Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 283: 283. Battlefield.

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Jason asked viciously as he glared at the woman standing before him. His cool, aloof demeanor from the day before vanished. And she feel him tremble beneath his clothes, and she couldn't tell if it was anger or something else... although she wouldn't lie, it hurt her to see him react like that.

"What does it look like? I'm here to see my boyfriend." She spat out the last word.

"I am no longer your boyfriend you should leave my house Jessie." He stated firmly. 

"No." She refused outrightly. And the maids standing inbetween felt so sick, they feared they might swoon.

But they also feared to move, they couldn't quite leave with Jessie in the doorway like that, besides they already seemed invisible with the way their words flew over their heads.

"No?" Jason huffed.

"No." She affirmed. 

"Since when did you become so clingy? I remember you doing everything you could to get away from me and now you want to stay? You were so unhappy." He spat.

"Well I also remember you doing everything to make me stay, you must be so happy!" She retorted. 

"I do not want to drag you out Jessie. Leave!" His voice thundered. And the maids almost let out yelps but Jessie remained unbothered.

"I'd like to see you try." She gave him a senile smile until he began to move towards her with alarming speed and agility. And worse with that murderous look in his eyes, if not for her damned pride she would be running the other way or cowering at his powerful aura.

And the way the anger rolled off him, she felt it, every one in the room felt it. But while his rolled like mist from his person, hers was piercing like a sudden burst of bright light.

Before she could protest further he grabbed her wrist and began to pull her with him, and as much as she tried to struggle to hold her ground she found herself stumbling after him.

They walked all the way to the bar before she managed to break free.

"Let go you jerk!" She screamed. 

He pointed at the door. "Get out."

"No!" She refused, rubbing her wrist. It would have hurt, but his skin on hers felt comforting and right even in the chaotic circumstance.

"Why the hell are you being so stubborn?!" He yelled.

"Humph! It's like you don't know me" she scoffed. "Did you expect less? I must say you thought to highly of me!"

And his eyes darkened significantly. "Do you have no shame?" He asked his time cold as ice.


"I'm someone else's fiance and yet you want to assert yourself were you do not belong." His eyes narrowed flashing the fleeting emotion again before it disappeared. Jessie knew she did not imagine it, until his next words.

"Yet you cast the stone towards Patricia for dating a married man. You're no better." He said, deliberately hurting her. "Stop being so immature and leave already!"

She did not slap him in that moment for one reason alone, she wasn't within distance to do so instead she grabbed a glass and threw it at him with all her might.

It would have hit him too, if he hadn't ducked in time. The glass shattered mercilessly against the wall.

He shot her a look of both hurt and anger but she was to angry to care that there were emotions in those eyes.

"That mature enough for you?" She sneered. 


"Hey! Are you sure we should have let Jessie head to the manor all alone? I mean, I get that those two love each other to death but they are also the most stubborn people I know." Paul said his head peeking into Katherine office in an awkwardly cute way.

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Again pushing the away the spark in her chest she kept her mind on the what he was saying.

"Is that really what you're thinking off first thing in the morning... at work." Katherine sighed. 

Paul stared into nothing then back at her again. "Yes." Nodding vehemently with a look of innocent determination. 

Her heart did another squeeze with she promptly ignored. She had a boyfriend. 

"Aren't you worried about them?" Paul asked.

"Ofcourse I am. I'm worried about Jessie, Jason's too much of a jerk but still... what can we do? You said it yourself they are stubborn to death." Katherine frowned. 

"But you don't think Jason is going to hurt her do you?" She added slowly.

Paul looked at her with a blank expression his face suddenly became so serious. "I can't believe you would ask that. Jason can be an obnoxious jerk-"

"Jason is an obnoxious jerk." She said.

"Whatever but I can't believe you would think k him capable of hitting a woman, and Jessie at that." He huffed.

"Well with what Jessie told us, I don't know what I think." She replied. 

"If there's anyone with murderous tendencies it would Jessie, there was a look in her eyes last night." He shivered. "No this won't do... I have to go over there." He said, closing her door, soon his head came back.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked.

"Unlike you, I do not own the hospital." She spat in annoyance. "I have patients."

"But Katherine..." he whined. "I'm scared to enter that battlefield alone. Aren't you concerned for my life?" 


Jason's wide eyes landed on Jessie as he saw the glass that was shattered behind him.

"So you really want to be a murderer now?" He asked. 

"Oh? You still think I'm innocent? Oh I'm so flattered you fucking bastard!" She yelled. 

Suddenly that mask came back and she wanted to yell, scream, claw back his humanity. When he looked at her like that it made feel like she was talking to a statue. 

"What do you want? Money?" He asked.

Jessie wanted to laugh but she settled instead, just as he did. "You and I both know that I'm not here for your money. And your such a bad actor if you think that is going to hurt me." 

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

"That statement... I know you are trying to make me hate you. And goodness help me but I do hate you, right now I hate you so bad it's boiling through my blood." She said. 

"Then I guess I succeeded then." His statement was curt and short but she was not done.

"Too bad... because I can only hate you that bad because I love you even more." 

"Have you not been listening to what I've been saying?" He spat, that wall of indifference cracking. 

"Oh I have, and I know you know but I don't think I've said it out to you like this before so I'll say it now. Jason Kang, I, Jessie Marin is hopelessly, endlessly in love with you."

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