Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 258: 258. Period.

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"What do you mean? How can your mother still be alive?" Jessie asked. 

"I have no idea, I didn't really notice her, or rather I didn't notice her at all at the party. No, she wasn't there. It just my mind playing games on me." He shook his head. He picked up his phone and looked at the time. "You should eat something." 

"I'm not hungry, but I am curious about your story." She said stubbornly. 

Jason eyes narrowed at her thin frame and he rung for food anyway, ignoring her pleas otherwise. 

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Nothing!" She huffed in anger.

"Sausages it is, you like sausages." He said, picking up a note pad to write. 

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Waffles or pancakes?" He looked at her.


"Toast then." He concluded, writing it down. 

"Pancakes! Pancakes!" She exclaimed, no way she could eat bread.

"Hmm? Good choice" he gave her a mocking smile. "You don't have any fruit allergies, nothing I know off so... berries, apples and watermelon. Katherine did say to keep you hydrated." He looked at her with a knowing smile.

"How I'm I supposed to eat all that?" She asked.

"Souffle would be nice right?" He asked.

"Bu-but ..." she stuttered helplessly. 

"But what?" He asked ignoring her frown.

"But pancakes..." she almost cried out.

"So? Oh no maple syrup or whipped cream or any sweet condiment. The sugar in the souffle will help with that. Better still, make the pancake a savoury dish, roll it up with meat." He said into the phone.

"Jason!" She leaped to grabbed the phone out his hands but he expertly dodged her attack and rolled over so he was trapping her under his body, holding her two hands to, crossed over her chest. Hoisting himself up he sat on her thighs and caged her between his powerful legs. Somehow still holding the phone.

"Yes yes, no soda, juice." He answered. "Ofcourse." He said nonchalantly as Jessie wriggled and cursed under him.

Removing the phone from his ear he leaned down to whisper into hers, making sure his breath was hot and wet aganist her neck. "I promise I won't touch until your no longer bleeding like a wounded soldier, but I can still do very satisfyingly wicked things to you if you don't stop wriggling like that." He threatened with a straight face. As though to make his point even clearer he pressed himself into her and her yes widened at the revelation so she laid there very quietly as he sat back up chuckling much to her annoyance. 

"I hate you!" She spat wickedly as he ended the call.

His brow rose in amusement as he grinned mischievously. "Oh? Really, I suddenly remember you saying the opposite words earlier." He stated. 

Jessie face scrunched up in confusion, Ofcourse she did not remember, saying anything of the sort.

"Me? When? I never said such a thing." She pouted looking away.

"Oh yeah?" 

"Oh yeah." She answered firmly.

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"We'll see about that!" He grinned, swooping down and claiming her lips in a firm kiss. Shocking her so much she didn't know how to react or how to behave as his lips lit a fire under her skin, searing pleasurable right down her lips and down her limbs, chest, and pooling at the bottom of her belly. She didn't know what else to do but release such a primitive moan she didn't think she was capable off.

"My Jessie, you seemed to love that kiss." He teased her as he came up to allow her breathe. 

Jessie shoved his shoulder as her entire face became red. "Don't you know never to mess with a woman on her period?" She asked.

"Oh, I know " he huffed. "After last night? I definitely know. But I'm not messing with you infact I think I'm helping don't you think?" He winked at her.

"Helping ho- oh my gosh!" She moan when his thumb and index finger found home on her chest. 

Jason very pleased at the uninhibited reactions he pulled from her decided that he found a new hobby, teasing Jessie was so rewarding!

It was like she couldn't help but react like this, as much as she wanted to hold it in, if his skin came in contact with hers she was a mess.

"So Jessie what were you saying? You what?" He asked again, as he nibbled on her ear lobe, his fingers still on their mission.

Her fingers dug into his skin as her eyes rolled to the back of her head with pleasure. "Please.." she panted. 

"You please?" That doesn't sound right, he teased.

"Stop!" She whined. 

"Hm hmm" he shook his head. "Still wrong, it doesn't even make sense, you stop?"

"I'm going to stain my sheets if I keep laying down like this, and making me squirm isn't doing anything to help matters." She said.

Jason looked at her with his brow raised in question. "What does that even mean?" He asked.

"It means there will soon be a red splotch on this bed if you don't let me up to change my pad." She said. 

"Ahh" he nodded loosening his hold on her, as she got up from the bed, and walked into the bathroom. 

After a while she walked out to a large, massive tray of food. And Jason sitting as though he never left waiting for her to come out.

"You're still here?" She asked as she pulled th towel away from her damp shoulder length hair, falling on the bath robe she wore.

"You think I would let you gave the opportunity to escape eating? Do you have an eating disorder I should know about? Cause I don't know why you're so scared of food." He nagged.

"I'm not scared of food, and for someone who seems so logical you sure jump to a lot of conclusions." She said.

"Which conclusions?" He huffed in defence. 

"First of all, because I don't want to eat I suddenly have an eating disorder. And don't think I wasn't aware you were yelling at an innocent woman for poisoning me!" She almost yelled but the glare she shot him sent the message across.

Looking away he pouted, and she couldn't help the tug at her lips seeing him look like a scolded child. "Well Katherine could have been clearer." He frowned.

"Well I hope this makes you learn a lesson, never judge without hearing all sides of the story. As a celebrity this is something you learn when it happens to you. And no, I don't have an eating disorder I just don't usually have an appetite on my period." She sighed.

Jason shook his head. "I know I understand the biology of this period thing but damn they are so many complications." He said honestly. 

"Oh honey you have no idea." She smiled. "And oh, don't think you distracted me. We are still going to talk about why the heck you think your mom is alive and why you have nightmares that terrify even me." 

"Oh shoot! And here I was thinking I got away." He sighed sacarstically. 

"Not a chance."

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