Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 269: 269. Marry Patricia.

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Jessie stepped back as she watched the video, a stray tear slipping down her cheek.

'I loved him! I've never loved or been loved until Hyun Jin, go ahead persecute me! Falling in love is not a crime!'

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

Jessie shook her head. "I didn't realise." She said softly. 

"You didn't realise what?" He asked.

"I didn't want you to post it because of Hyun Jin's family. What are his kids going to feel like when they watch this?" She started. "But now you definitely can't post this, this is someone else's private business!" 

Jason looked at her in shock, utter disbelief. Was she piting Patricia right now?

"Private business?" 

"This isn't something I can do, it's not fair. This most be very painful for her, you can't post this. I will absolutely not allow you!" She insisted. 

"Are you mad? Do you think this is the time to get a conscience?" He grabbed her shoulders, maybe shaking her would give her some sense. "Do you think if Patricia had something like this she wouldn't use it?" 

"I don't care, I'm not Patricia!" She screamed. "I'm not so heartless, I wouldn't have understood this a few months ago but I do now, do you know how hard it is for me to see you suffering? Blaming yourself for something that you couldn't have controlled. Do you know how badly it hurt?" She asked.

Jason gritted his teeth as he looked away briefly. "What does that have to do with anything!" He asked again looking back at her.

"You're not dead Jason. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her, you might not believe but I never hated Patricia. Sure she was annoying to a fault and I wanted to rip out her throat most times I couldn't hate her. Do you know why? Because she's so pitiful, she's suffered so much, it must be karma for her to lose the only person she's managed to get love from. And that is enough pain on it own." She said, wiping her wet cheek.

"And I can understand that." She asked him. "How would I even live? But she did, she couldn't even grieve because she wasn't supposed to love him. But her only wrong was loving the wrong man, and she's been punished already." 

"Jessie..." Jason breathed out, reaching out to her.

"No, don't. I know how stupid I sound right now, and I don't know why I feel so strongly about this. But the fact remains, I'm not Patricia." She said shaking her head. "I can't be as heartless, if I was then were is the justice? I can't do things like this, and this video doesn't only affect her, he had a widow and he had kids. They at least deserve to not feel disgusted by an already dead man." She stated. 

Jason didn't know what to do, he could only stand and watch her. She really was something else, he just didn't expect hopelessly stupid to be part of it.

How could she still be so considerate and kind even after everything? Patricia deserved to burn in hell for all she had done.

And Jessie needed to be the one to send her to hell how the hell?! Was she still considerate?

"Jessie may be determined and unrelenting but everything she's got is because she's talented and hardworking. She has a conscience and a line she would not cross. Do you have a conscience Patricia? Do you?" He scoffed. 

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This was the difference between the two women. This was the clear difference between the two women. The other day he had just been speaking out of anger, but it seemed this woman standing before him really was a different breed.

He didn't think it was possible but he loved her even more. Even after everything, after everything. 

"Why are you so stupid?" He asked.

"I don't care if I'm stupid, I will not get my revenge like this. That's not who I am. I will get my life back and I will make that despicable bitch pay. I might be petty, I may be too much, I probably will do stupid things in my anger. But I will never be unfair. I won't hurt people that aren't involved, I also won't use a wicked wound and weakness to win this. I never cut corners, Patricia will pay for what she has done to me but not like this." She insisted. 

"How are you real?" Jason could not help but ask.

Giving him a small smile, blinking sheepishly at those teary eyes that glittered. He knew why she was so famous. That aura, that blinding goodness pulled you in, and that reminded of him of a time of his life he had pushed so far back in his mind, a time when he was a different person. When he was loved so deeply, just like this.

"I love you, I hope you know that." He said softly as he walked towards her.

"Does that mean you will not post the video?" She asked.

"How can I? You presented such a strong case." He said. 

With a lifted brow she asked out of curiosity. "Really?" 

"Nope, but you pure intentions convinced me." He said walking over to her. "How I haven't completely noticed and acknowledged this side of you is shocking to me." 

"What side? There is no side, don't say rubbish? And who is kind? I'm not kind!" She huffed, flushing pink.

"Look at that she's also humble." He teased, cupping her cheek in his, using his thumb to wipe the little remaining moisture on her cheek.

"Don't tease me." She pouted. 

"Gosh I love you, I love so much it's almost overwhelming." He said with so much intensity she felt like her heart would burst.

"Come here." He said pulling her into his arms and holding her so close to him, he placed a kiss on her forehead as she snuggled into his arms.

"But you should know, it's either posting that video or marrying Patricia." He said casually, causing Jessie to shove him away her eyes filled with shock.

"What?" She asked.

Still wearing a simple smile on his face he repeated himself. "It is either I post that video, or I marry Patricia. No pressure but I need an answer before morning." Placing a soft kiss on her forehead he walked away. 

"What the f**k?"

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