Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 288: 288. Let Go Of Your Stupid Ego And Love Me!

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"What the hell are you doing!" Jason roared as he dashed into Matt's office.

Jessie winced as he rushed in, but she refused to look at him. Infact she refused to look at anyone else but Matt. She didn't know how long she had been on the floor but it was long enough to know that her knees and entire body even, trembled. 

"Get up!" He ordered but she ignored him yet again. 

"Hey! Get up!" He yelled again but she couldn't care less.

"Please Matt, you have to tell me. This... this wait, this entire situation got me is too much for me. I'm not ready to give up but I don't think I can be patient anymore. You know how much I love Jason don't you? He was always kind towards me... okay maybe not always, but he was sincere and now he's... become this indifferent and heartless jerk. And it makes me so angry I want to rip him apart but also it appears I've fallen hopelessly and foolishly for him as well so I can't just do that." She pleaded.

"Don't talk about me as though I'm not here!" Jason ordered. 

"Hmm? Will you tell me?" She begged.

"Jessie!" Jason yelled. 

"Miss Marin please stand up, you can't remain kneeling!" Matt pleaded. 

"Oh please it's just kneeling, it's not a big deal!" She dismissed them, the tremble in her body had told her otherwise but she was not relenting. So what if she had been kneeling for more than four hours... it was just kneeling.

Jason walked to her and grabbed her arm. "Do you have no shame? Kneeling down before my secretary? For crying out loud!" 

She tried to push him off her. "What? What? Isn't he a human being? So arrogant and egotistical! Let go!" 

"Will you stop making a scene?" He almost yelled. 

"Please Matt! I'm scared, can't you tell? I'm scared he would remain like this, that he would push me away. I'm also very angry, and not only with him but at myself, if I had known this would happen I wouldn't have stayed away for so long, I wouldn't have remained angry at him for so long." She looked at Jason now. "All I want is a warm hug, a tender gaze and thoughtful words. I crave his touch, his kiss, his warmth. I miss it more than I thought I would and his kind smile that only I saw." 

"Why then did you push so hard?" Jason asked as her settled on one knee, cupping her face.

"Push so hard?" She wondered out loud. Push so hard, push so hard? She kept drawing a blank. The only thing she remembered she insisted on was the therapist... he couldn't have known, she was...

"Are you pushing me away because I asked you to undergo therapy?" She asked. He didn't have to affirm anything, just his inability to keep eye contact she had her answer but still he had to make it worse.

"I don't need anyone interfering in my life... especially not you." He said his tone edging on to anger and his face stoic.

Jessie froze, at first she didn't quite know what to say, as she felt a million things in an instant. "What?" Was all she managed as she stumbled away from him in honest... shock. Her legs trembling as she stood.

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"So... y-you... you're marrying Patricia because I told you to get help?" 

"I didn't ask for it, and I was serious when I said no." He stated bluntly. 

Jessie was too shocked to remain rational, she laughed, she gasped, she frowned but all in all she was angry! "Are you mad?! Is... is ... does that sound reasonable to you?!" She asked, looking around to make sure she wasn't the only one seeing and hearing this.

Jason tightened jaw ticked and he gritted his teeth "I couldn't care less about rationality, Jessie." He ground out.

"Ha!" She laughed with so much rue. "So all this time... you watched me cry, you watch me suffer. You broke my heart! All for what? Just because you are an ass?" She exclaimed. "Hey, Jason do you even... no. Is that how feeble your love is? Is that all that is required for you to give up on me? You're breaking up with me because you can't let go of you stupid ego and love me?!" 

Matt watched the both of then with anger in his heart. But he was also very hurt by the scene before him. Hurt for Jason, because nobody but him could understand what he was going through. Sure enough he was an ass, that was on him but Jessie made him someone else, she made him so much better. But after that last meeting with his father it was like he was back to the obnoxious jerk he always was. And no one knew that... no one but him.

Even now he could see the Jason that loved Jessie try to beat the wickedness his father that created, he noticed how he fisted his right hand to hide the trembling. How he hid the emotion in him with the mask of independence. 

Jessie deserved to know, he understood that she was hurt but those words, questioning his love for her. It was too cruel, not even for her sake but for his she deserved to know.

"After everything... I thought there was nothing, not even me that could you keep you from loving me, but the moment you felt your stupid ego was questioned you turned right around and set a wedding date with another woman? Gosh I was such a fool! I'm such a fool!" She screamed, angry tears falling down her cheeks. "And here I thinking it was out of your hands, you didn't have a choice. You were protecting me." She sounded exhausted. 

"He didn't quite have a choice... I think." Matt said getting both their attentions.


"He had another episode." Matt said.

Jessie looked to him, and then back at Matt. "That doesn't change a thing, he has had episodes before." 

"Yes but this was different." Matt added.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jason growled. 

Matt bowed "I'm sorry sir but she needs to know." 

"Say one more word and your fired." His threat was curt, direct and straight to the point but Matt understood. He was serious.

Too bad this secretary of his was also serious.

"Then I'm ready to turn in my resignation later."

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