Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 355: 355. Selfish Love.

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The atmosphere was tense and there was no sound to be heard, two people standing a few feet apart stood in this suffocating situation, staring so differently towards each other. One parties' eyes held such hatred and detest, eyes that held murder yet glimpses of fear poured out in waves and torrents as well. And the other? Held desire and wicked intent, they held promise of pain and destruction, 

As though time stood still, they looked so differently yet the intensity of each emotion expressed was matched evenly and that was the moment Jessie knew she was fucked. If he desired her with as much intensity as she hated him the she was helplessly fucked. 

This man standing before her, requesting a part of her as casually as asking for an extra pen. This man here that used human compassion and responsibility to inflict a moral chain and shackle her to his demands. If he was so inept, so quick she lost all hope that she would be saved. No way anyone would find her, anytime soon at least. 

If she wasn't sure of her freedom in the near future or in the future at all, then certainly no one would save her in the next three minutes. She truly, really absolutely was fucked. 

Sure it was just sex, but she had never tasted the pain and emptiness of casual sex, worse one that was psychologically and emotionally coerced. She felt like a sheep that was about to be slaughtered, standing there in nothing but a bath robe and a towel wrapping her wet head. She was covered up but she felt naked under his piercing gaze. 

"You're not going to do it?" His deep evil voice, could a voice be evil? His was, it echoed straight into her heart, slashing past her barrier of flesh. "Take off the robe."

Jessie trembled and she continuously scrunched her toes in terror. "I've nothing beneath" she muttered. "I literally just finished showering, get out. I'm tired." 

He didn't move an inch, "You also just literally just woke up, you don't get to do that, not today Jessie."

"If not today then when? I arrived here to- yesterday, either way it has only been a few hours, how dare you ask me to sleep with you? Are you even human?" She spat back, unable to stop her trembling, she was unable to hide her fear so she stopped trying. She just stopped trying as let all her emotions show, at this point she had nothing to lose.

"Don't make this unpleasant for yourself Jessie, don't add a body to the rape that you just witnessed, I know you know that I'm not bluffing, I can see it in your eyes. Take it off." The tears began to fall down her eyes at this point and she struggled to keep her legs working. Should she beg? She thought, no... it wouldn't work, he wanted her he would stop at nothing to have her. 

With those thoughts her hands moved on their own and she held onto the tie in her front, the belt that provided her last shield agnist this man. With disgust visible on her features she began to pull the robe apart as she watched the look of victory, the look of pleasure. And she had given up until she remembered him, his beautiful hair, his obnoxious yet oddly calming smile. She suddenly remembered the feel of his warm hands on her naked skin, caressing and kneading, his hot mouth leaving searing kisses all over her body, claming and marking her as his. Gosh, she missed him and with renewed fervour her eyes shut and she pulled on the belt with a final tug.

"Is that your decision?" George asked.

"Fuck you!" She spat back, stepping backward. "Do your worst, why should I care about people I do not know? Do whatever you want I don't care!" She screamed. "I choose myself, do your worst but I won't take this off."

There was a pause of uncertainty at first, then all of a sudden, in the blink of an eye quite literally he was right in front of her.

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"It seems you don't fear me enough, you don't rate me enough." He said with curt words but this was the most emotion Jessie had ever seen in his eyes. She recognized that look because she had seen it before, she had caused it before. How could she not? Jason had that look in his eyes the last time she saw him, no way! He couldn't be in love with her right?

"You're thinking of him aren't you? I can tell, how dare you think of him whilst I'm right in front of you?" His words didn't have any change in their sound or stress but he was livid, he was angry.

"Sue me, but even though I am honestly terrified and shocked I won't say sorry. The anger you feel for not having my full attention, is the anger I have that you have stolen me from the only person whose presence allows me to breathe so easily!" She screamed in reply, her fear and anger leaking out of her features. 

"Then forget about breathing easily for the rest of your life, you're mine now." He growled grabbing her nape forcefully, he brought her so close their lips where basically touching. The look in his eyes crazy, frantic, it shocked Jessie to see this emotions on him but there was no mistake. This was more than an obsession. 

Before long he closed the remaining distance between them, and as she struggled to push him off his arm wrapped around her thin frame and he shoved her unto the bed, causing her belt to loosen, creamy pale skin of her chest partially exposed. Her long thin and curvy legs on display.

Without time to cover herself he pounced. Holding both her arms above her head, his kisses lower each time his lips met with her body. Jessie shivered, trembled beneath him, her thrashing and screaming did nothing to deter him. 

When he looked back at her, his eyes searching, searching she begged. He loved her, would that be a loophole or a kryptonite? 

"Don't do this I beg you, please don't do this." She begged, tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm sorry but I won't stop." Those words decided her fate, and she knew his love for her only made her situation dire, his love was wicked and possessive. It was not sacrificing but self seeking. He only did what he wanted, what made him happy. And all the more she continued to compare him to Jason, Jason who never as much as held her inappropriately if she didn't allow it. He owned her, quite literally he paid the price for her and even though he was a jerk, he never, would never ever do such a thing. He was even willing to let her go, take her in when she had no where else to go.

So whilst he groped and nibbled, abused her body as he wished, Jessie laid on that bed struggling, screaming, thrashing thinking about only one person. Why did she lie to him? Why did she hurt him like that? Was this her punishment?

"Please!" She screamed as he peeled her robe of her, leaving her with nothing, no protection anymore. But he wasn't listening anymore, leaving marks that would stain black, purple and red by the morning. Was this it? Was she going to get raped?

As he unzipped his pants with his hands whilst pinning her down with the other, a sudden pain seized her, causing her to flinch in response. This was it, he was wasn't stopping, he was going all the way.

"Ah! Ow!" She screamed in pain, her lower back and stomach churned painfully. And all of a sudden he looked at her, looked down at her entrance then back at her weeping eyes. And just like that the weight was gone, he was gone.

Pushing herself off the bed, she fell to the ground in a thump, sobs wracking her frame as she crawled into the bathroom, turning on the bathtub she pulled herself into it. Clutching her painful stomach she just sat there and cried. This was a painful memory, this would always be a painful memory she comforted herself.. It would one day be a painful memory, but who knew her horrible period would be the one to save her again.

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