Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 251: 251. I'm Nothing Like You.

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After the initial shock, Jason expression fell into a blank one. He hadn't intended for her to hear that, where on earth did she even come from and how did she manage to sneak up on him like that? 

His eyes moved past her bodied face, drizzled hair and crumpled dress. But what ever pity he would have felt for her went away as soon as those vicious words left her mouth.

"Don't look at me like that, like I'm nothing. You don't even regard me as a pest, you don't regard me at all. Tell me what does Jessie have that I don't?" She spat, her eyes narrowed into angry slits as glared viciously at him.

A small grin played at Jason's lips as he felt extremely amused at her blind question. "Do you really want me to answer that?" He asked.

And she huffed, "you're not even going to try to deny it?" She asked in disbelief. 

Jason looked anywhere else but at her, intentionally vexing her even further. "If I did would you believe me?" 

She paused, "no, but at least it would be comforting to see you try." 

He sighed and tsked shaking his head. "Yeah... but your comfort isn't a desire of mine." 

Patricia bit her lips as she tried to calm her voice, "why are you being so cruel. Why can't you just pretend for one night! It has been so hard for me today can't you at least try to be human?!" She cried, falling hopelessly at her attempt to keep her voice in check. 

"Human? Human??" Jason asked incredulously with laughter that made her bones tremble. "What did you think was going to happen?" He asked walking towards her with slow determined steps... 

His eyes blazing, the first emotion she noticed in his eyes was raged and it was directed at her. Stumbling back a few steps she tried to stop his progress. 

"Jason..." she breathed out slow and shaky.

"Did you think you were going to ruin someone else's life and get away with it? Even if Jessie isn't the person retaliating the world doesn't always let evil go, one way or another you're going to have to pay." He said his voice low and dangerous, she was unsuccessful, he got to her grabbing her forearm he slammed her aganist the wall and held her ruthlessly. 

"Jason you're hurting me!" She cried as she tried to pry his hands away from her upper arm. 

"Good." He said with his evil grin. "Don't dare act like a villain, don't blame anyone else for how you turned out. Your grandfather didn't make you kill those people and blame it on someone else. You made all those decisions on your own so don't even cry. You don't deserve to cry." He spat.

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"That's a lie!" She cried. "This was all I've been raised to know! This is how I got everything I have now, I never knew my parents, I was never loved like normal people this is all I've known. How dare you tell me otherwise!" She yelled at him. "You think the same, you are also ruthless and unrelenting when you want something. It now you were raised, so are you going to get your punishment as well?" She yelled.

"Even Jessie is twisted like me. She will do anything to be and get where she needs to be. Why do I have to be the one to be persecuted for fighting for love?!" 

Jason looked at her with unbelieving eyes, shaking his head as he slowly backed away and let go of her arm. Causing her to instinctively wrapped her fingers around it.

"I'm nothing like you, I'm nothing like you and neither is Jessie." He said trying to convince himself that she was wrong. He was ruthless and mean, but which boss wasn't? Besides try being a heir to such a massive company, shouldering the responsibilities of hundreds of thousands of employees. He didn't have the liberty to not be ruthless, and it was alarming the amount of people that planned and derived pleasure awaiting his downfall he had to be relentless. But he would never be a killer, or so meticulously about taking down his competition just to be on top. He was no saint but there was a line he could and would not cross. And Jessie was just the same as him. The very same.

"I've never killed a person and I never will. I can't cause other people's demise just to get what I want. That's wrong and sick." He said. "Jessie may be determined and unrelenting but everything she's got is because she's talented and hardworking. She has a conscience and a line she would not cross. Do you have a conscience Patricia? Do you?" He scoffed. "I'll never be anything like you." He spat wickedly, pulling out his handkerchief and tossing it on the ground at her feet.

He turned around and began to walk away but her grasp on his arm stopped him. "How can you choose her over me? She's a time bomb, being with her will only destroy you and everything you've worked for!" She cried.

Jason snatched his arm out of hers. "And you? Can you really say that after tonight?"

"No one is going to know, George will make sure of it." She said bluntly. "Besides didn't you say you hated women that depended on women for their living? How hypocritical." She sneered.

Jason brow furrowed in anger and confusion. "Jessie doesn't have a choice, doesn't mean she doesn't have her own life. You and I know that under normal circumstances Jessie doesn't need anyone for anything."

"Not anymore!" She spat. "She's losing everything... I guess she didn't tell you." She laughed manically at Jason surprised expression. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" He said through gritted teeth.

"She's getting sued, for twenty million." She said. "Jessie's net worth is Twenty million. She literally has nothing to her name anymore." She said, the words sounding like shattering glass as Jason heard it. "How do y-"

Not waiting to hear her remaining rubbish Jason turned on his heel and began to run out, well quite literally. Ignoring Patricia's screaming. 

Patricia sank back to the ground as she cried out her heart, how did she go from being the happiest in her life to being so miserable she didn't want to be alive anymore? Should she just end it? No! That's what that bitch would want. She wouldn't give Jessie the satisfaction she wanted, seeing her dead.

She would make her feel pain, even if it was a sliver of what she felt this night she would feel the exact thing and even more!.

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