Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 334: 334. What Kind Of Lee Would I Be?

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What are you doing here?" Jason asked Jessie, then looking at Matt. "And you? This is were you've been? I was wondering what you've been doing all day." 


"I came to find you." Jessie replied from behind Matt, walking forward to stand before him.

"Here? My office isn't anywhere close to this place." Jason said. Looking at both of them, "you know that." 

"Ofcourse we do." Jessie replied again, "I thought I should say hi to Jonathan before coming to see you." 

"Jonathan?" Jason scowled, "why are you still meeting with him?" 

"Can't I? He's my friend, are you going to stop me from meeting my friends?" She huffed, Matt just stood there quietly in awe of her ease. Just how easy is it for her to lie? And in such circumstances? She was a real professional. 

"Who is your friend?" Jonathan cold voice asked from behind Jason.

Jessie's eyes widened, just what was going on? "You're... you're here?" 

Jason looked behind at Jonathan then back at Jessie. "Ofcourse he is, we have a meeting here, now infact" Jason said casually. 

Jessie looked at Matt to confirm but even the secretary was confused. "I thought you were using conference room C?" 

"I changed my mind." Jason stated bluntly "something you should know." Matt looked away.

"And you stop meeting with my girlfriend, you can meet whomever you want but stay away from Jessie." He said coldly. 

"Jason!" Jessie yelled from behind him.

"What?!" He yelled back. "How can I be comfortable with you meeting him?" 

"What is wrong with you? What gives you the right to make such decisions?" She frowned. 

"To you he is a friend but does he think of you the same way? He doesn't, how can I be comfortable with that?" Jason asked looking back at Jonathan. "Isn't it enough that your mother stole my family's happiness, you want to steal mine as well?" 

"Hey! Jason, stop!" Jessie grabbed his hand and pulled him backwards. 

As he turned to look at her neither of them saw when he approached, the next thing Jessie saw was Jonathan's livid eyes how he shoved her into Matt's arm before pushing Jason to the other side of the table with his forceful fist. 

"Jonathan!" Jessie screamed, running to both of them.

Before Jason could retaliate and any more blows could be delivered other people walked into the room.

Immediately Matt was at the door, "the meeting is cancelled for now. An email rescheduling will be sent shortly." He said pushing them out.

Jason and Jonathan glared at each other, panting heavily. Jessie winced at his bloodied lips, and walked in between both of them before they get ideas on going on now that the audience had been dismissed. 

"This is the man you'll choose?" Jonathan asked from behind her.

"You sucmbag!" Jason spat angrily, charging towards him. 

"Jason stop please!" She screamed. "Both of you stop!" Looking at Jonathan she sighed, looking at her feet "I'm sorry."

"Save it, don't apologise for him, stop making me look even more pathetic!" 

"How dare you yell at her!" Jason yelled back. 

"You" he pointed at Jason, "just stat out of this." Jonathan reprimanded. 

Jason eyes widened "stay out of this? Whom do you think you are?" 

"Enough!" Grabbing Jason's arm she pulled him out of the room, passing a small crowd of people they walked to the elevator. 

"Are you a child? Why are the both of you acting like children?!" 

"Why the hell were you apologising to him then?! I was the one who was punched!" He huffed. 

"A punch you deserved! Acting like a jerk, he is your brother for crying out loud!" 

"Half brother!" 

"Still, he and you have the same blood" she paused "fifty percent of the same blood running through your veins." 

"Blood I detest, why should I acknowledge that kind of relationship? From a man I hate, who knows how many children he has?" Jason scoffed.

Jessie sighed screaming internally at his ignorance. For a minute she considered telling him so he wouldn't regret anything, but if he hated his father and Jonathan by extension. If he found out his mother was a pathological liar wouldn't he hate her more? And then Jonathan again, by extension?


Sandara sighed deeply, hesitating as she raised her hand to knock on the door. She had to do this, she had already come this far, if she didn't completely go through with it she would definitely get hurt. 

Before she knocked a voice from inside stopped her. Patricia's voice "it's open, come in." 

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Pushing the door open she walked in, she sighed again then shook of all evidences of fear from her eyes. "Do you have my money?" She asked.

"Do you have the file?" Patricia asked.

"Right here" she said tapping on her bag.

Patricia motioned to the bodyguard behind her, and he placed two fat bundles of money before her. Eyeing the cash she sighed, "you should thank my generosity. This" she raised the brown file in her hand "is worth more that that money."

Patricia scoffed, "don't be too greedy, it's not safe for you. Now hand over the file."

She placed the file on the table as they slid her money to her she slid the file to Patricia. "I hope it's all here?" She asked, skimming through a wad.

"That's what I want to ask, is this the only copy?" Patricia asked. 

"Ofcourse not, but don't worry this news will never see the light of day." She said, "I only have to ensure my safety, don't you think?" 

"Absolutely." Patricia smiled, "come in!" She said and Sandara's confused expression was replaced by utter shock and betrayal. 

"Wow, I love that expression." Patricia commented "and judging by it I'm guessing you must have trusted this reporter very much." 

"Nina! How could you?!" Sandara asked in the woman. 

The newcomer didn't say a word, she didn't even look at Sandara. Walking confidently she placed another brown file before Patricia. "That is all right?" Patricia asked.

"Ofcourse." The woman answered curtly, bowing to Patricia she turned to leave.

"You sick bitch! How could you!" Sandara cried. 

With cold eyes Nina turned around, "money. She offered me so much money I wouldn't have to work in that horrible place again. Why? Are you allowed to be greedy whilst am not, no right?" 

Sandara shook her head, "goodluck." Nina said walking out of the room.

"Now Sandara, do you understand your situation?" Patricia asked her.

"Y-you won't kill me, it.. it would destroy you." She said.

"That is where you got it wrong, not killing you will destroy me." Patricia stated bluntly, "take her away." 

"Please! Please!" Sandara screamed as they walked her into a dark room. Tossing her into the darkness she cried out as her knees and plams scrapped the hard floor in an attempt to break her fall.

Suddenly light filled the entire room and Patricia stood confidently before her. "I would say next time you wouldn't be so greedy. If you were even doing this for your grandmother I would have understood but you haven't gone to see her in months. It's too bad that but there is going to be no next time." 

"Spare me! Please spare me!" She begged.

"Shall I do it?" The man behind Patricia asked.

Patricia shook her head, "I'll do it myself." Patricia said holding her hand out for the gun.

"But miss, you've never killed anyone with you own hands." The man responded.

"And that doesn't make me a killer? I gave the orders without me none of those people would have died, do you still think I should not do it?" She asked pulling the gun from his grasp. "Besides, my uncle was right, what kind of Lee would I be if I can't take care of things like this by myself."

"Please spare me! Please! There is one more copy, if you spare me I'll tell you were it is." She cried.

"Do I look like a fool?" 

"I swear I gave one to another person." She insisted. 


"Let me go and I'll tell you." 

Patricia scoffed. "No."

"Then you'll be ruined. You won't get out of this so easily if you kill me." She said. 

"Is that supposed to be a threat? You're not doing it right. Tell me who the last copy is with?" 

"Assure me of my safety and I'll tell you" Sandara replied with a sinister laugh. "You won't kill me, you know what will happen to you if you do, now put down the gun and listen to me." 

Patricia laughed in amusement, wow people were really brazen. "Is that an order?" 

"Whatever you take it as, you still won't kill me." 

Pointing the gun at her head Patricia's eyes lost their emotion and Sandara's their confidence.

"I'll take my chances, don't be too greedy in your next life. Goodbye."

The loud sudden sound of the gun filled the room, but Sandara didn't hear it just as she didn't hear her own lifeless body falling to the ground.

"One down one more to go. Clean this up, it's disgusting.." She said walking out of the room.

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