Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 360: 360. You're An Obsession

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Happy new year!!! It has been a journey with Sold? Oh please. I have promised and failed, sorry for that. Cheers to a new year with regular updates at least daily till I finally complete the story. I am honestly grateful for all your support really I never expected this, guys. The constant votes, from constant voters, meant so much to me they did. I am so grateful to the people that have supported this book thanks a lot. 

I started a new book please continue to support this author by giving that some love and support as well. You can find it in my profile, hopefully, this would be the last time I will promise the end, so look forward to it. Love you so much and have a wonderful 2022.

PS: It's part of my year resolution to be more engaging on social media so feel free to contact me anywhere I have been told I am a really good listener. Also I will be replying to my comments now so have any questions tell me.


That was the only thought that exploded through Jessie's head as her feet hit the grass with hard impacts, her breath coming out her mouth in short puffs. 


She pushed herself dragging along the girls that followed behind her. Her chest burned her eyes red from the cold air that scrapped through them as she ran, and her skin glistened with fluid that stuck cloth to the body. What had she gotten herself into? She thought, was this really the right decision to make? No, it was, she can't start questioning herself right now. George was going to take her tonight, and he was going to do it and then sleep with another one of these girls again. She couldn't bear the thought, so she kept pulling them along and running even though it felt like forever. 

A few hours ago

"You should be done with your period now." His simple words pulled Jessie out of her mind and caused her to look up at him, she had learned and mastered the technique of being bodily present but consciously absent whenever she was with him. Lost in her thoughts, allowing a scrap of sliver against china be her hypnotist ticking clock. 

Jessie turned to face him, the windows to their souls fixed on one another yet they revealed nothing at all, lifting her fork she placed the cut piece of carrot on her tongue and rolled it around her mouth. Chewing slowly, her gaze still on him she swallowed. 

His lips pulled up into a tight line and he leaned forward on the table "I'll take that as a yes." 

Still, she said nothing, just chewing and staring, there wasn't even any hate in her eyes just cold and distant. But unlike George thought with his narrowing eyes or the hardening of his jaw. Jessie was paying attention, intact her tongue had frozen and her mind went numb. This was different from the other times. She was detaching herself, she was trapped.

"You know I want to be kind" he began, his presence hounding her. He was here one moment and there the next. The sound of his dress shoes added theatrics to his cruel words. "But you... you make it so hard, do you know you have a natural talent of making a man lose control?" He said, causing her to squirm by the proximity of his body to hers. "Whether it be by their temper or their sense of reasoning, you Jessie are an obsession. And I will have my sweet time with you, with this breathtaking body." He leaned down to whisper in her ear "I promise it will be slow, because I will taste every inch of your body, every single inch, while I revel in your hate despair and you screams for mercy."

"Oh I won't be screaming" she finally said, her back rigid and straight and her bottom lip trembling she repeated herself. "I won't be screaming, it's just sex" she added turning to face him again. "I will be a perfectly stagnant good girl I will lay there just like a sack of potatoes" the words barely out of her mouth when the hard impact, the strong force forced her head to the opposite direction.

Sighing heavily, Jessies' throat burned with an unshed sob and her insides churned with such intensity she was surprised she hadn't exploded. But that wasn't all apparently, grabbing her smarting jaw he turned her head to face him. "Oh, I will make you scream I promise, look forward to it." His lips met hers in a forceful kiss and the sob bubbled up in her throat and hot tears flowed down her cheeks leaving scalding caresses as they fell. Fortunately for her, he was gone just as fast as he was there, with a promise of hell to come.

There was calm within this storm, the storm that raged on her insides, she sat in the silence unmoving, "it's not just sex" a soft voice tore to that outward peace and hurled the words straight at the hurricane in her heart. Jessie turned to the voice and she saw a face she recognized, one she desperately wished she didn't because that face wasn't associated with anything good. It was the girl George raped because of her.

"It's never just sex with him, he is like a grim reaper a succubus taking a piece of you every time his skin comes in contact with yours. And he is aware of this effect, he lives for it" She continued but soon stopped when she heard the gentle sobs.

Jessie's knuckles turned white from the force at which she clutched the table's edge, hot and painfilled tears flowed down her cheeks, extending their flow all the way down to her collar bone. "Do you think I am not aware? I don't know what will happen to me after this night but I know it will be bad, I know I can never be the same about it. From the moment I stepped into this place, I haven't slept a wink. Thinking that he might come for me at night, dreaming that he did come for me at night."

"I am so terrified, I can't even fight. My entire body freezes up when he is around and my throat burns from all the words I want to say but can't because my instinctive response to George is absolute terror." Pushing her fingers through the rough locks on her head, she finds herself unable to stop the sobs that wrack through her entire frame.

"Then escape."

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"Escape, don't give him the satisfaction of getting what he wants, run away from here."

Jessie wiped the under of her nose without giving care to how disgusting it looked at that moment, "I should run away from here? I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean. How can I leave this place?"

"It's pretty easy actually, you were probably too scared to try we all were. It's part of his mind game, you would expect that he has this amazing security in place to make this place a fortress but he likes to be in control of things by himself. He hates it when other men are around his supposed women" she stated.

Swallowing, with her tear-stained cheeks, "are you serious? If it was so easy why haven't you escaped since? Why haven't you all?"

"I can't escape alone, I know how it sounds but that is just how I am. I need someone else to help me open that door, it's a two people job but they never free more than one of us at a time. But you are here now, and I have no idea why he lets you walk around freely but I know you are more on our side than his."

"Ew, I was never on his side."

"Yeah, sorry, it was an easy assumption for us to make since he never kept you tied up our starved you or you know basically did all he did to us to you. Besides he has never punished another girl for someone else's mistake." her last words hit Jessie in the gut leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

"You don't need to apologize, the only thing you can do to make it up to me is to ensure we get out of here and never come back."


"Everyone down!" Jessie exclaimed quickly, crouching low they moved with stealth using the tall grasses as camouflages to hide their presence. When? Just when would they be able to get out of this expanse of land and forest?

"Over there, it's the road!" Jocelyn the master mind behind the plan pointed and all the girls ran towards it until Jessie stopped them.

"Don't! We'll be easier to spot if we get on the road, let's just follow along through those woods. I'm sure we are close to the city." 

"Are we safe in the city? The city is full of eyes, and I can bet that some of those eyes belong to him" another girl said.

"If we can get to the Kang empire building or any Song hospital I swear we'll have protection" Jessie informed them. "Look we'll have to split up when we get to the city so just look for these two places"

"But there are multiple Song Hospitals, which one do we go to?"

"The main branch is always better but if you find any just go into it and ask for Paul Song, tell them, beg them, do whatever you can to get them to let you can to get him to speak to you. Then tell him Jessie Marin sent you." Jessie said.

"And the Kang empire?"

The words brought tears to Jessie's eyes, the thought of him left a heaviness in her chest. "Ask for Matt, the chief of staff. Tell him the same thing, tell them both to hide you and in the case, I am not there tell them where you last saw me. Okay?"


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