Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 293: 293. Blatant Desire.

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The car stopped promptly outside the hotel La vivre. She donned her scarf and glasses, it was too risky to go out any other way and exited the car after paying the cab driver.

This was a fifty percent rate of succes plan, and if she did not want to beg it was a one time plan. That heavily depended on one sole thing, was her target present at the moment? With all the elegance and confidence she could muster, with was a lot, she was an actress after all. She walked into the hotel, not paying attention to all the looks she was getting. 

Not to be vain, it wasn't the first time. It wouldn't be the last, she was attractive apparently. So she got used to it. Pressing the button to the highest floor that housed the most expensive restaurant in the country she walked out looking so compelling yet like she belonged there.

The place was almost empty, as usual not everyone infact most people couldn't afford this place. 

"Where would you like to seat miss?" The staff asked.

"I would like a window seat." Jessie answered and the man nodded leading her to the seat right beside the glass walls that basically allowed her to look down on the entire city.

After a short few moments, another waiter came forward asking her what she would like to have. Jessie looked up from the menu, that she picked for decoration. She already knew what she was ordering. 

Saying a silent prayer she spoke. "A bottle of sin." She replied and the waiters eyes widened. 

Ofcourse it did, that was the most expensive bottle of wine at the most expensive hotel in the country. It cost approximately four million. 

Four million that she could not afford but had to. This was her one and only chance to secure an audience she couldn't be lax.

The waiter almost stammered, and she knew that he wouldn't make the mistake of asking her if she was sure. Nobody that wasn't sure of paying asked for that wine.

After a moment the waiter returned. "If you please miss, heading into the private space for VIP, our director would like to give you a few words..." the waiter said.

Jessie wanted to jump for joy, she wanted to Yelp in excitement. So her luck hadn't been too sucky afterall. But like the actress she was she put on an air of indifference. "A few words? What would I do with that? I ordered wine not a conversation." She said dismissively. 

"But miss-"

"I shouldn't wait any longer don't you think? I am paying four million after all." She said. 

"....sure, sure! It has already been set in the VIP room if you would kindl-"

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"Did I ask for a VIP room?!" She yelled. Starling the waiter and engaging a few stares. All good sacrifice, she needed this too work. So she put on her most haughty and arrogant expression. She was paying four million! "I only ordered a bottle of wine did I ask for anything else?!" She got up.

"Miss, please calm down." The waiter was frantic. 

"Calm down?!" She exclaimed. "How dare you tell me that?!" She looked around, the glass of sparkling water the first she saw she grabbed it and tossed it one the floor. Huffing "how is that?"

The waiter looked just about ready to commit suicide and Jessie had to admit she felt sorry for the kid but she had a job to do here as well. "Get me my wine right now! I want to drink it in peace while staring at the city, I do not need a VIP room or some useless conversation from any boorish director do you understand?" She spat viciously. 

"I would like to think of myself a bit better than boorish." A cool deep and masculine voice said from behind her, the aure sending deep chills down her spine. She stiffened before she even turned around and a scary realization just hit her, and hard. She feared this man. She was terrified, she didn't know exactly what it was but she felt a terror now that he was here.

"And I was under the impression that customers purchased that over priced bottle just to get special treatment and my attention." He said. And that realization brought a paralyzing effect to Jessie. 

Still she forced her body to move turning around to face him, she pulled of her glasses and pulled down her scarf. "Hello Mr. Lee." She said curtly.

George lips tilted up in a smirk. "You don't need to do that. I can recognize you any day, any time regardless of what you wear. Jessie Marin."

Who would have thought? George was already mulling over the fact that he wasted a perfectly good day coming to this hotel. He should have visited his casino instead, but when news of a purchase came to him he was curious to see who was begging for his audience this time. And then his curiosity was even fueled even more when he heard the person was unwilling to see him. And worse was causing a scene.

He didn't need to come out, he never came out to the common restaurant, ever. But he was just too curious, then he heard that voice, saw those legs, that perfectly shaped ass, those curves that tormented his dreams. Sending him into a frenzy that he had tried to quench multiple times with multiple women but to no avail. They she was standing right before him.

And then she turned around, with her full, kissable lips pressed into a line. It was a simple movement, very normal but when she did it, it was simply erotic. 

Revealing herself to him like that, it sent tremors to his body and he wanted to dismiss everyone in the restaurant and have her aganist the glass. Let the bloody city watch. But all in due time he told himself. He must have her, he told himself. 

After all she was the one that walked into his hotel, bought the most expensive item and poured gasoline onto his already burning desire.

Jessie felt like hiding behind a table, the way he looked at her did things to her insides, that were not at all pleasant but she reminded herself she was here for something. So she swallowed the inert feeling to both run away and hide at his blatant display of desire. 

"But I'm not here to see you Mr. Lee." Jessie replied with a smile.

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