Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 281: 281. For What It's Worth.

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Jason brow went up as soon as the words were out of Jessie's lips. He stared at her with a serious glance, his face wasn't soft and his eyes were hard.

But the tremble in her limbs, the quake in her voice and the violence in her eyes soon settled. And she relaxed, and visibly as well. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." 

Now his eyes widened, what the hell? "You shouldn't have said that?" He parroted her.

"Yes. I more than anything should know how much the media twists things. I should ask you what is going on, I should trust you, no, I trust you." She sighed. Looking up at him her eyes suddenly looked so golden and bright, worse she smiled.

Jason frown deepened and he looked away for the briefest of moments before turning back to her. "You certainly know how to pick your moods Jessie." He stated curtly.

She joined him in the upturn of lips. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"It means I'm grateful for you concern but I'm undeserving." He replied. 


"The media doesn't always lie, and especially not in my case." He stated his eyes holding nothing, giving nothing. His words held a steady tone and the only emotion she felt rolling of him was irritation. 

She became sacred, honestly and utterly afraid. But something deep down kept assuring her that she was mishearing, that he was lying or the words coming out of his mouth did not belong to him. 

"What you heard, what you saw is all true." And before she could ask "I am getting married." 

"To Patricia?" She hated how soft and hopeful her voice sounded.

"Well it's not to you... you would know wouldn't you?" He replied curtly. His eyes remaining impassive, his tone remaining, he wasn't giving anything away so she could not decipher a thing! And that made her... it made her sacred! 

That he might actually be telling the truth, that the deepest truest part of her that never told lies, and told her that to trust him was corrupted. Corrupted by her love for him. 

And that scared her, that admist all this, she only wanted to be in his arms, she craved his touch. She wanted attention, it had been three long days and she had been too stubborn. 

"So I'm I supposed to leave? Leave the manor?" She asked in a small voice, somewhat pleading, some what testing. He had always been against her living away from him, he would never say she sho-

"I guess that's only natural." He nodded, biting his lower lip in thought.

And Jessie's eyes widened and she began to laugh because she felt too shocked and too angry to cry. 

She laughed and laughed the sounds kept coming out and she couldn't stop herself, until she sat on the back of her legs and let the tears flow. But she didn't stop laughing, was this how easy it was to hurt a person? A few sentences and she felt her insides rip apart.

Jason stood there, a few feet away watching her. His hands in his pockets, he looked stoic and unmoving but he just stood there quiet, not saying a word.

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She looked up at him through her tear filled eyes, his figure looking blurry. She wiped her face and stood up. Shooting him an icy glare.

"Do I get an explanation?" She asked.

He paused as if he was thinking then shattered her all over again. "No." 

She gave him a short, prim nod. "Um... you'll have to give me time to move out. You see.. I'm homeless."

Then he chuckled, he showed emotion but it wasn't concern or hurt. He let out the most demeaning and annoying laugh. Looking at her like she was dirt under his shoe he grinned. "Should have milked out all you could while had the chance don't you think?" 

She felt broken, she fell to pieces, she felt like there where a million pieces of her scattered around the room but somehow she managed to return his wicked grin. And replace her hurt eyes with disgust. And even though a tear rolled down her cheek she refused to feel weak about it. "I wouldn't be able to take a house from the man who broke my heart. I have way too much pride for that."

"Yes, yes. We all know about that pride of yours." He replied. "I just assumed you wouldn't want to be with me a second longer. I even prepared a car to take you home, so you wouldn't be stranded." He stated bluntly. 

He just kept ripping. "You prepared a car?" She said weakly, this time hating how weak her voice sounded. She didn't want to be weak for this jerk, this obnoxious jerk. But she couldn't help it. "I guess I shouldn't waste your efforts." She almost whispered. 

She thought she saw something in those dark, unfeeling, heartbreaking eyes. But it must have been her imagination. "I'll leave you to it then." He said curtly, turning around her walked out o the dinning room, shedding off his jacket as he did.

Jessie felt on the floor in a heap, laying down, she placed her head in the midst of her bent arms, covering her face. Sobs wracked her entire body, she choked, screamed, wept. Soon she cried herself to sleep.

When her eyes slowly opened again she wasn't on the floor, instead she lay on a couch in the drawing room, covered by a blanket. And she met gazes with Butler Choi.

"Miss Jessie." The butler's tone was sad and apologetic. That alone was enough for her to confirm that she was dreaming all of it. Infact the pain in her chest was more than enough to confirm that she wasn't dreaming it.

"How long was I asleep?" She asked.

"Just a few hours, it's a few minutes past ten." The butler replied. 

She groaned as she sat up, her head felt like it weighed tonnes. Rubbing it she turned to him. "I need to leave here tonight." 

"There is a car ready." He stated and she nodded.

"Ofcourse. I'll go get my things." She said rising from the chair.

"Miss Jessie." Butler Choi called out to her as she walked to the door. "For what it's worth, we all are really sorry for how things played out." 

Jessie wanted to smile at the man, she really wanted to try but she couldn't. "Well I'm sorry as well."

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