Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 326: 326. Please Jason, Please.

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While I am here grooving to 'new face' by Psy I need to leave an author's note. By the way if you haven't listened to the song, go do so it's just great, Psy is great. Okay enough fangirling, back to business. First off I want to thank every reader of this book, and whenever you read this message, possibly immediately I publish the chapter of a month later, thank you for reading 'Sold? Oh please' till chapter 326. 

I'll try to keep this short, but it might not be sorry about that. And this is not a dummy chapter I promise (you won't be subscribing to this chapter just to read me talk about this stuff, I know what you came for). I just wanted to apologise for not updating frequently, I have been having a seriously bad case of writer's block for this book. And while I work on other books, I simply won't be able to write this one. Not that I have lost interest or anything, I still really love this story and the characters I have created but now that it's coming to an end it's just really difficult to tie up every loose end. Be patient with me, and also don't give up now. I understand that it might have drawn out too long or it seems like we are moving backwards but we are not. As the writer there is a reason for everything. (I think?)

Grateful to all my wonderful fans, I didn't expect to have any loyal readers but every month you purchase my privilege you have no idea how encouraging that is for me. My number one fan, even though she or he, (I think it's a she.) doesn't really comment, I like seeing your votes and subscriptions. Elyse_Mello. Mamthajp and Bhumika_shah, always voting for this book. And to all the people that left sweet comments and reviews thank you. 

I'm not perfect, infact I'm far from it, but you guys have stuck with me past the bad grammar, spelling errors and silly mistakes. Like my characters I am flawed but still I'm grateful that you guys are still reading. I do wish you would comment more... I do love to know what your opinions on the characters are. You're thinking is different from mine.

I'll try to do better and write better. Love you guys.


"Hey... you're back." Jessie moaned as she stretched. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Then her brows narrowed and she pursed her lips. "Why are you showering in my room?" She asked, when she noticed not that she could ignore his shirtless towel clad person. 

Jason head tilted to the side and he smiled at her. "Really? You didn't sleep in my bed on purpose?" 

"Your bed?" She said looking around. It was his bed, and his pillows and his room. "Wow... I did not realise that." She huffed. "No wonder I didn't hear you enter, I'm usually so sensitive." She mumbled to herself. Looking back to him she smiled, "sorry."

"Why? It was a lovely surprise. I admit I panicked a bit as you weren't in your room but just imagine the delight I felt the moment I saw you here." He stated shutting the bathroom door and walking into the room. 

What normal woman would remain sane watching a wet, covered only by a towel man wiping his hair and not look at him the way Jessie did. 

"You shouldn't look at me that way if you don't want something to happen." He stated bluntly as he pulled the towel away.

Jessie cheeks burned as she looked away but she still managed a comeback. "I never said I didn't want anything to happen. You decided that all on your own."

"Oh?" Jason laughed. "Is that what this is?" 

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She nodded, and in a flash he was so close to her she felt his hot breath caress her naked neck. Instinctively she leaned backwards, so his upper body was hanging above hers. His head tilted up and his gaze directly towards her. Jason body burned with need he had been suppressing for far too long. His muscles tensed above her and the proximity was killing him. How many time had he dreamed about this? Too many to be considered normal. He needed her and he needed her now.

"Jason..." her soft breathless voice came out in a whisper and he felt her hot breath on his face. Slowly, as though savouring it his fingers made contact with hers where they sat supporting her body on the bed. 

Just like that his hand moved and moved, crawling upwards. Skimming the bare expanse of her naked, sensitive skin. Jessie wanted to cry out in frustration, she felt hot and desperate every part of her cried out for him, for more. But somehow she was unable to utter another word. His other hand tugged at the base of her tank top, flirting beneath she bit her lips as the other hand began it's agonizing torment as well. "Gosh... just kiss me already." And he did.

She threw her head backwards as his lips came in contact with her that sensitive spot where her pulse thrumed and a soft moan escaped her. Her hands refused to remain seated, since his strong arm had wrapped around her slim waist her hands wrapped around him and combed into his hair. Damn she missed him! She miss- "oh my goodness" she sighed when his hand found the soft mounds of flesh and he squeezed.

She couldn't take it anymore, pushing him backwards she captured his lips in a searing kiss. All passion and lust, the moment the sweetness of her exploded in his mouth Jason lost the last shreds of patience he held on to. And it was not a good idea because here she was sporting a sore nose.

Pushing up her shirt, they separated briefly as he yanked it over her head. And just as he had figured out there was no bra, so there was the pause where she was bared to him and his eyes feasted. 

Jessie felt unbearably hungry at his intense gaze. He was already eating her up and she longed to be fed as he was. Denying him further view she kissed him again. Pushing him backwards as she lifted her hips to straddle him.

Perhaps it was a bad decision? Perhaps it was good. She couldn't stop the gasp that escaped her lips as she felt his desire. His guttural groan forced her to look down at him he allowed her no room to question any of her bolder decisions he pushed her head down to capture her lips again. His hands and his fingers exploring every inch of her naked torso.

His lips began to crawl downwards, leaving painfully sinful cravings that continued to settle at the bottom of her belly. And as his lips reached her sensitive peaks she shivered uncomfortably. His hands gripping her backside without consideration for her innocence. 

Gripping his hair he delivered such heavenly ministrations to her soft mounds she was dizzy with lust. Pushing her down on the bed he settled between her legs and moved lower still. Kissing her down her stomach, until he reached the band of her shorts. 

He looked up at her briefly, and nothing felt more erotic than his eyes asking for permission. Her impatient hands moved to pull off the clothing but he held them steady.

"Please Jason please..." she pleaded bashfully and his lips broke into a grin.

Jason had no idea what he would have done if she told him to stop. 'Please Jason please.' It was music to his ears. 

"Don't worry nothing in the world is going to stop me now." He muttered against her thighs and she moaned. "Nothing."

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