Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 338: 338. First Love.

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The sun burned into jee irises as Jessie opened her eyes, wincing she lifted her arm to cover her gaze. Eventually she got used to it, she could see again. But as she took in the white water fountain, looking especially clear and bright today. The sun rays playing around with the little ripples in the water, although the sun was the coldest it could be it still shone bright. As if the light heat didn't indicate it, the chirping birds that always came down for little bread crumbs were up and about, waking up the whole world. But it wasn't noisy somehow it sounded right, listening to them chirp, the sound of water flowing, the toll of the giant bell and the gentle hum of the warm breeze. She didn't need a map to tell her were this was, at a time this was her second home.

Shutting her eyes she bent her head backwards and let the sun caress her skin with it warm touches, letting the sound soothe her insides and the breeze wrapping her in a warm hug. 

It was the chapel she always came to when she had trouble as a trainee and the habit flowed steady even as a top star. But the spot didn't belong to just her it also belonged to- "Tony!" 

"Why are you yelling? I'm right beside you." And true to his words, the man that held her down in this world, her second father sat beside her. Folding his arms and staring into the water fountain.. 

"Tony..." she breathed out. "You're okay." 

Turning away from the fountain he looked at her. "Do I not look okay to you?" He asked.

She shook her head, after her swift inspection she'd come to a conclusion. He looked more than amazing, gone were the dark circles and chapped lips. This man was glowing, his toned hard body and radiant skin "you're beautiful." 

"Beautiful?" He chuckled, "well I guess I should be beautiful at a time like this." They fell into silence again, watching the water, watching the birds. Listening to the bell.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked.

"What do you want me to say?" She asked, playing along as they fell into routine.

"How about reciting your lines, the director is a jerk but no one would notice it if you're lines aren't perfect." He stated. 

"Carol! Did you think you could get away with it? Hahaha! I'm your judgement, look at you death in the eyes, you wouldn't see tomorrow!" Jessie recited getting into character. And Tony sat there quietly, watching her and his soft claps congratulated her as she finished. 

"How was that?" Jessie asked.

"Perfect, you're always perfect." He replied, and like a movie she saw herself sitting on that bench but she looked younger, felt younger too. That was the first script she kept messing up and only managed to get it right when she sat on the bench with Tony. Then again and again, again and again, each participant growing older each time. Now they sat, neither of them really there.

"I'm not ready to let you go, to let this go. But like my little girls, this baby is all grown up." Tony laughed tearfully.

Jessie looked at him, emotion flowing out from her intense eyes. "Then don't, don't let go." 

He gave her a sad look, "you know I can't do that." 

"Sure you can" grabbing his arm in hers she begged him with both words and gaze. "Let's go back together." 

"Look forward Jessie, you have found your life and as much as I would miss that star that shone so bright in the sky, it's time for you to burn somewhere else." He said. "Love with all you got so you'll have no regrets, be happy you deserve it. But don't neglect those you can help, remember you are and always will be a star. My celebrity."

"Tony? Tony why are you fading? Tony please! Please! Come back!" She screamed, "Tony...." 

"Jessie?" Jason voice was soft as the the touch of his thumbs when he wiped the single tear that fell from her eyes as she slumbered. Helping her sit up he fussed over her. "How do you feel? Are you in pain? I will call the nurse." He said.

"Tony..." she breathed out weakly, and even though Jason's features hardened she didn't need it to know. "He's gone isn't he."

"Jessie..." he whispered as he gathered her into his arms. Not holding anything back she allowed herself to crumble, she sobbed with emotions that stemmed right from her soul. She had lost a part of herself, a part of her life and part of... she was broken and torn. And she cried them all out, because they was nothing she could do anymore. Was this pain? The pain the whole world ran away from? She hated it, she detested it! It was too much! 


"You killed him! You bitch you actually killed him!" Mary marched into Patricia room, murderous intent written all over her face.

Patricia leisurely looked behind her, tilting partially. Not caring to drop the powder she applied she looked away again and continued as she was. Dabbing lightly, "don't get your feathers in a rustle. All though I did make an attempt, I can't take credit for actually killing him." 


"Someone else killed your precious Tony, it appears I wasn't the only person he pissed off, or maybe they were targeting Jessie" she said. "Either way I am grateful to whoever it was, that useless hitman couldn't do anything right, can you believe what would have happened if that man actually lived?" Patricia laughed, noticing the look Mary gave her she pursed her lips and sighed.

"You already knew I was going to kill him why are you acting like you didn't know?" Patricia asked.

"That's right? Why am I acting this way?" She scoffed sacarstically. 

"Tony I beg you stop this madness, end the count down and disappear for a while. Patricia will kill you if you keep persisting!" Mary pleaded, running after the determined man as he took paces that she was so shocked his short legs made. But at his sudden halt it took everything she had to stop before she bumped into him. 

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"I need you to do something for me" Tony stated abruptly. 

"Are you deaf? Have you not been listening to a word I've been saying?" Mary cried out in frustration. 



"I don't care." He replied, and Mary sighed. 

"Is Jessie really worth it? What about your girls? You're a father for goodness sake, are you going to leave your girls without a dad?" She asked, appealing to his better conscience. 

"You won't understand now, but I am doing this for them, for Elsie, for Jessie and even for you." Tony said.

"For me?" 

"This is the flash drive that contains Lee's dirty laundry, what will be posted in three days. It has the identity of all the women Patricia has sent into that auction house, just like Jessie. It's the only copy."

"I don't understand..." 

"There will be no broadcast Mary, I am a diversion. I'll distract her while you give that to Jason."

"So you're sacrificing yourself? Why not Jessie? She should know what you are doing!"

"No! Give it to Jason, he is expecting it, he was the one that found all that information." Tony replied. 

"Did he ask you to do this?" She asked. 

"No, but it's the only way it won't be stopped. If Patricia knows she will manipulate the police and the press, all this would go to waste." 

"And me? What makes you sure I won't just go to Patricia?" 

"Because I know you Mary, you are not a bad person. Otherwise you wouldn't have been my first love." 


Waking up from another dreamless sleep she was heartbroken, she would give anything to speak to him again, to see him to touch him. To just he with him, but he wasn't there anymore, he was really gone. Sitting up she pulled out the IV drip in her arm and pushed herself out of bed, walking on unsteady legs she had to hold unto furniture and ultimately the wall for support as she walked out of her room.

She had no idea where she was going to but she just kept moving, how was it possible that her body was moving but she felt so lifeless? How was it possible? 

"Jessie?" Jason called out to her in a surprise.

Alerting the room one of Tony's little girls ran to her, hugging her legs. "Aunt Jessie!" She squealed. 

Jessie froze, staring down at the little girl clinging to her legs she struggled to stifle the sob that clawed at her throat. Raising her head she met gazes with Elsie, Tony's wife. Shaking her head, trying to stop the tears that already flowed she apologised "I'm sorry, it was all my fault I'm so sorry." She cried. 

As Jason reached for her Elsie had already pulled her into a tight hug. "Why are you apologising? You did nothing wrong, he was the one that choose to stand in front of a van." His wife murmured into her ear.

"What? It's not- it's all my fault, I'm sorry." She cried.

"Don't fret, I respect his decision besides there's no other person I would allow him to jump in front of a van off, i know you were like a daughter to him." She said, "he would gladly lay his life down for you." 

"He was more than a father, he was my best friend as well. But that doesn't come close to your relationship with him, you were his wife. The girls are his flesh and blood, please scold me, hit me, yell at me, anything..." she cried.

"And what good would that do? Will it bring back my Tony?" She asked, teats dribbling down her cheek. "He wouldn't like it if we fight at a time like this, so wipe your tears let's say a proper good bye. Hmm?" 


I know this is the time you all sharpen you pitchforks to fight for my head. I hope you feel that way, but more than that, I hope u was able to convey the emotions perfectly and we are all sad and crying together. I am the writer but the characters live their own lives, even I am sad by Tony's death, but what can I do? People die... good people especially. I hope we can at this time appreciate and reminisce about his life and who he signified for Jessie. #Rip Tony. Husband, Father, friend.

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