Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 314: 314. A Celebrity.

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Jessie could barely wrap her mind around George's words. 

"You did nothing wrong, you have committed no crime so you won't cower or hide." 

She did nothing wrong? Ofcourse. She won't cower or hide? Whose fault was that? Whose fault was it that she cowered? That she hid? That jerk. And to make matters worse, the bastard kept talking.

"I wouldn't allow you to hide yourself or run away. The only way for this to go away is to face it. Okay?" 

Jessie has never felt such anger in her life. Not even when she found out that Patricia was the reason for her demise. Not even when Jason had the gall to question her. But in those to instances that didn't burn as intensely as this and those times she drew a knife and slapped a man. But this time she smiled. 

By god she was a damned good actress and she was proud of it. She was livid and outraged but she smiled. 

Because she wasn't about to let him win. She would never let him win.


The only time Katherine had felt like this... like a princess was her prom, in high school. She never wore skirts so long and so big so she barely knew how to maneuver. Like the smart intelligent doctor she was she remained still and sat in a place. Paul and Jason were going to meet... well they were all going to meet in the party but then Jessie and Jason literally could not be in the same room like at all. 

She shuddered just thinking about the last attempt. 

"What's he doing here?" Jessie asked as she opened the door to her bedroom. Clad in the ugliest pajamas, Katherine understood why one would not be interested in an impromptu meeting with their ex. But then again this was Jessie, she looked good in everything. 

"I asked a question Katherine what the hell is he doing here?" Jessie asked again, with a quiver in voice.

Jason got up and tried to walk over to her but her scream halted him in his tracks. It shocked everyone actually. Katherine thought Jason looked horrible but she had seen the way Jessie suffered night and day and night and night and day so she could only feel so much pity for the man. His dark circles and heavily fatigued appearance would still have to give the award of the more pathetic partner to Jessie's never ending tears. Refusal to eat, shower or literally do any a normal person would.

She was skinner than ever and it was not a good look on her, her skin wasn't as radiant as it usually was her hair had grown longer but it hadn't been groomed so Katherine knew the next time she put a comb to it half of it would break away.

"What is he doing here?!" She screamed. 

"Jessie... he's here for me. My problem, the notes, my father remember?" Katherine stood walking slowly to her. "I need his help Jessie."

Pulling on her lower lip she nodded and began her retreat back into that room. Katherine could no let her hole herself up again. At this rate it was going to he really bad if she didn't just eat something. 

"Jessie please I need yours too." Katherine said sticking her leg between the door and the door frame just in time to stop her.

Jessie frowned "I can't be here when he is... I can't stay where he is, I won't do it. Katherine I love you, and I would do anything to help you but please don't ask me to do this." She stated.

"Don't worry I'll go." Jason said from behind Katherine. "Come out, I'll leave."

"But I need you as well." Katherine pleaded. 

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"Yeah, yeah I'm going to help sure. Just... Paul can inform me of the plan later, tell me what I should do." He said, walking to the door he stop to look at her but she refused to meet his eyes. Then that was it he left.

Now Katherine was sitting in her own home, in her own couch with people that made her feel hella uncomfortable. Who was she kidding? With the way these bodyguards were staring at her she didn't feel the least bit awkward, they couldn't take their eyes of her if that wasn't a confidence boost she didn't know what was. The only person that made her uncomfortable was the only man in the room that was sitting. George Lee. 

Jessie had insisted that she go to the party with her and by extension the incredibly intimidating man sitting across from her. And George Lee insisted that he'd rather wait here than his very luxurious limousine, and even more luxurious mansion. She didn't understand why he came here really, the party was in his house.

Katherine looked up at him and they met gazes, giving him a stiff smile she looked away.

She heard him sigh, and silently prayed that he wouldn't speak. But she wasn't that fortunate now was she?

"Have I mentioned how beautiful you look Katherine?" George asked. 

"I believe you have. You mentioned it before." She stated mechanically. 

"Well you look utterly ravishing." He replied. 

"Thank you." She replied. 

And she couldn't have been more grateful to Jessie, grateful for only one thing, her timing. The moment she walked through that door... no one was looking at Katherine anymore. Even Katherine couldn't be sad or jealous, this woman was just on a whole different level. And she was heartbroken and crying three days in a row, yet she stepped out like royalty. 

It was her looks, it wasn't her dress, it wasn't even the makeup or the fact that her slender and toned body fit into that dress in the most elegant way a person could carry out a design but there was just an aura. It was like she commanded attention. 

Katherine was in dark colour, a navy blue dress that had a full silhouette. It was sequinned and stone all the way from the bust to the bottom, it a dipping neck line and no arms. Her hair was up in an elegant chignon, with heavy eye make up and nude lips. She looked just as George described, ravishing.

And while Jessie was in a light blue dress her skirt only flared out around her knees and it had a dipping back. And long sleeves. Her hair was combed back and it looked like it was wet, which was probably what made her so late. Her make up was the opposite of Katherine's, light eyes and bold lips. 

Really in terms of looks there were not that different but as Katherine knew in that moment why Jessie was so famous. She did it so effortlessly, like a siren singing an addictive song, so effortlessly. 

And now she was grateful to Jessie for something else. Not stealing the attention, not being so dazzling but Katherine knew... Jessie didn't get by just by her looks, she didn't get by just by her fabulous figure. She practiced and learnt the art, that was who she was, that was her job. Pulling people in... being a celebrity. 

"Jessie you look so-"

"Thank you George." She said quickly. Looking past him she gave Katherine the biggest smile. "Oh my goodness Katherine you are glowing, you look so beautiful." She smiled.

"Thank you, so do you. I mean gee, you are just-"

"Exquisite." George finished. Not appreciating the earlier interruption.

"Well thank you. Both of you, are we set?"

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