel (okay don't really mean that). I wrote the perfect chapter, conveying the perfect tone of playful flirting, writing to the perfect song and now it's all gone. Almost 1000 words of beautiful literature. That took an hour thirty minutes of my time and I am so sleepy and so mad. I'm ranting right now because I must finish this chapter tonight and I can neither write nor sleep angry so you my dear readers are my outlet. Honestly my earlier version was so good it was perfect and I come back and saw nothing! Nothing! It absolutely annoying and frustrating to realise all my hard work is gone. I'll have to complete the chapter now, because it has to be done today, if not I'll just get angrier and put it off much longer. Thank you for reading my rant, I don't know if I have conveyed the perfect tone so I'll say it again, I AM VERY ANGRY RIGHT NOW. AND THANK YOU FOR BEING A WONDERFUL OUTLET. ALSO THIS CHAPTER WILL PROBABLY BE SHORTER DUE TO MY ANNOYANCE AND SIMPLY THE LACK OF ENTHUSIASM TO REPEAT WHAT WAS ONCE PERFECT WRITING.

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