Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 36: 36. Rich, Spoilt Jerk.

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True his word the very next day, Jason brought her a phone, laptop and put a television in the sitting room and another one in her bedroom. By the time she woke up she saw the cellphone and laptop sitting by the edge of her bed, Jason was already gone. The first thing she did was watch the news. After she showered and had breakfast she created a fake account and went online to see what people were saying about her.

It was cruel and heartless, Jessie didn't even try to stop the tears, after all she was the only one in the penthouse at the moment. Scrolling through she couldn't help herself.​​

She would destroy Patricia even if she gets hurts in the process, for a rivalry she went too far. She wouldn't even wish this for her worst enemy, who right at the moment was Patricia.

Getting up she checked the contacts and as she suspected Jason had saved his number to speed dial. "Hey"

"Is something wrong? Do you not like the phone? I can get it changed." He said.

"Oh yes I'm not happy with something." Jessie said.

"What? What is it?"

"The fact that I'm still wearing men shirts that are about four sizes to big." She ranted.

"I don't know if it's up to four, you know you seem like you added some weight." He laughed.

"Did I? Oh my gosh!" She screamed and Jason had to hold the phone away from his ears. "Are you serious?" She whined. "I can't be a killer, dead and now fat?!"

"Aye this woman, you're not fat I was joking." Jason said, regretting his actions.

"Are you sure? Because I think I feel fatter." She pouted.

"You're fine, and I'll go shopping with you when I get back"

"No!" Jessie said immediately. "Uh... I mean I can go myself I'm just going to need you to pay." She said.

"Are you sure? That doesn't seem like a good idea." Jason reasoned.

"Okay then I'll take Katherine, send me her number?"

"Okay then, be safe and call me if you need anything." He said.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Jessie said ending the call.

Jason handed the phone back to his secretary who was walking behind him. Matt moved forward and pressed the button to call the elevator. And as the elevator door opened he met with his brother and his secretary.

Jason looked straight at the rude girl who no longer had any right to be on his property.

"I hope you're here for non-official businesses." He sneered. "Like say, telling your ex-boss, how much you're loving unemployment."

Krystal froze clutched tight to the files she carried she looked up at Jonathan.

"Hey, Jason leave her alone." Jonathan said firmly.

"And why should I do that?" He asked tilting his head. "I'm very sure I fired you, you see I never forget faces."

"Well that's not going to happen, Jason. She is my secretary so I get to decide whether she's fired or not." Jonathan said stepping in front of Krystal. The elevator door started to close but Jason put his foot on the door sill preventing it from closing moving closer to his brother.

Jonathan was at least a head taller than his elder brother, towering over him easily. But it did not do anything to intimidate Jason. Jonathan had a tall and lanky build, he had some muscles but he didn't fill out his suit the way Jason did, plus he was freakishly tall.

Krystal shook behind Jonathan but she wouldn't let him have the best of her. 'Just because he's boss doesn't mean I have to be so scared right?' She thought.

"Look sir, what happens last time was a grave misunderstanding, I'm truly sorry. It won't happen again." She said bowing slightly as Jonathan did not give her the space to do so freely.

Jason tilted to the side to look at her behind Jason. "I'm just wondering what did you think was going to happen going off at me like that?"

"She already said she was sorry drop it." Jonathan ordered.

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Jason laughed. "Get out of my way, I'm not talking to you."

Jonathan looked down at his elder brother, "I don't care I'm talking to you."

"Wow, look at you growing balls" Jason tapped his brother chest, brushing away invisible dirt from his lapel.

"I'm truly sorry for behaving that way, but you have to admit you were rude to me as well." Krystal blurted before she could stop herself.

Both Jonathan and Jason turned to look at her.

With brows raised Jason motioned for Matt to move forward and block the elevator. He walked past Jonathan and stood in front of Krystal.

"And what the hell are you?" Jason asked grinning at her. "I like people like you, you make it very interesting and encouraging to want to stomp on you."

"Jason" Jonathan warned.

"I wonder are you just proud or are you looking for something exactly?" Jason rubbed his chin.

"Look she made a mistake and she wasn't aware of who you were drop it already!" Jonathan said.

Jason turned to look at his brother. "I'm not surprised you'll side with her, until a few weeks ago I'm sure you were like her. Full of stupid pride with nothing to back it up. And what kind of employee doesn't know who her boss is? She doesn't deserve to be here." He said curtly.

Turning back to her. "Look if you were looking to get my attention and get knocked up by a rich guy to somehow advance your place in the world. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I have no interest whatsoever in poor pitiful vermin like you. If not? Then you're just proud with no cause, people like you are truly pitiful."

Krystal jaw dropped at his accusation and her plams folded into a fist as his words sunk in. She wanted to slap him so bad, maybe she should. She rose her hand and put all her anger into her palm but before it reached his cheeks he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

"Matt?" Jason called his secretary.

"Sir." Matt responded.

"Call security." He said.

"Already did sir." Matt replied.

"You are a disgrace and disappointment to this company." Krystal spat. "You're just a rich spoilt jerk, who has now idea what real life is like." She ranted. "I swear I will not forget this, mark my words you'll regret this. Karma is a bitch and I may not be the one to teach you a lesson but you'll surely learn it." By now Jason had already let her go and gave space to the two security men that came to take her out.

"Screw you Jason Kang, scre....!" She screamed as they dragged her out.

"You can't do this." Jonathan said in disbelief.

"Just did brother." He said arranging his suit as the elevator doors closed.

"I'll rehire her, she is my secretary." He said.

"Incase you haven't noticed I am CEO of this company hence I have more authority. If you want to start a fight with me I would love to see you try." Jason warned his brother.

"You know you keep pushing me to fight you, are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" Jonathan asked his brother.

Jason laughed. "The fact that you're not already fighting already makes me the winner."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch brother, I will beat you." Jonathan said.

"That's the spirit." Jason said tapping his brother's back, he smirked.

"This is your stop, you see I have to go higher." Jason said to him as the elevator dinged open.

"How do I get my secretary back?" Jonathan asked.

Jason shook his head, "why are you asking me? Use your imagination, be creative and get me to acknowledge you. But that woman is never to step foot into this building again." He said as the doors closed and he went up.

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