Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 278: 278. Stupid And Dangerous.

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"You went out?" Jason chilly voice called out to Jessie as she walked into the drawing room.

"Jason!" She squeaked, honestly surprised to see him. "You... you're back early." She said, pushing her hair behind her ear violently. 

"And you're late, infact I'm surprised you're back at all. Where did you go?" He asked. 

She shrugged. "Out." Was all she said, Jason frowned hating the way she dismissed him.

At that moment Sebastian walked in and Jason narrowed gaze laid on him. "You didn't inform me that she was going out." He said in a dangerously low tone.

"You didn't?" Jessie asked surprised. 

"The orders were to keep Jessie safe, not inform you of her movement." He said his face and tone emotionless, but Jessie noticed his hand twitch. 

He was afraid?

"Oh?" Jason smiled, a smile that sent a shiver down her spine. It wasn't a kind smile, his smile was never kind. It wasn't the regular wicked or sly grin he normally gave her. This smile had bad intentions, it stemed from a dark place.

Was this... Jason?

"I didn't realise I hired an imbecile." His eyes bore into the man.

And there it was, again. Sebastian twitched again.

"Stop it." She ordered him. 

His eyes darkened at her order. "Stay out of this Jessie." He said getting up.

"No." She refused, stepping in front of Sebastian in order to shield him from Jason. It was a futile attempt though, not only was she a midget compared to Sebastian but he stepped out from behind her and kept his head bowed.

Jason continued to approach him, with a wickedness in his eyes, it scared her.

"Jason stop." She ordered again but by the time he got to her he shoved her out of the way, kicking down the giant leg, the man fell to the ground with a heavy thump, balancing himself on one knee.

Jessie was mortified, her eyes widen in shock as she watched the scene playing out before her. What the hell was this? What the hell was going on?!

"Jason stop!!" She screamed, running to grab his fisted and raised hands. But he shoved her again harder this time. She fell on the floor and turned around just in time to see him punch Sebastian. 

"Jason!!" She yelled, "what the hell are you doing? Stop!!!" She screamed. 

He turned to look at her, with the most revolting expression and emotion behind those souless eyes. "Why do you look so surprised?" He laughed. "This is who I am, don't you know?"

Turning to her he walked over to her,kneeling so he was in close contact with her.

She leaned backwards to avoid him, her whole body trembling in fear. She moved backwards as his both hands sat on each side of her body. With each movement backwards he took one to counter it. 

"Jason, Jason! What the hell? Stay away from me!" She yelled trying to push him off her.

Her futile attempt only making him grin harder. "What? Why do you look so scared? Why are you trembling. I didn't do anything to you did I?" He asked, his eyes looking crazed and deranged. 

"This isn't you! Jason!" She cried. 

"Hey! Stop shouting already, what did you expect from a man that killed his mother?" He began to laugh. 




Jessie's eyes fluttered open, she sighed as she looked up at the open car door, and the giant man standing outside peering to the car.

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"I'm sorry to wake you, but we have arrived at the manor." Sebastian said, holding out his hand to help her out.

Jessie was disoriented, well of course. That dream was too realistic and scary she was shaken. But she took his hand nevertheless and stepped out of the car. 

Walking into the house she ignored everyone at the door, waving them away dismissively she headed straight for her room. She wasn't about to go into the drawing room and test out her dream. 

"You went out?" Jason asked from behind her and she stopped, her hand freezing as she was about to push her door open.

Turning around she sighed. It was just a dream she reminded her herself. "You already knew that didn't you?" 

Jason folded his arms and pouted. "Not until I came back and didn't meet you home. Where did you go? Why didn't you say anything?" 

"I'm not a child Jason, I don't need your permission." She said defensively. 

"Never said you did, I'm just worried about you." He frowned when he noticed her displeasure.

"Chairman." Sebastian walked to him, bowing slightly as he reached Jason.

'He's here?! Again?" 

"You didn't tell me she was going out." Jason said his face was blank so she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Sebastian glanced briefly at her, then back at Jason. "I felt she wished to keep it a secret. Plus you ordered me to keep her safe, she is safe." 

Jessie looked to Jason, and then a Sebastian. Gauging the situation. 'He really didn't tell Jason where I went?' 

Jason looked to her. "What exactly did you do to Sebastian to make him keep things from me?" 

"Uh..." she looked at Sebastian, clutching her hand tightly. "It's not that big a deal Jason. Really it isn't." 

"I would've have thought the same thing, but why did you have to take such great precautions before leaving the manor?" Steppong closer to her, he stared down at her. "I really hope your not doing anything stupid and dangerous."

Jessie eyes narrowed at him. "Why would I?" She retorted. 

"And why wouldn't you? It is you after all, I can never trust what you're thinking." He stated bluntly. 

And she scoffed, "hey! I've changed!" 

"Have you? Really? Or are you just at a dead end now? I'm sure the moment you get something again you'll be chasing it down like your life depended on it." He said. "Ignoring all the warning signs, am I right?" 

"Screw you." She spat, moving to walk away but he blocked her path. Turning to Sebastian he waved him away.

"You're dismissed." With those words the giant man turned around and took his leave.

"That's it? You're just going to let him go?" She asked in shock.

Jason turned back to her with a confused expression. "Did you still need him for something?"

"Uh... "

"Should I call him back?" 

"No, no... I mean he didn't tell you I was going out, I just expected you to..." she trailed off.

"To what? Punish him? Sebastian doesn't say a lot of words but he is very discerning." Jason said. "And he not informing of you little outing only makes me more curious." He continued, stepping closer and closer until her back was aganist the wall and he arm was at the side of her head.

Crossing on leg across the other and the other hand remaining the pocket of his trousers. He leaned down to look her in the eye.

"Besides, I'd rather hear it from you."

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