Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 357: 357. Your Life In Her Hands.

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Although she unttered no words, the world did al the talking and even that withstanding her mind wouldn't stop! Should she go? Should she not go? Sitting at the terminal adjacent to her gate she listened as the invisible voice called people to attention, her included. Even now right at this moment she was being called to attention. Her flight was currently boarding and the fake alias by which she was travelling resounded through out the airport, but even that didn't dare overshadow the sound of the internal battle. Should she go? Should she not go? If she left right now then wasn't the entire reason for the last eight months pointless? Jessie would win if she just disappeared, that thought alone caused her to grit her teeth clenching her teeth in annoyance. She, Patricia Lee wouldn't give up so easily.


"Are you sure you watched her get into the airplane?" George low voice remained steady and serious as his gaze and focus completely on the sleeping frame a few paces before him. 

"Very well, I'll go to the old man later today. No not right now, later, I have much exciting things to take care off right now." With that the phone call was over. Taking curt, long and determined steps in no time at all he was standing so close he could reach out and touch the warm soft body covering majority of his couch at the moment. Gently, he moved, situating himself right beside Jessie's sleeping body and leaned into the couch. His left arm bent at the elbow to support his resting head, he watched her.

He watched uneventfully as she slept, at first. Then a soft whimper escaped her lips, causing him to start. Leaning even closer he gave in to the urge and ever so lightly, he traced the outline of her face. Her eye brows, the bridge of her pointed raised nose. Her long lashes that framed the edge of her closed eyes. Her defined slightly red cheek bones, glassy and shiny skin. And those plush pink lips, as his fingers came in contact with them she let out another whimper. 

It caused him to smile. Leaning forward his finger traced downwards, down her jaw the outline of her slender neck all the way to her nape. For the first time he was hesitant, he was unaware as to why? But he was, yet even in his hesitation he leaned further still, eyes on her soft beautiful features. Eventually, his lips came in contact with hers and it was like an explosion of colours. He didn't understand it but no other kiss ever felt this... right. 

He expected so many reactions but never for her to lean into his kiss, he never expected her to kiss him back. Shutting his eyes he deepened the kiss, slanting his lips aganist hers he pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. Sucking gently, before letting go to caress the other in the same manner. Suddenly another whimper, this one louder and more sensual. She was enjoying this! That was all the encouragement he needed to fuel his already blazing hunger. Letting his hands moved lower, in soft caresses until his grip became firmer and he squeezed her ass tightly, pulling her aganist his body, inching her even closer. In her daze and sleep hazed mind her hooded eyes felt like heaven to George, but that came crashing down when the words left her swollen lips.

"I missed you, Jason." 

It was as if someone took a bucket of ice cold water and dumped it on him, suddenly he snapped and his actions, his ministrations turned wicked. On hand cupping her nape, the other gripping her ass his touch was no longer kind, he turned vicious. Grabbing the hair at the back of her head he pulled it down violently, digging his fingers into the mounds of flesh at her back. 

The sleep was gone and in that quick instant she realized where she was, that was when the struggle began. Pushing aganist his chest she struggled to pry herself out of his demanding kisses, his violent hands. But he was far too strong, and she was just come to the realization of how truly weak compared to him she was. 

"Goerge! Let go, let go!" She screamed, pushing and wriggling, but in one swift move his hands went behind her bent knees. He hoisted himself up skillfully, tugging her legs towards him Jessie found her self laying beneath his body. Both hands pinned beside her head by his two arms. 

Eyes widened in fright, she struggled against his hot, painful kiss on the skin of her neck. "Let go, please!" She cried. "Let me go. Hey! You jerk! Let go!" She cursed.

Seizing his assault he looked into her eyes, "why? You seemed to be enjoying it a while ago" he spat, his words dripping with sacarsm and ire. 

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"That was because I thought you were someone else, no, I hoped you were someone else. How utterly disgusting, I found out it was you dirty touches my skin was enduring!" She spat back, and sooner did the words leave her mouth that her head was sent flying to the opposite side by the force of his palms on her cheeks.

It shocked her at first, she would not lie she did not expect that. But after the initial shock pain and anger settled in the pit of her stomach like fat that wouldn't go away. Turning back to glare at him, she smiled. Her features morphed into one that even though slightly still unsettled Goerge. She was smiling but the vicious glare in her eyes towards George, the hatred swirling in those broken irises made her look like an asura. 

"I guess that the most you could do, it's too bad i will never say your name in pleasure like that. I imagine Jason's touch and even just seeing me sends my body blazing in hunger and desire. You touch me and I shudder in disgust, fighting bile from spilling out of my lips." George lifted his hand to strike her again and as she braved herself for the impact of his blow it never came. 

Instead he pulled her of the couch and dragged her out of the room. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me!" She screamed in horror when they began to head down a familiar set of dark stairs. Jessie began to struggle with him but in on movement it wasn't her hand he was holding on to anymore. This time she had no choice but to follow, not unless she didn't want to have any strands left on her head.

"It appears you think you have a choice, apparently yesterday's display was insufficient to convince you of your situation here." He said curtly. 

In a moment she was on her knees and hands, before several frightened, skinny and worn out girls. The girls began to whimper some even began to scream the moment they saw Goerge. Jessie heart thumped madly in her chest the moment she saw the terror they had towards him.

"Look at her, she has your lives in her hands. Weather any of men touches you depends on her, if you get food or water it's all on her." He said, walki g forward he grabbed another girl, the same one from yesterday. She didn't utter a word but Jessie saw the tears streaming down her face. She didn't struggle either both she never stopped looking at Jessie. And Jessie at her.

Pulling out a gun he held it to her head and unlocked it. The 'click' sounding like thunder in the room silenced by shock. Immediately springing to action Jessie grabbed George's arm, begging screaming for him to stop.

"I will do anything please, please just spare her" she cried.

With cold eyes Goerge looked at her, keeping contact with her eyes, he pulled the trigger. She shouldn't have looked, but she did. She saw the light go out in those sad and devastating eyes. She saw the body drop to the floor like nothing but a lifeless sack. She looked at the blood splattered on the other girls as they stared in horror.

"This was for last night and this morning, if you want to save anymore girls then behave." His voice pierced into the depth of her cracking soul. "Get up" he ordered but in a daze she remained on the floor. The click of the gun sounded again and the girls all huddled away from them, "is that a no?" 

"No, I'll get up." She stated, looking at the dead body leaking Scarlett liquid all over the floor, the moment she stood it felt as if all that liquid rushed to her head and she was swooning again. But before George's hands touched her on of the girls supported her.

Jessie eyes widened briefly but she composed herself and muttered a thank you and a sorry before dashing out of the room.

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