Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 336: 336. Sit Back And Watch Your Enemies Burn.

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Mornings normally signified new beginnings and fresh opportunities, a chance to make something of oneself but not for Jessie, not when she woke on this very morning with a heavy chest and a disturbed mind. Why did this morning seem to suck all of her energy, why did she feel like something bad was about to happen? Worse, it was cold were Jason lay, she woke alone. Feeling even more depressed she got out of her room to find some comfort food, but nothing had to enter her mouth for her to comforted, he wasn't gone yet.

"You're awake" he stated with a smile "come. Sit. Eat." Jason ordered, it was impossible not to melt at the sight of this wonderful man in an apron whisking batter.

"What is this?" She asked as she followed his lead, letting their entwined fingers take her to a stool.


Unable to stop the retort she rolled her eyes but as she opened her mouth to finish the gesture with words befitting she changed her mind. "This is nice." 

With a skeptic look he placed a plate of steaming hot pancakes before her, pouring hot chocolate over it, he smacked her poking fork away ignoring her pout as he placed the final touches. A dollop of icecream and to slices of strawberries. 

"Now you can eat" he smirked. 

Glaring at him she picked up her fork and dug it into the stack, hacking off a sweet portion she put into her mouth. With a surprised look she looked up at him.

"It's great right?" He asked, although it sounded more of a statement than a question. "Better than the food you gave us the other day" He chuckled. "I will tell you this because I love you but never ever touch a pot or pan or whatever it is to make food again." 

Jessie eyes downcast she said nothing, trying and failing, the sob still escaped, shocking the doting man before her. "Are you crying? Because I called your food trash? Eh?" 

Pushing herself off the stool she walked around and wrapped her arms around his lean torso burying her face into his chest she didn't understand how to stop the tears anymore she sobbed, her shoulders and chest moving endlessly. 

"Jessie? Jessie! What's wrong? Tell me." Jason stated with urgency, he was so confused, he was so annoyed because he was hurt. It hurt him to see her like this.

"Hey, Jessie tell me, look-" he held her shoulders and pushed her backwards to look at her face. "Are you sick?" She shook her head, "uh... then does anywhere hurt?" He asked again but it was another negative response. 

"I'm sorry, what ever it is I'm sorry, please... I'm..." he trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"It's not you, I just... I had a bad dream and it felt so real it was... until when do I have to live like this? With this resentment and grudge. Everything I try Patricia manages to weasel her way out how do I make her pay? I don't even want my life back anymore, it was an empty life I realise, but it hurts so much thinking about how well she's living after ruining so many lives, how well they all are" She cried. 

Jason furrowed brows relaxed but his frown only deepened. "Do you mean it? Do you really not want your old life back?" 

"No" she replied. 

"Since when did you start feeling like this? You always said you didn't want to love me because you might want to stop acting, is that what this is? ... is this because of me?" 

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"No, I made this decision on my own. I don't want that life, why would I when I have this" she gestured around her "Katherine, Paul, Tony, You. Why would I?" 

"And your fans?"

"Krystal is my only fan, why should I continue to sacrifice my own happiness for other people? I was grateful because my fans made me rich, they loved me and validated me but that love was conditional. They took it all away, and now I know what it means to be in love. I know what it means to have eyes for just one person." She explained. 

Jason grip on her upper arm loosened and his hands crawled up to cup her cheeks. "Then do just that, be happy... love. I'll take care of the rest." 

"But Patricia-"

"Do you trust me?" He asked looking into her eyes and she nodded.

"Then just sit and watch your enemies burn. I swear I'll destroy each and everyone of them for you, I promise." 


"Do you know if she has told him?" 

"Not yet, if Jason knew I was his mother Paradise would be ashes by now." Celeste replied, the room fell into silence. Not murmers no mumbles, the air sparked with tension and even all the people who stood at great offices of power listened and waited, what next? 

"We should get rid of the threat, we cannot lose Paradise." Another voice pierced through the silence, through the darkness. 

Celeste eyes narrowed and she did not hold back as she glared at the speaker "what are you suggesting?" 

"... I just meant-"

"I don't care what you meant, how dare you suggest I kill my own son? My own flesh and blood, you forget why I created this organisation. Don't forget your manners!" Celeste spat viciously. 

Coughing awkwardly the subject of her despise at the moment looked away, "you are so direct and quick! I didn't mean it so like that." He replied. 

"I don't care about how you meant it, you fool. Shouldn't you be thinking of the ripping off the fuse rather than defusing the bomb?" Celeste asked.

"What do you mean?" Another asked.

"Jessie Marin, I have no idea why she hasn't told Jason the truth yet but I have no intention on finding out.. Destroy the fuse and the bomb never goes off" she said.

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